Talk about worst case scenario---Amanda's out; ALL the male rookies are out; Kyle/Devin/Tori/Kaycee in the final?!'s depressing how depressed this makes me.
I just really don't want Kaycee to win because I don't want that boiled chicken breast going around saying "I'm the first person to win both Big Brother and The Challenge"
Touché lol! Hopefully your king is the mvp of the season by being partnered with Escort and costing her the win.
I hope Nelson can win but I think CT wins
Talk about worst case scenario---Amanda's out; ALL the male rookies are out; Kyle/Devin/Tori/Kaycee in the final?!'s depressing how depressed this makes me.
I'm rooting for this season to end
Calling it now--the guys finish CT, Devin, Nelson then Kyle regardless of who they have as partners unless someone is injured again.
I just really don't want Kaycee to win because I don't want that boiled chicken breast going around saying "I'm the first person to win both Big Brother and The Challenge"
Trying to figure out who I hate less of Kaycee Emy CT Kyle and Tori
I'm rooting for whoever Amanda had the closest bond with in the house, so probably Nelson and Nany
kvm literally go get a job like i think circuses are finally reopening so you can back in your routine
Amanda stans, just remember our girl has never had to suck 90 year old wieners to help fund her failed rap career. @ToriDeal.
Hoping it's individual but it's probably not just hoping many is nowhere near nelson. We've seen the tape for 10 years. She sucks
Nightmare Nany Time!!
Worst steamroll of all time and I'm not kidding l.
Kaycee queen.
I'm sorry you God lost--not my problem
Omg!!! Who did she suck?
this is the worst bootlist I think ive ever seen
Honestly if Kaycee does something besides being completely a waste of space I will stan for the sake of it
They will have to be really creative with the editing. Though the Ruins steam role was not fun to watch either and pretty straight forward.
Omg Kvm are you a Borzotra Baddie
Devin is about to shut everyone up Lettttsss gooooooo!!!!
So our favorite rookies went out at the start and our favorite vets went out at the end? Really one of the worst bootlists of all time
The Amanda Assassins will now all be migrating to rooting for Nany. Queens have to uplift fellow queens.
Do it for Amanda!