If Amanda or Ashley had anything to do with Bettina going in I dont want to see none of yall hyping them girls up when they lose to Tori and Kaycee. Especially if it's individual
Worst case senario is that the individual eliminations have gold skulls attached to them. Meaning everyone left has to face one another. That would kinda make sense why Bettina was thrown in if shes apprently weak.
just imagine cory, nelson, amanda, ashley as winners
What's going on? What did I miss besides the Bettina boot?
And haha bye bye Bettina.
Is it safe to say Emy took out Bettina?
Honestly, I would probably stop keeping up with the show after that. I couldn't imagine ending on a better note.
If Amanda or Ashley had anything to do with Bettina going in I dont want to see none of yall hyping them girls up when they lose to Tori and Kaycee. Especially if it's individual
King Jeremiah eliminated Hughie
you seem upset
If we get like 4 new champs outta 2 teams, I'm with that.
I think Emy is gonna sneak into the final. She is like 4 and 0.....
You never know with production lol
Amanda and Ashley could easily beat Kaycee in a final. Kaycee is injured, brittle, and overrated.
Worst case senario is that the individual eliminations have gold skulls attached to them. Meaning everyone left has to face one another. That would kinda make sense why Bettina was thrown in if shes apprently weak.
And Amandas a flop but all of vevmo hypes her up cuz she did one puzzle
Amanda based on what? Her running once during a mission
like Amanda is by far way more overrated on this site than any other girl
Not this being individual now so they can still put Logan vs Emmanuel without any vets being in trouble....
Spoken like a true casual fan.
The thought of Amanda getting that W this season gets the girls so riled up. I just can't help but laugh.
you like devin....that says enough
Let's hope Emy, Kaycee, Tori, & Josh are next on that elimination list. They did their time already this szn
Anyways let me sip my tea when kc stomps on amanda in a final
I hope they are still in pairs because it would end quicker or they need to do purges
Yep I agree
Someone that gurantees entertainment but can also hold his own in competition? Absolutely!
Well if it is actually teams, Josh can make the final this time and be on CT's team.
PR said lets get this flop season over with
For yalls sake I'm hoping so, because I know this season has been a headache