Miss Davonne need to worry about getting on a plane to win this money since she's still up to date left and right.
going on big brother, crying and making 2 hour long videos about David instead of going on the show she good at is what she want to do tho so i'll let her sit
Idk i just feel like day doesn't have much going on rn(no one does bcs of corona) wes isn't on and her friend just teturned theres no reason to not pick up the phone! Like you accept bb calls but wont accept the call for a show your good at?
Wasnt WOTW2 Nany just her complaining every episode...?
basically. her crying cause she decided to align with tori and jordan and couldn't win a elimination to switch to the other team, then being mad at leroy for no reason and coming for kam cause he loves her more than her.
here go da'vonne lmao
and yet here you are doing the same thing she's doing commenting about a season that has yet to be aired
messy nany is the best, that why i fell in luv with her in the first place
You know I'm sure Nany backstabbed Aneesa .. again.
did she throw noodles as well?
Miss Davonne need to worry about getting on a plane to win this money since she's still up to date left and right.
going on big brother, crying and making 2 hour long videos about David instead of going on the show she good at is what she want to do tho so i'll let her sit
nany can go i mean, it's past her time. by the looks of it bettina, berna and tacha can take her spot
& I am sure you just jump to random conclusions out of the blue every day lol
he's quite horrid in the face, with a lopsided line up....procreating with him was a choice to say the least
Nany hasn't had a exciting season since WOTW 2 it's time to hang it up grandma
At least with Aneesa she's going to bully the rookies and give us a storyline Nany does nothing
Wasnt WOTW2 Nany just her complaining every episode...?
Idk i just feel like day doesn't have much going on rn(no one does bcs of corona) wes isn't on and her friend just teturned theres no reason to not pick up the phone! Like you accept bb calls but wont accept the call for a show your good at?
I agree! Plus he is old I think he is even a grandfather
Nany should've just took this season off i just know she's probably gonna make it far to....... i need her and kaycee eliminated asap
i thought he looked a lil old but i didn't want to assume lol
basically. her crying cause she decided to align with tori and jordan and couldn't win a elimination to switch to the other team, then being mad at leroy for no reason and coming for kam cause he loves her more than her.
tn?? Hello!
She wasn't that boring on Total Madness imo
Bad choices baby... she hinted at it prior to flying.
and yet that's still more than what she has given on total madness and double agents.....
I miss when Nany was spreading those legs and bullying the rookies with the " know your role " line
Nowadays she does nothing
Fessy is infinitely better than her ex--she can't do much worse than him.
personally i feel like angela should've snatched that nany spot up, a return wasn't needed
She did throw a cup of noodles at Aneesa but besides that she didn't do much. She could've gave us cute fight with Bayleigh but she ran away :/