The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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Well, Emy took out Bettina too.. So I sensed that chaotic energy. 5-0


Logan's little clip there was painful to watch. Lol


Well, Emy took out Bettina too.. So I sensed that chaotic energy. 5-0



Emy is the only that gave me chaotic energy 

She was very chaotic on emanuels live too lmaoo


Emy is the only that gave me chaotic energy 

She was very chaotic on emanuels live too lmaoo

I think I found my new favorite if she doesn't screw it lmao

Emy won all those eliminations cause of her mug. She done did have these girls scared in those eliminations.

If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

you can sense the crackdt energy all over emy 

King Jeremiah. Best rookie 


If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

Nany got 2nd. Kiss 2

If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

Amanda wasn't winning a final she is the female Josh at this point as much as I like her she has his same record

amber m is so ******* annoying. like your not getting another challenge call lol


If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

Amanda wasn't winning a final she is the female Josh at this point as much as I like her she has his same record

I know we say this a lot lol but Amanda's elimination record should have an asterick by it considering how many times she was clearly rigged out

amber m is so ******* annoying. like your not getting another challenge call lol

And when she does?

If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

Amanda's not winning a final



If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

Amanda wasn't winning a final she is the female Josh at this point as much as I like her she has his same record

I know we say this a lot lol but Amanda's elimination record should have an asterick by it considering how many times she was clearly rigged out

Or had no chance to win do to size, which may have been the case with Tori as well

Yeah I think Emy is gonna be the rookie with the most camera time tbh she had drama and really messy gameplay apparently. It depends if it's shown tho

amber m is so ******* annoying. like your not getting another challenge call lol

I thought i heard somewhere she got a call this season must have been lied too lol

Amanda's potentially winning MVP of the season so does her winnig a final really matter?


If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

Amanda's not winning a final

Neither is Tori


amber m is so ******* annoying. like your not getting another challenge call lol

And when she does?

its not going to happen

Amanda's potentially winning MVP of the season so does her winnig a final really matter?

She already is the MVP!

If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

Amanda's not winning a final

Neither is Tori

Never said she was but she sure as hell did send Amanda home

Amanda's potentially winning MVP of the season so does her winnig a final really matter?

Again, winning money is all that matters.  You all pretend being entertaining to some matters.


Amanda's potentially winning MVP of the season so does her winnig a final really matter?

Again, winning money is all that matters.  You all pretend being entertaining to some matters.

Being entertaining obviously matters. Amanda will be one of the first people called for the show alongside WINNERS such as Bananas and CT everytime.

emy queen of looking different every time i see her

Aww Logan's accent I feel bad that he's trying so hard but he's so cute Smile

Acknowledging that someone won previously and should be a threat = being pressed 

So why did CT get a free ride to the final 

Seems like CT was in the power alliance this season that controlled the whole game with Devin, Nany, Tori, Kaycee and Kyle.


If Nany got 4th in the final then she can stay home indefinitely. Also she didn't go into a single elimination and took a spot from Amanda who could actually win a final

Amanda's not winning a final

Neither is Tori

Never said she was but she sure as hell did send Amanda home

She does have the weight advantage so I'm not surprised!
