Hopefully they're smart and vote CT in with Big T or Aneesa and get them out
I love CT but he's beatable in a final it's not a sure thing he'll win
he literally just crushed a final. he's in way better shape. he's 100% the biggest threat and they should be throwing him in every single time with a weak female until he leaves.
That would be stupid for the females to throw him in though why would they get rid of him when he's the best guy there? Wouldn't you want him as a partner?
that's assuming you can get him as a partner. if you don't then you're screwed. I would rather get rid of him if i was a girl than risk him running against me.
So you'd rather be stuck with a horrible male competitor and throw in the top guys?
no I'd rather get rid of any guys that would either destroy me or any guys that would drag you down. Get 4 guys in the final that are reletively similar and then try to only bring girls that would suck. That way any guy you get stuck with (if there's partner switches etc in the final), it doesn't affect you too much regardless.
How are you going to get rid of all the top guys? 1 will be there. You take the top 4 men to the end if you believe that you're capable of doing well.
I'm saying get rid of the guys who have the ability to be complete game changers and drag someone to victory regardless of who they're partnered with. If you are not partnered with that person, you're screwed. Pretty much that is only CT (unless there is a surprise like Logan since he's a soccer player/swimmer).
I'm saying you want to get rid of the outliers that can cost you the win if you're not with them basically. It's too risky. If you're a top girl, you're probably going to win regardless of whether you're with Cory or Kyle for example. But a mid-tier girl might be able to beat you if she gets CT for the final.
We just completely disagree. Some weak guy is going to make it to the end that way and there's no guarantee you get rid of CT. See All Stars. Jemmye was right about needing to get rid of Eric. And the guys screwed themselves by letting Aneesa and Jemmye get there.
I'm not saying to keep Eric lol you want to get rid of the guys who either 1. are going to cost you the win like Eric or 2. are going to cost you the win by being too good if you're not partnered with them like CT
It's in your best interest to keep a solid mid-to-high tier group of guys around if you're a girl. It's not good to keep Hughie who's going to make you get last if you're with him or CT who's going to make you not win if you're not with him.
So I'm confused how did Devin not end up getting booted with Tracy because I know ain't nobody stealing him
the people that won the challenge targeted Kelz so he was their male vote and they set him up by voting in Tracy so he'd lose the elimination 100%. house probably voted in a better rookie team just to be able to have a back up plan in case he pulled out the win
So I'm confused how did Devin not end up getting booted with Tracy because I know ain't nobody stealing him
the people that won the challenge targeted Kelz so he was their male vote and they set him up by voting in Tracy so he'd lose the elimination 100%. house probably voted in a better rookie team just to be able to have a back up plan in case he pulled out the win
oh now I get it.......so he had a target on his back
So I'm confused how did Devin not end up getting booted with Tracy because I know ain't nobody stealing him
The daily challenge winners probably picked tracy and kelz to compete together since they can pick anyone cause nobody's dumb enough to steal devin out of all people
I kinda like how you can throw in anyone in elimination, that means CT is not unbeatable this time. Cory and nelson actually have a shot to win this time whew
Basically whoever wins the last daily has all the power to win this season lmao
Good. Winning dailies should be really important but they've been incredibly devalued with recent formats.
Daily winners have power and did last season and the season before but now if you're not winning there's no incentive to even to try have to do something people blantantly giving up on dailies when they see they can't win
I think Michaela was probably a target cause she caused chaos lol we don't know who went against them in elim but she was the house vote not the daily winner vote
makes daily challenges actually competitive, it's a shame the game won't truly begin until there's less rookies but honestly it sounds like it's gonna be a cute middle/end game
The rookies' only hope at this point is to start winning dailies and pairing a strong vet with a weak castmember. Here's to hoping Tori gets Hughie and CT gets Big T
I don't even need to see the username to know who is the person quoting these long paragraphs with their own replies lmao
If Kam was there with this format the first elimination:
House vote : CT
Daily winner vote: Fessy
This could get messy. Im shocked the other vets havent thrown in CT with big T in elimination yet.
yeah imo you keep Nany and Big T here so that when it's just y'all you have easy ways to set up CT and Faysal.
I'm not saying to keep Eric lol you want to get rid of the guys who either 1. are going to cost you the win like Eric or 2. are going to cost you the win by being too good if you're not partnered with them like CT
It's in your best interest to keep a solid mid-to-high tier group of guys around if you're a girl. It's not good to keep Hughie who's going to make you get last if you're with him or CT who's going to make you not win if you're not with him.
Basically whoever wins the last daily has all the power to win this season lmao
kelz got so robbed im so mad lmao
No you keep Nany and Big T there and in the final you get them paired with the heavy hitters.
Love Big T
I wouldn't be suprised if berna got voted in especially since the daily challenge winners can vote anyone to compete together
So all they gotta do is stuff CT and Aneesa together to get him up outta there.......come on Big T make the move
the people that won the challenge targeted Kelz so he was their male vote and they set him up by voting in Tracy so he'd lose the elimination 100%. house probably voted in a better rookie team just to be able to have a back up plan in case he pulled out the win
people are gonna be screwed so badly like this season isnt even fair, like people are gonna be catching strays every episode
Nah i think they'll get him in at some point
They really got mad at people throwing dailies lol
Big T and Amber B are trying to figure it out rn don't worry
Yall don't like him but I'd add Wes, got Kenny to throw in Darrell and threw in John quickly on WOTW1
Good. Winning dailies should be really important but they've been incredibly devalued with recent formats.
oh now I get it.......so he had a target on his back
The daily challenge winners probably picked tracy and kelz to compete together since they can pick anyone cause nobody's dumb enough to steal devin out of all people
When Amanda gets the house to vote in Tori >>
they are gonna screw jeremiah over i just know it
I kinda like how you can throw in anyone in elimination, that means CT is not unbeatable this time. Cory and nelson actually have a shot to win this time whew
Daily winners have power and did last season and the season before but now if you're not winning there's no incentive to even to try have to do something people blantantly giving up on dailies when they see they can't win
I think Michaela was probably a target cause she caused chaos lol we don't know who went against them in elim but she was the house vote not the daily winner vote
So if you want a big threat out just pair them with someone weak got it
I'm just excited we get some gameplay back this season. It's messy af but it's better than the skull nonsense.
makes daily challenges actually competitive, it's a shame the game won't truly begin until there's less rookies but honestly it sounds like it's gonna be a cute middle/end game
The vets really took advantage with this format, it's only a matter of time when they finna start turning
The rookies' only hope at this point is to start winning dailies and pairing a strong vet with a weak castmember. Here's to hoping Tori gets Hughie and CT gets Big T