The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 1

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I think Amanda could do well in a final so I'd like to see her there. I don't think many people thought Amber would do well in the final and look what happened. From what I remember Amanda hasn't shown to be bad at anything or slow her team down. 

Big t stopped when they were close to tackling if she didn't have fear who knows 

big t didn't stop- did u even watxh the elim









What girl in the past was small like Amanda in did well in a final ( while everyone had doubts ) ? 


Queen Amber

ambwr is not smal I understand she is skinny but she is still 5'9...

big t could've easily bodied amber in hall brawl because she has more weight on her.. but she didn't. height isn't that much of a factor when amber is one of the skinniest girls ever 

height is definitely a factor. Ambers 1 step is like big ts 2 and 1/2 steps. 

Height doesn't really matter ( in some cases ) BOTS During Zach vs CJ, CJ was beating Zach for the most part and CJ is smaller than Zach 

Didnt cj have experience in a contact sport?

i think, but Big T had a chance to beat Amber if she had a different strategy. But then again ion think Big T is that type go get down and dirty with contact 

i never said she didn't ? You brought her up when the discussion wasn't even abt ambers eliminations

I was the one who brought big t up and idk why it's an issue because the conversation was about height and weight and that elimination is a good example of it 









What girl in the past was small like Amanda in did well in a final ( while everyone had doubts ) ? 


Queen Amber

ambwr is not smal I understand she is skinny but she is still 5'9...

big t could've easily bodied amber in hall brawl because she has more weight on her.. but she didn't. height isn't that much of a factor when amber is one of the skinniest girls ever 

height is definitely a factor. Ambers 1 step is like big ts 2 and 1/2 steps. 

Height doesn't really matter ( in some cases ) BOTS During Zach vs CJ, CJ was beating Zach for the most part and CJ is smaller than Zach 

Didnt cj have experience in a contact sport?

i think, but Big T had a chance to beat Amber if she had a different strategy. But then again ion think Big T is that type go get down and dirty with contact 

i never said she didn't ? You brought her up when the discussion wasn't even abt ambers eliminations

if you scroll up on this quote Big T is mentioned several times. We was talking bout height someone mentioned how Big T can only go 1/2 steps while Amber can do 1 full step 

at this point you just arguing to argue and throwing rebuttals at everything we say, so there's no real conversation happening here 

Why when it comes to Big T everyone wants to baby her and like no one can bring her name up if it's not "queen" or something positive? Like damn. Everytime someone bring up that girl about the game some of y'all get in y'all feelings 

The Amanda flip-floppery on this board is hilarious lol

That Kam Stan giving kvm lite just ignore that mess

we look mad cute realitybrotherr!!! 

we look mad cute realitybrotherr!!! 

Wasn't there a 3rd picture in that collage if so I want to take it as my new avi!










What girl in the past was small like Amanda in did well in a final ( while everyone had doubts ) ? 


Queen Amber

ambwr is not smal I understand she is skinny but she is still 5'9...

big t could've easily bodied amber in hall brawl because she has more weight on her.. but she didn't. height isn't that much of a factor when amber is one of the skinniest girls ever 

height is definitely a factor. Ambers 1 step is like big ts 2 and 1/2 steps. 

Height doesn't really matter ( in some cases ) BOTS During Zach vs CJ, CJ was beating Zach for the most part and CJ is smaller than Zach 

Didnt cj have experience in a contact sport?

i think, but Big T had a chance to beat Amber if she had a different strategy. But then again ion think Big T is that type go get down and dirty with contact 

i never said she didn't ? You brought her up when the discussion wasn't even abt ambers eliminations

if you scroll up on this quote Big T is mentioned several times. We was talking bout height someone mentioned how Big T can only go 1/2 steps while Amber can do 1 full step 

i think i said that in response to that person bringing up big t. 

we look mad cute realitybrotherr!!! 

wel do!!! cutest ones on here 


we look mad cute realitybrotherr!!! 

Wasn't there a 3rd picture in that collage if so I want to take it as my new avi!

they brought up big t as an example its not that deep.










What girl in the past was small like Amanda in did well in a final ( while everyone had doubts ) ? 


Queen Amber

ambwr is not smal I understand she is skinny but she is still 5'9...

big t could've easily bodied amber in hall brawl because she has more weight on her.. but she didn't. height isn't that much of a factor when amber is one of the skinniest girls ever 

height is definitely a factor. Ambers 1 step is like big ts 2 and 1/2 steps. 

Height doesn't really matter ( in some cases ) BOTS During Zach vs CJ, CJ was beating Zach for the most part and CJ is smaller than Zach 

Didnt cj have experience in a contact sport?

i think, but Big T had a chance to beat Amber if she had a different strategy. But then again ion think Big T is that type go get down and dirty with contact 

i never said she didn't ? You brought her up when the discussion wasn't even abt ambers eliminations

I was the one who brought big t up and idk why it's an issue because the conversation was about height and weight and that elimination is a good example of it 

not saying it wasq a problem you were just acting as if i said big t didn't have a cuance. Big t did have a chance fo beat amber that doesn't mean ambers height didn't help her in the elimination tho

please stop setting big t up. the reason why big t wasn't upset after losing to Amber was because when seeing that elimination and knowing she was going against Amber, she accepted defeat.

stop trying to set her up. Big T is good at other things but hall brawls sadly aren't one.

Big T could defeat Amber M in hall brawl if that means anything to you but anyone else on double agents? No.

it was just an example???? lmaooooooo omg it isn't that deep 



we look mad cute realitybrotherr!!! 

Wasn't there a 3rd picture in that collage if so I want to take it as my new avi!

we in here! Loud on proud on the amber train <3







What girl in the past was small like Amanda in did well in a final ( while everyone had doubts ) ? 


Queen Amber

ambwr is not smal I understand she is skinny but she is still 5'9...

big t could've easily bodied amber in hall brawl because she has more weight on her.. but she didn't. height isn't that much of a factor when amber is one of the skinniest girls ever 

height is definitely a factor. Ambers 1 step is like big ts 2 and 1/2 steps. 

Height doesn't really matter ( in some cases ) BOTS During Zach vs CJ, CJ was beating Zach for the most part and CJ is smaller than Zach 

Didnt cj have experience in a contact sport?

He was a football kicker, so no contact for him lmao

Damn i saw there was 100+ comments i thought we found out the girl that got eliminated with fessy but y'all just talking bout finals and how good/bad amanda might do lmaooo

amanda ashley nelson cory and devin are locks to make the final this season #invasion

Im sorry y'all i forgot Big T is god around here, my apologies I won't talk "bad" about her again 

Im sorry y'all i forgot Big T is god around here, my apologies I won't talk "bad" about her again 

no girl.. you're setting her up and you know you are

Im never even the one to bring my faves up in the discussions idk why ppl think i do djdj


Im sorry y'all i forgot Big T is god around here, my apologies I won't talk "bad" about her again 

no girl.. you're setting her up and you know you are

uhh how did I set her up? All I did was mentioned her height to Amber's height from their elimination...

Im sorry y'all i forgot Big T is god around here, my apologies I won't talk "bad" about her again 

its not even the bringing big t up i just mentioned you brought her up because you were arguing me on a point i never even made

Imma just say this about amanda yes she hasn't proved she can run long distance in different types of weather but people suprise us all the time so until i see her in a final/mini-final on 37 im just gonna assume that she would do pretty well until further notice



Im sorry y'all i forgot Big T is god around here, my apologies I won't talk "bad" about her again 

no girl.. you're setting her up and you know you are

uhh how did I set her up? All I did was mentioned her height to Amber's height from their elimination...

because we all saw that elimination and we all know big t wasn't doing good in it. please stop setting her up. 

Im giving lvm for saying height is a factor in HALL BRAWL? Literal maggots for brains 


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