This thread is for discussion on Eliminations, Missions, Drama, Etc. for Season 33 of The Challenge.
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The calm before the storm
Amanda and Ashley shall prosper.
Bananas will flop.
The universe has spoken
hopefully its a nice storm
Queen Ashley bout to win again
The sooner this opened the sooner this abomination ends
Nany , Jenna , or Leroy will get their long awaited win .
Let me stop . Queen Kam will remain supreme
i’m nervous :/
Nany , Jenna , or Leroy will get their long awaited win . Let me stop . Queen Kam will remain supreme
Cordelia Goode was found trembling for days.
I have been sent this like 10 times lol
I dont have any reason to believed she is out yet
Queen shit
Please tell me Johnny is out
I dont have any reason to think he is out
Bighead_9 wrote: Please tell me Johnny is out I dont have any reason to think he is out
Bighead_9 wrote: Please tell me Johnny is out
One could dream
Hopefully my favs are safe
Ya boy just needa know them pairs.
Just as long as Ashley Amanda Kam and Wes safe I'm good
Paulie, Bear, Wes, Hunter and Ashley C shall prosper. Bananas will flop. The universe has spoken
Ya girl just needa know them pairs.
20181022_182523.jpg I have been sent this like 10 times lolI dont have any reason to believed she is out yet
twitter said that’s her brother and he posts shit like that to troll
Hoping Natalie N, Ashley, and Wes are all safe
Hoping all my Kings and Queens are Safe.
PR, do you have reason to believe ANYBODY is out?
Hope Paulie is out.
Jenna better not go or her challenge days are over
My grown *** is shaking^^ !!!
The calm before the storm
Amanda and Ashley shall prosper.
Bananas will flop.
The universe has spoken
hopefully its a nice storm
Queen Ashley bout to win again
The sooner this opened the sooner this abomination ends
Nany , Jenna , or Leroy will get their long awaited win .
Let me stop . Queen Kam will remain supreme
i’m nervous :/
Cordelia Goode was found trembling for days.
I have been sent this like 10 times lol
I dont have any reason to believed she is out yet
Queen shit
Please tell me Johnny is out
I dont have any reason to think he is out
One could dream
Hopefully my favs are safe
Ya boy just needa know them pairs.
Just as long as Ashley Amanda Kam and Wes safe I'm good
twitter said that’s her brother and he posts shit like that to troll
Hoping Natalie N, Ashley, and Wes are all safe
Hoping all my Kings and Queens are Safe.
PR, do you have reason to believe ANYBODY is out?
Hope Paulie is out.
Jenna better not go or her challenge days are over
My grown *** is shaking^^ !!!