I hope she realizes the weight of the world is on her shoulders. She's our only chance to not be stuck with an escort, an ottoman, or adult braceface as a winner.
you guys are gonna break ur own hearts saying you hope kaycee wins so she doesnt come back. she checks all the boxes for representation on this show, being a champion just adds to her resume in casting's eyes
you guys are gonna break ur own hearts saying you hope kaycee wins so she doesnt come back. she checks all the boxes for representation on this show, being a champion just adds to her resume in casting's eyes
lol you're right. I have a feeling skye also loves kaycee. Or at least is fond of her because of josh so she's probably not going anywhere. If kaycee wins this season, that'll be the best thing for her future casting chances
And somehow they all figured out a way to fumble the bag. Who's left from that group?
Amanda stans attempting to win an argument against KVM seconds after getting shot
Who else had a mental breakdown because Amanda is out?
Someone renamed it the Amber and Amanda show and said "Legends Amber and Amanda" won lol
LOL apparently me
I mean--I have said repeatedly CT wins with anyone
I just realized the only person I like left is Nelson.
my guess of the rookies who will come back are:
Emy, Bettina, Berna, Michele, (maybe) Michaela
Emanuel, Logan, Ed, Hughie, Corey
I have a feeling Nelson will win this, even tho I'm kind of expecting ct to win.
these are my predicted pairs based on some hints over the past weeks: kaycee & kyle | emy & nelson | nany & ct | tori & devin..
i would like nelson & nany to pull out a win finally. the other two pairs can be DQ'd for breathing.
Josh is brought back for the last leg of the final whoever doesnt get DQ from just breathing the same air as josh wins the season
Nany wins the season because she knows how to put up with him
I'm hoping Amanda is eating a nourishing and delicious meal at whatever hotel she's staying in.
Isn't it not pairs anymore?
Honestly hopefully if that thing Casey wins she better get the Jenny treatment
She won't. They found their token Asian and won't make efforts to find another.
Wikipedia edits have taste unlike that other fandom challenge wiki
Nany Gonzalez my idol ❤️
I hope she realizes the weight of the world is on her shoulders. She's our only chance to not be stuck with an escort, an ottoman, or adult braceface as a winner.
you guys are gonna break ur own hearts saying you hope kaycee wins so she doesnt come back. she checks all the boxes for representation on this show, being a champion just adds to her resume in casting's eyes
I'm hoping Nelson gets a victory...could care less about the girls but maybe Emy winning is preferrable...how the **** did Devin make it to the end?
lol you're right. I have a feeling skye also loves kaycee. Or at least is fond of her because of josh so she's probably not going anywhere. If kaycee wins this season, that'll be the best thing for her future casting chances
Hopefully these rookies bring it like the UK rookies brought it
not Emy she needs to know her role
last rookie standing soon to be challenge champion omg