This show likes to cancel their female champs, but not their problematic male ones...
Rogan and Jordan?
Probably not pernabanned, Jordan will be back if he wants to and there aren't huge spectacles and PSAs behind their alleged bans because they're only banned in silence for things they said in the past. Most viewers will only know of Camila's, Dees and Caras rumored ban. It's not the same with the current guys.
This show likes to cancel their female champs, but not their problematic male ones...
Rogan and Jordan?
Probably not pernabanned, Jordan will be back if he wants to and there aren't huge spectacles and PSAs behind their alleged bans because they're only banned in silence for things they said in the past. Most viewers will only know of Camila's, Dees and Caras rumored ban. It's not the same with the current guys.
What current guys? The misconception that they're treating them differently is just that. The guys haven't been dumb enough to vent publicly other than Paulie.
So, that Ibiza trip is more of a couples trip than a group hangout. You got:
1. Nany and Kaycee
2. Nelson and Berna
3. Tori and Emanuel
4. Josh and his tears
Emanuel isn't dating Tori
Maybe, maybe not. They're definitely hanging out. Plus, he was rubbing all on her leg in someone's IG story the other day. I don't let my platonic male friends rub up on me like that.
So, that Ibiza trip is more of a couples trip than a group hangout. You got:
1. Nany and Kaycee
2. Nelson and Berna
3. Tori and Emanuel
4. Josh and his tears
Emanuel isn't dating Tori
Maybe, maybe not. They're definitely hanging out. Plus, he was rubbing all on her leg in someone's IG story the other day. I don't let my platonic male friends rub up on me like that.
You may not let them, but they will try it lol. Even infront of their own girlfriends lmao
Just now seeing the winners. lmao they just hand it to CT again.
Nany, girl, you STILL haven't won for zillionth time. And you don't have it in you. I see no signs of progression like we saw with CT. The chick won't even give up smoking. Just give up the Challenges already.
Nany, girl, you STILL haven't won for zillionth time. And you don't have it in you. I see no signs of progression like we saw with CT. The chick won't even give up smoking. Just give up the Challenges already.
Nany, girl, you STILL haven't won for zillionth time. And you don't have it in you. I see no signs of progression like we saw with CT. The chick won't even give up smoking. Just give up the Challenges already.
Again Nany makes more money doing this and not winning then she'd ever make with a real job. She should keep doing the show, like everyone else, until they no longer get calls. This is a job.
I can't stand Josh and we all know he's never winning but I've never said he should retire because that would be stupid. And even he's not that stupid.
Nany, girl, you STILL haven't won for zillionth time. And you don't have it in you. I see no signs of progression like we saw with CT. The chick won't even give up smoking. Just give up the Challenges already.
Again Nany makes more money doing this and not winning then she'd ever make with a real job. She should keep doing the show, like everyone else, until they no longer get calls. This is a job.
Nany, girl, you STILL haven't won for zillionth time. And you don't have it in you. I see no signs of progression like we saw with CT. The chick won't even give up smoking. Just give up the Challenges already.
i'm sick for my ***** Ashley. This was suppose to be her comeback season omg
another legend gone
I wonder what Ashley did/said lol
aaaa we won
The thread is dead now but at least we wont have to sort through 500 unread pointless bullshit posts anymore *giggles*
This season is gonna be the best out of all the 30s.
Probably not pernabanned, Jordan will be back if he wants to and there aren't huge spectacles and PSAs behind their alleged bans because they're only banned in silence for things they said in the past. Most viewers will only know of Camila's, Dees and Caras rumored ban. It's not the same with the current guys.
What current guys? The misconception that they're treating them differently is just that. The guys haven't been dumb enough to vent publicly other than Paulie.
And the highest rated.
Where have I been? Lmao I go on vacation and....
Who else is in Ibiza besides berna and nelson?
Berna's story omg
So, that Ibiza trip is more of a couples trip than a group hangout. You got:
1. Nany and Kaycee
2. Nelson and Berna
3. Tori and Emanuel
4. Josh and his tears
Emanuel isn't dating Tori
Michele and Fessy were hanging like 2 weeks ago
Nvm just said Emanuel and Tori stories
Maybe, maybe not. They're definitely hanging out. Plus, he was rubbing all on her leg in someone's IG story the other day. I don't let my platonic male friends rub up on me like that.
You may not let them, but they will try it lol. Even infront of their own girlfriends lmao
Man I can't wait to see the fans outrage towards Hughie's antics
Just now seeing the winners. lmao they just hand it to CT again.
Nany, girl, you STILL haven't won for zillionth time. And you don't have it in you. I see no signs of progression like we saw with CT. The chick won't even give up smoking. Just give up the Challenges already.
Tori politicking for 38
Boo hoo
Stanning Hughie
Again Nany makes more money doing this and not winning then she'd ever make with a real job. She should keep doing the show, like everyone else, until they no longer get calls. This is a job.
I can't stand Josh and we all know he's never winning but I've never said he should retire because that would be stupid. And even he's not that stupid.
Queen Nicotine Nany is enjoying life and smoking in Ibiza rn and Camille and Seaux somewhere, jealous.
Everyone talks shit on nany for smoking like CT isn't famous for chain smoking 3 packs a day baha
hes won 3 of the last 5 seasons.......