this whole season has been foreshadow after foreshadow lol
I feel like this is the first time knowing spoilers is actually hurting the viewing experience. The last few weeks I've been bored with everything surrounding the bb alliance cause I knew they were just foreshadowing Amber being thrown in.
I can't believe MTV finally got fine *** CT back and he gets little camera time.
hes been invisible these past four episodes which im shocked at. But theres like 16 episodes left to the season lol... his edit will pick up at the end like amber in double agents
I feel like this is the first time knowing spoilers is actually hurting the viewing experience. The last few weeks I've been bored with everything surrounding the bb alliance cause I knew they were just foreshadowing Amber being thrown in.
Is there any chance of more winners?
Yes the final was actually ran in teams of 4 and Nany and Nelson also won
King Devin and King Josh were so smart in aligning together cuz now they've joined 2 factions.
I can't believe MTV finally got fine *** CT back and he gets little camera time.
hes been invisible these past four episodes which im shocked at. But theres like 16 episodes left to the season lol... his edit will pick up at the end like amber in double agents
Josh gets a little too violent around women. Last episode alone he shoved Priscilla, definitely shoulder bumped Amber.. #BANJOSH
and yet they both saw eliminations still??
As they should
yeah he should be on the show WAY more. doesn't make sense editing wise.
My bet is he is just refusing to do long interviews
No, he's not.
CT isn't giving anything or have any storylines so why would that show him
A dance moms girl will be called.. idk when.. but it will happen
you talk about Jeremiah in threads that aren't even abt this show??
Ready for Maddie Ziegler to destroy Victoria Deal in hall brawl on 38 :)
Nia Sioux is going to teach Aneesa not to spy on people when showering...
Strike 2!
Johnny Middlebrooks
My bad kek
It's okay kek just make sure it doesn't happen again
do you think you're funny
that was so embarrassing to read
oh and i know you practiced that in the mirror at home waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it
oh and i know you practiced that in the mirror at home waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it