Im hoping Cara is on this season. I wanted her to take a break before but id rather she annoy the haters and not miss a season.
If she wins Dirty 30, she definitely needs to take a break. The only reason I’d still want her on this season is if Cooke shows up, then they can team up again and have all the girls shook together. ❤️
Im hoping Cara is on this season. I wanted her to take a break before but id rather she annoy the haters and not miss a season.
If she wins Dirty 30, she definitely needs to take a break. The only reason I’d still want her on this season is if Cooke shows up, then they can team up again and have all the girls shook together. ❤️
A Cara-Cooke alliance would be everything!
For herself Cara needs a break regardless of the outcome. But Id rather she not take one anymore. Kailah and Tori are most likely returning and they're probably not going to have any other competition which makes it boring/predictable.
if Katrina is not on this season i legit don't understand what goes on in these ppls heads that cast (unless of course it's ex's 3 or something she totally doesn't fit in) -- she will bring so much to this show her rookie season-- bring anna too while your at it
I didn't expect to see this thread this early but I'm happy it's finally there.
However, I don't get my hopes up; I just wish Dylan at very least will finally debut ! ❤️
Darrell needs to be there too but since he will get married soon, maybe he'll stay at home for this one sadly...
pls don't let any outside show cast members be casted for this
edit: aside from ayto
Im hoping Cara is on this season. I wanted her to take a break before but id rather she annoy the haters and not miss a season.
The spoiler Team should just wait until departure day and make a thread with everything on it.
I just want s31 to be a myriad of old schoolers, a little bit of regulars, and fresh faces.
hopefully 4 or 5 of the queens in my avi are on for s31.
New: Ceejai, Katrina, Jason, Brian, Jenny, Jamie, Violetta
Comebacks: Theo, Nia, Cooke, Frank S, Emily
If Champs vs Pros cast is really a possibility then from the first season: Lolo and Louise
AYTO 6 girls looks better tho some of them looks beast and the guys they looks huge
Really want Hannah AYTO3 to be on the challenge i dont care if she weak AF lol
They better bring Gus, and any girls from CvP
If she wins Dirty 30, she definitely needs to take a break. The only reason I’d still want her on this season is if Cooke shows up, then they can team up again and have all the girls shook together. ❤️
They can leave AYTO alone for a bit tbh
The slayage anna stack is about to deliver>>>
A Cara-Cooke alliance would be everything!
For herself Cara needs a break regardless of the outcome. But Id rather she not take one anymore. Kailah and Tori are most likely returning and they're probably not going to have any other competition which makes it boring/predictable.
I'm looking forward to be disappointed.
if Katrina is not on this season i legit don't understand what goes on in these ppls heads that cast (unless of course it's ex's 3 or something she totally doesn't fit in) -- she will bring so much to this show her rookie season-- bring anna too while your at it
i hope she's serious-- don't play with our hearts cooke
Madison Walls and Katrina Stack PLZ
Marlon. Trey. Wes. Jason.
Katrina. Jenny. CeeJai. Violetta.
If I see Brians name, ima fight everyone here
Tina and Kendal coming to slay season 31!
Ready for John(Ayto S4) and Connor(Ayto S3) to make their debuts <333