The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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I've been on vacation, what place did Amanda get on the finals? Hopefully the queen won her rightful prize.

Queen Amanda won by throwing the last girls elim against Escort so she wouldnt have to be there in the final to watch Christopher and Casey win

Tracy has not followed anyone.


I've been on vacation, what place did Amanda get on the finals? Hopefully the queen won her rightful prize.

Queen Amanda won by throwing the last girls elim against Escort so she wouldnt have to be there in the final to watch Christopher and Casey win

Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Not to mention that time when Paula (I think it was her) said the guys were picking on her he immediately went out ready to get into it with anyone who was bothering her.  No explanation or hesitation just went out because she asked.

I believe this is a thing with CT. If you think about it, maybe part of what drew him to Diem so much is he was intrigued by her story and what she had to go through.

I'm rewatching Rivals 1 and when that stupid Adam/Ty fight happens, Mandi got knocked over and hit her head on the ground hard and needed a little medical attention. After that, CT starts wanting to be there for her and is giving her attention. This is a pattern with him!

Johnny has shown actual physical agression to women. Throwing shit at them, shoving/pushing them during challenges, remember how he tried to trample cara in that hallway on free agents and his own team mate (Laurel) had to make him stop. And then all the awful shit he would say. But he cowards away from CT in eliminations and in arguments. Thats JEK's MO. CT can be an ******* partner if they don't win, but he would rather let a girl slap him all day before getting physically agressive. On rivals 2 that girl anastsia, I think he liked her slapping him lmao. And Knight tried to stop her and CT seriously told Knight to leave her alone and let her continue to assualt him lol

Thats the ironic thing, they make a big deal of CT getting physically agressive with guys who aren't as big as him, which most of them were not during those days. But those same guys are the ones who would rather hold back on boys but not girls. While CT would let a girl attack him before he does her


Eman played Michele

yall gotta stop putting stock into these things. some of these ppl are just looking to have fun. lol

Agreed she was hanging out with Fessy before season even ended lmao. People think everything is a love story. Michele loves to hook up for fun i doubt she thought about dude once show ended.

Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Haha, politics are the hardest area for anyone to please somebody in. Choose another belief LOL.

Tracy has not followed anyone.

yo the cast prolly forgot she was on i know i did, does anyone follow her ?

Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Define "good political views"...

I really can't stand this nonsense.  There is no good or bad political view


Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Define "good political views"...

I really can't stand this nonsense.  There is no good or bad political view

Republican is a bad political view

Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Define "good political views"...

I really can't stand this nonsense.  There is no good or bad political view

Republican is a bad political view

Why?  Because it's not your view?  Grow up.

Tracy has not followed anyone.

She followed Cory


Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Define "good political views"...

I really can't stand this nonsense.  There is no good or bad political view

Republican is a bad political view

Why?  Because it's not your view?  Grow up.

Because a majority of those people are racist and homophobic. 

Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Define "good political views"...

I really can't stand this nonsense.  There is no good or bad political view

Republican is a bad political view

Why?  Because it's not your view?  Grow up.

Because a majority of those people are racist and homophobic. 

lmao no they're not--if you believe that you have no clue about politics



Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Define "good political views"...

I really can't stand this nonsense.  There is no good or bad political view

Republican is a bad political view

so true


My guy Nelly T has only followed Eman and Berna since they got their phones back. I am biased but I am most interested to see how he got to the end without seeing any eliminations. That is just so.... un nelson like lmao. Just basing it purely off of who went on the Ibiza trip and nothing else which is baseless it looks like he was well insulated in the Nany, Tori and Kaycee alliance at first glance.

He probably played a good game. Nelson isn't bad at that. I think he is better at than Cory.

I hope he got second place!!! It better not have been Kyle or Devin. I have nothing against them but Nelson was able to avoid elimination unlike them. So he probably was performing pretty good to a certain degree

I think I remember on Vendettas where Nelson was trying to tell Cory how they need to play a better game. Imo Nelson probably would be better off without Cory in most of his seasons. Nelson will always look like his sidekick, and thats coming from someone who ***** with Nelson more



Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

Define "good political views"...

I really can't stand this nonsense.  There is no good or bad political view

Republican is a bad political view



My guy Nelly T has only followed Eman and Berna since they got their phones back. I am biased but I am most interested to see how he got to the end without seeing any eliminations. That is just so.... un nelson like lmao. Just basing it purely off of who went on the Ibiza trip and nothing else which is baseless it looks like he was well insulated in the Nany, Tori and Kaycee alliance at first glance.

He probably played a good game. Nelson isn't bad at that. I think he is better at than Cory.

I hope he got second place!!! It better not have been Kyle or Devin. I have nothing against them but Nelson was able to avoid elimination unlike them. So he probably was performing pretty good to a certain degree

I think I remember on Vendettas where Nelson was trying to tell Cory how they need to play a better game. Imo Nelson probably would be better off without Cory in most of his seasons. Nelson will always look like his sidekick, and thats coming from someone who ***** with Nelson more

He would have. I don't think Cory was being smart enough about Fessy in DA after what he did to Nelson. I also remember the times where nelson played cory himself so that he could stay. Cory didn't think to do what Nelson did and Nelson ends up being the last one standing.


Can people who have no shot at winning or don't play to win please stay home

What a dumb notion, that eliminates most entertaining people. Who wants to watch 90 minutes of Kaci and Jeni? Stick to pro sports. This isn't the show for you.

I find Kaycee entertaining. Jenny not at all.

I couldn't care less about any of their political views lol 

Bring me trash tv back not the CBS pg13 shit

Random question: do we know CT's political beliefs? Would make me feel better about him winning if he had good political views lol

You're good, he's a due paying Communist.

I doubt most of the cast even vote tbh

I couldn't care less about any of their political views lol 

Bring me trash tv back not the CBS pg13 shit

The whole point of the real world in the first place was bringing together people with views that are gonna clash. That's where some of the best tv comes from, don't forget that lol

Like can you guys actually picture ct voting cause I can't lol

The whole point of the real world in the first place was bringing together people with views that are gonna clash. That's where some of the best tv comes from, don't forget that lol

So we should put racists/homophobes in a house with POC/gay people? Check BB15 for how that went 

Like can you guys actually picture ct voting cause I can't lol

No. Hell probably 1 out or 3 people don't vote during a high turnout. 


The whole point of the real world in the first place was bringing together people with views that are gonna clash. That's where some of the best tv comes from, don't forget that lol

So we should put racists/homophobes in a house with POC/gay people? Check BB15 for how that went 

Abram didn't believe in interracial marriages before Road Rules...see him now. Of course you do that. It's the entire purpose of these shows. It's not the purpose of BB. 

And why did you change the topic from political lines to racism/homophobia?  No one cares about your agenda. 

Anyone know when this is gonna premiere?
