No one is any more deserving than anyone else. We aren't mindreaders. We don't know these folks lives. However, it's hard not to root for ones country, think the Olympics.
its not really about the country. It just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to ignore a whole crop of potential contenders from American shows that their viewers already know or can watch for uk people. They’ll keep pushing uk cast members with the hope of the show succeeding there until it’s cancelled again.
mixing in both new Americans and foreign challengers is the best solution. They did that in wotw but no new Americans this season
As far as casting, its just the fact that they’re now neglecting US debuts and a pool full of people that haven’t even tried. Yet some YouTube personality, tv personality and early boot from an unknown reality show get opportunities that’s RW/AYTO and US reality stars haven’t gotten yet/at all. They completely f’ed up the casting with their US shows and now it’s seeming like UK is just better. When in actuality they just dropped the ball with balancing old/new and didn’t cast the strongest US people they could have. Going UK/international is fine, but I personally want a mix up next time. What happens next after this gimmick/trilogy?
I don't care who wins because i dont care for anyone left..TBH I dont care for anyone on this season.
im not even the biggest Ashley fan but she’s all I got. Then Nany.
I have to see what Josh, Joss, Jen and Rogan are going to bring but after that I literally don’t like anyone. Too many entitled, arrogant and irritating people
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
for me, its her overamimated reactions, similar to Sarah’s. She tries too hard IMO. I didn’t find it bad on AYTO but second chances and the challenge I found her interviews cringeworthy. Again, thats just my opinion, but she didnt come off as natural and rather as trying too hard
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
She gets overhyped when she's on the seasonand she's corny.
What do you think they'll do about numbers as a result of Turbo DQing? I guess gender wise its even now at least with Faith, or was she replaced? Ive not looked at the numbers I admit
Tori is shady and a snake. When Devin who would probably proudly claim that he’s a manipulator and a villain refer to Tori as Medusa then you know how disloyal she is.
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
She is disloyal, fake, an opportunist that used ppl and she tries to hard to be funny
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
She is disloyal, fake, an opportunist that used ppl and she tries to hard to be funny
Doesn't that make her same as 90% of the people on the show then?
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
She is disloyal, fake, an opportunist that used ppl and she tries to hard to be funny
Doesn't that make her same as 90% of the people on the show then?
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
She is disloyal, fake, an opportunist that used ppl and she tries to hard to be funny
Doesn't that make her same as 90% of the people on the show then?
No! her and Jemmye are on another level to me
Fair enough...I just feel that pretty much everyone has shown those traits at some point. Jemmye and Tori understood they had to play a certain role to be cast. I won't blame them for that.
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
She is disloyal, fake, an opportunist that used ppl and she tries to hard to be funny
Doesn't that make her same as 90% of the people on the show then?
No! her and Jemmye are on another level to me
Fair enough...I just feel that pretty much everyone has shown those traits at some point. Jemmye and Tori understood they had to play a certain role to be cast. I won't blame them for that.
The thing is that my opinion about them is not over the show. It's actually their behaviour outside the show and how fake/shaddy both of them have moved.
I don't care who wins because i dont care for anyone left..TBH I dont care for anyone on this season.
its not really about the country. It just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to ignore a whole crop of potential contenders from American shows that their viewers already know or can watch for uk people. They’ll keep pushing uk cast members with the hope of the show succeeding there until it’s cancelled again.
mixing in both new Americans and foreign challengers is the best solution. They did that in wotw but no new Americans this season
As far as casting, its just the fact that they’re now neglecting US debuts and a pool full of people that haven’t even tried. Yet some YouTube personality, tv personality and early boot from an unknown reality show get opportunities that’s RW/AYTO and US reality stars haven’t gotten yet/at all. They completely f’ed up the casting with their US shows and now it’s seeming like UK is just better. When in actuality they just dropped the ball with balancing old/new and didn’t cast the strongest US people they could have. Going UK/international is fine, but I personally want a mix up next time. What happens next after this gimmick/trilogy?
When it comes to the finalists from last season Wes, Turbo, and Theo are all out. Ninja is there on a technicality and Cara is still there.
Me after Wes left. Although I’d love to see the reaction from Ashley haters if she got her 3rd win
I hope Queen Ashley is still there
im not even the biggest Ashley fan but she’s all I got. Then Nany.
I have to see what Josh, Joss, Jen and Rogan are going to bring but after that I literally don’t like anyone. Too many entitled, arrogant and irritating people
I’d be cool with Josh winning if he really kills it I don’t need a repeat of BB19
Theo out?
wtf is going on????? I’m sure they are plotting a Paulie Jordan win...
i need Joss to take this win!
Yay Tori and Nany!!
Yay.. umm, Josh? Paulie? Joss and Rogan? I guess.
The show probably wants Jordan to win... I mean they DQ'd Turbo for him!
Never though i'd get to a point where I'd actually root for leroy to win...
Cara all the way! Queens making another final and gonna solidify why she's elite❤️
Its already solidified
You'll have to be more specific.
is rogan still there kicking ***...
hes rookie of the entire DECADE
Wait I never understood why everyone hates tori here? Am I missing something ? She seemed chill on the seasons lol but i don’t really follow her social media
for me, its her overamimated reactions, similar to Sarah’s. She tries too hard IMO. I didn’t find it bad on AYTO but second chances and the challenge I found her interviews cringeworthy. Again, thats just my opinion, but she didnt come off as natural and rather as trying too hard
She gets overhyped when she's on the seasonand she's corny.
What do you think they'll do about numbers as a result of Turbo DQing? I guess gender wise its even now at least with Faith, or was she replaced? Ive not looked at the numbers I admit
I mean Faith quit, so doesn't that kind of reset it back to even numbers?
Ha ha, I just thought of that and edited it!
Would still mess up eliminations/episodes though no?
Tori is shady and a snake. When Devin who would probably proudly claim that he’s a manipulator and a villain refer to Tori as Medusa then you know how disloyal she is.
She is disloyal, fake, an opportunist that used ppl and she tries to hard to be funny
Doesn't that make her same as 90% of the people on the show then?
No! her and Jemmye are on another level to me
Fair enough...I just feel that pretty much everyone has shown those traits at some point. Jemmye and Tori understood they had to play a certain role to be cast. I won't blame them for that.
The thing is that my opinion about them is not over the show. It's actually their behaviour outside the show and how fake/shaddy both of them have moved.