Hali and pretty and had some gifable moments and one liners during a tribal or two. Bare minimum but again she’s pretty so that’s enough for some people
They NEED desi on this show, athletic, smart and the most beautiful girl in survivor history. Desi makes girls like jenna look like a sack of old potatos
*damn near EVERY girl
Nah let Aryan Nation stay home & keep making YouTube vids about being a soccer mom & making seasonless chicken.
who's cole and alex lmao
Cole Medders would be a good choice. He's better for MTV than Survivor
One of the biggest flops in survivor history
Hali is a perfect human, but can stay off the challenge TBH
Why are you guys caping for her? She was a huge let down.
@BACCHUS!!!!! We will NOT tolerate Hali slander of ANY KIND! Ban these despicable humans NOW!
Hali and pretty and had some gifable moments and one liners during a tribal or two. Bare minimum but again she’s pretty so that’s enough for some people
I don't remember Hali or much of anything from Worlds Apart tbh :))
They could've kept that season.
So she can lose her virginity to Kyle like all women intend to
Hali is tiny. Plus she got outperformed and out shined by the legend Jenn.
The disrespect to a living legend around here is DISGUSTING. I’m done with this place for the day.
no come back..
was hali on that garbage changers season cause that season was BAD
When Anna's panty selling bible thumping *** comes on the show.
Hali is useless. Next.
I actually think Haleigh from this season of bb would be a good addition to the challenge...I can see bananas trying to hook up with her lol
no. She wouldnt be a good competitor and shes not that fun to watch
That Cole dude is hot. He can come on.
If any female from BB20 is on The Challenge it should be Kaitlyn and only Kaitlyn
They NEED desi on this show, athletic, smart and the most beautiful girl in survivor history. Desi makes girls like jenna look like a sack of old potatos
Well neither is Natalie...but atleast Haleigh isn't as annoying and I think she's hotter than nat
They would make fun of kaitlyn so bad if she was in the house lol