The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 1

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Amanda is so smart yet she's throwing herself in to save Ashley girl save it.....she ain't that damn smart 




Priscilla and Esther still there at least I wonder if they've won an elimination at this point.

I have heard good things about Esther sounds like someone that can adapt quickly

PR really said let me glance over Priscilla because she's brought NOTHING! She needs to go.

I haven't heard much about Priscilla. I'll ask next time as of yesterday she was still there so she most be doing something right.

thanks PR Smile

I wonder who else is hooking up in that house because it can't just be Bettina and Fessy as well as Kaycee and Nany but y'all didn't catch that tea when Gamer dropped it 

Yeah fessy just followed someone he could possibly be out




Bettina is more a hookup messy person than anything else tbh 

so shes gonna give nany on t2?(drama wise)

I never said that lol

Ed is definitely gonna bring the most to his confessionals 

Only one probably allowed to have his mom in confessionals with him

Kaycee eating that box but still won't bring shit else to the table 

I wonder how these teams are working together. Ik ashley and hughie are gonna be a MESS. 

I wonder how these teams are working together. Ik ashley and hughie are gonna be a MESS. 

Yeah that's gonna great tv right there lol

I honestly want hughie gone. I really dont need another embarrassing gay on the challenge.

Wait before you clock out PR next time can you also ask whoever to see if there's some tea on the following 

Nelson Big T Amber Jeremiah please & TY ❤️

Kaycee eating that box but still won't bring shit else to the table 

I noticed last season she tried to put some personality in her confessionals but it's still not giving lol

Yeah I want to hear what Jeremiah is doing have not heard that much about him so far


Kaycee eating that box but still won't bring shit else to the table 

I noticed last season she tried to put some personality in her confessionals but it's still not giving lol

she did almost s**b ct in the kitchen. Loved that<3

It's a shame they bring back wallpaper that can't win but leave the winning wallpaper (Jenny) at home

Not fessy possibly reuniting with his old partner flopneesa and losing now all they gotta do is give ct his good old partner flop T *giggles*


Priscilla and Esther still there at least I wonder if they've won an elimination at this point.

I have heard good things about Esther sounds like someone that can adapt quickly

Good for esther but priscilla must not be providing anything lmaooo i had high hopes for her


Priscilla and Esther still there at least I wonder if they've won an elimination at this point.

I have heard good things about Esther sounds like someone that can adapt quickly

I know that's right 

Not fessy possibly reuniting with his old partner and losing now all they gotta do is give ct his good old partner flop T *giggles*

His old *** isn't even a good competitor. They had to do sm to help him on da. Ive never seen mtv have to do tjat for any other one of their golden boys.

Has Jeremiah had any hook ups yet 




Priscilla and Esther still there at least I wonder if they've won an elimination at this point.

I have heard good things about Esther sounds like someone that can adapt quickly

PR really said let me glance over Priscilla because she's brought NOTHING! She needs to go.

I haven't heard much about Priscilla. I'll ask next time as of yesterday she was still there so she most be doing something right.

I hope priscilla is at least providing in one category 


Kaycee eating that box but still won't bring shit else to the table 

I noticed last season she tried to put some personality in her confessionals but it's still not giving lol

Kaycee could cuss a ***** out and still be boring.....lmaoooo that's only a power she has. That's how boring Kaycee is 





Priscilla and Esther still there at least I wonder if they've won an elimination at this point.

I have heard good things about Esther sounds like someone that can adapt quickly

PR really said let me glance over Priscilla because she's brought NOTHING! She needs to go.

I haven't heard much about Priscilla. I'll ask next time as of yesterday she was still there so she most be doing something right.

I hope priscilla is at least providing in one category 

she's gorgeous so her cf looks are gonna be top tier

Yall don't be jinxing Esther. I hope she makes it through the rookie massacre Sad

I wonder who's amber hooking up with... the possibilities are endless Smile

I wonder who's amber hooking up with... the possibilities are endless

What if she's hooking up with Nelson so Amber b and Priscilla are best friends 

Yall don't be jinxing Esther. I hope she makes it through the rookie massacre

I'll cast a good luck spell on her tonight.


I wonder who's amber hooking up with... the possibilities are endless

What if she's hooking up with Nelson so Amber b and Priscilla are best friends 

for some reason I can see Ed being into amber 


Yall don't be jinxing Esther. I hope she makes it through the rookie m***acre

I'll cast a good luck spell on her tonight.

no but on Tuesday and Friday nights we need to do our rituals because you see what happened to Aneesa. We got Aneesa *** good last night 

Clermont when she opened vevmo today 


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