amanda has not done ANYTHING this season. She's a confessional gangster and hides behind her twitter account and i will tell you right now that girl will be STUTTERING if michaela bradshaw calls her out at the reunion
I can already imagine emy trying to outscream her if shes there
Reunion is about to be boring af zzzz majority of these people have nothing to talk about. im sure most of the show is just going to be centered around kaycee/nany, amanda/michele/fessy, tori/emanuel
Is the reunion being filmed in Amsterdam? At least Nany, Emy, Emmanuel, Kaycee, Josh, Amanda, Fessy, Amber b., Nelson, devin,tori, Kyle and Big T are there
there's a lot of people who are still on the show that just haven't done anything at all.. like nany, kaycee, big t, emanuel, logan, josh, devin, ct, nelson amanda haven't done much at all except maybe win a daily lol
Normally the boots until mid season are not invited unless they are big names or have great impact on the season
i know how they usually do it but I was under the Impression everyone was invited this season since there was a vax req so some people werent going to be there because of their beliefs. But that must be wrong
I still think its dumb if Priscilla was a last minute invite by production. she got further in the game than Michele and made a bigger move gamewise. the only thing noteworthy that Michele did was hookup with Fessy after the season, but of course I know they want the Amanda drama since the rest of the reunion will be boring.
I dont know who else out of the early boots is invited though, but production doesnt always make the best decisions-ie snubbing kendal with no reunion/aftermath invite when she had one of the major storylines on season 1 of AS.
Normally the boots until mid season are not invited unless they are big names or have great impact on the season
i know how they usually do it but I was under the Impression everyone was invited this season since there was a vax req so some people werent going to be there because of their beliefs. But that must be wrong.
also-priscilla got further in the game than Michele and made a bigger move, and the only thing noteworthy that Michele did was hookup with Fessy after the season but of course I know they want the Amanda drama. I dont know who else out of the early boots is invited though
Wait let me change the way I structured that sentence. As far as MTV goes I don't think the vaccination rule is changing anytime soon so because I want to see her again on another season I hope she considers getting vaccinated.
I can already imagine emy trying to outscream her if shes there
i hope emy gets held up at customs like
Is Michaela going ? I doubt it but I think she would definitely call out some people cough cough EMY cough Emanuel
Nevermind because Priscilla taking care of Emy
Priscilla can't stand that hideous rat and that's why she's my sister
Seaux when the reunion comes to america i better see you there jumping amanda and ashley
Girl I'm coming for Emy and Emanuel............Amanda/Ashley don't really do much for me but those Romanian rats oh yeah I'm coming for them.
amber isnt an issue for me anymore.. emy specifically.... she reminds me of pumpkin from flavor of love
gonna be berna and amber show i fear
i think someone said priscilla wasnt going because shes antivax
Reunion is about to be boring af zzzz majority of these people have nothing to talk about. im sure most of the show is just going to be centered around kaycee/nany, amanda/michele/fessy, tori/emanuel
Is the reunion being filmed in Amsterdam? At least Nany, Emy, Emmanuel, Kaycee, Josh, Amanda, Fessy, Amber b., Nelson, devin,tori, Kyle and Big T are there
there's a lot of people who are still on the show that just haven't done anything at all.. like nany, kaycee, big t, emanuel, logan, josh, devin, ct, nelson amanda haven't done much at all except maybe win a daily lol
even bettina and emy what have they done
So excited this is big t's first reunion in person
Lmao Priscilla isn't vaccinated which is why she wasn't able to go
I hope she gets vaccinated before next season films because girl.........that vaccination rule ain't changing
I can see trying hard to force a rivalry at the reunion cause her comeback is being a flop and she might be in the danger zone.
She's boring without Zach and Jenna
isnt she about to another show?
Normally the boots until mid season are not invited unless they are big names or have great impact on the season
i know how they usually do it but I was under the Impression everyone was invited this season since there was a vax req so some people werent going to be there because of their beliefs. But that must be wrong
I still think its dumb if Priscilla was a last minute invite by production. she got further in the game than Michele and made a bigger move gamewise. the only thing noteworthy that Michele did was hookup with Fessy after the season, but of course I know they want the Amanda drama since the rest of the reunion will be boring.
I dont know who else out of the early boots is invited though, but production doesnt always make the best decisions-ie snubbing kendal with no reunion/aftermath invite when she had one of the major storylines on season 1 of AS.
Not everyone was invited
I honestly don't know I don't follow Priscilla on social media lmao
Wait let me change the way I structured that sentence. As far as MTV goes I don't think the vaccination rule is changing anytime soon so because I want to see her again on another season I hope she considers getting vaccinated.
Yeah isn't it the Celebrity EOTB UK or whatever the local title is??
it was a link posted on here lmao.
But how do you guys know who all is going so far? Anyone have a list?
Emy vaccinated yup