The Challenge: Season 30 (Pre-departure Speculation)

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I would be shocked if Peter allowed Jenn out of her cage to associate with other people.

Latoya gonna be on and be one of the first 4 girls gone again so zzzzzzzzz


I would be shocked if Peter allowed Jenn out of her cage to associate with other people.


Chris reminds me of every tumblr page there is. No thanks. Smile

PinkRose wrote:

HonestTea101 wrote:

PinkRose wrote:Isn't Chris from NY? MHMM maybe is for the new show and not the challenge. 

Jesus? Have you come for us?

I have to recheck about that like we did with Jemmye lol The doormat in your avi is in the run for it


praise the lord tha jemmye isn't on here anymre. now we only need camila and cody off. 

I kinda hope we get some more AYTO people this season. I honestly prefer them than most of the people from GBGH and Bad Blood at this point. Also we could do without Zach, especially if Jenna ends up being on the final cast. 

ICON Sabrina is where it's at. She's already got that final call and is headed to location<3

Could this "Life after the cameras" show be a way to throw off both the cast and the Vevmo spoiler investigators? Didn't the bad blood think they were doing Road Rules or something?

When y'all beg for a Shane return and he get's clocked for running up on Nelson >>>>

lol do they have beef?

I need some more names to pop up but they'll prob be tragic 

any road rulers are going? and if so how much you thinking

any road rulers are going? and if so how much you thinking


Offcharsky19 wrote:

I'll never forgive MTV for putting trishelle on BOTS when Cooke said she was gonna do it but they picked trishelle instead 

Trishelle was the best part of BOTS. Bye.

One of the best but agreed. They should have dropped Nany, lol. Trishelle, Cooke and Alton would have carried that team.

Kajun wrote:

Offcharsky19 wrote:I'll never forgive MTV for putting trishelle on BOTS when Cooke said she was gonna do it but they picked trishelle instead 

Trishelle was the best part of BOTS. Bye.

One of the best but agreed. They should have dropped Nany, lol. Trishelle, Cooke and Alton would have carried that team.

Mr. Hauserman wrote:

Kajun wrote:

Offcharsky19 wrote:I'll never forgive MTV for putting trishelle on BOTS when Cooke said she was gonna do it but they picked trishelle instead 

Trishelle was the best part of BOTS. Bye.

One of the best but agreed. They should have dropped Nany, lol. Trishelle, Cooke and Alton would have carried that team.

CeeJai has been in the gym getting in seriously good shape hmm maybe shes training for her epic debut

CeeJai has been in the gym getting in seriously good shape hmm maybe shes training for her epic debut

If only....They need to stop playing.

Wait what the ****. My Vevmo is ******* up I clicked on invasion spoilers and it lead me here and first the first thing see is Nany disdain.. Haven't looked at the speculated list but I'm assuming she must be on since she's being brought up. Spoiler free vibes continue. Bye now. ✌️.

Before I head out. I already can guess Nia ain't on. And neither is CeeJai. I'll be gone If I'm right ********.

Could this "Life after the cameras" show be a way to throw off both the cast and the Vevmo spoiler investigators? Didn't the bad blood think they were doing Road Rules or something?

Doubt it lol What kind of twist would involved Peter, his doormat, Mike the escort, Devyn Simone,  Jemmye....Are some of the names that I heard have been contacted for it and are xurrently in the run for it lol

Tbh when my faves debut i usually get sool excited but ive learned over never get ur hopes up it happened with Nia on FA Jay on Exes2 Cory on Bloodlines (Not as impressive as i thought) Ashley on Rivals3 and Theo on Invasion hopefully if CeeJai makes her debut i hope she doesnt flop

Klounsnax2.0 wrote:

Could this "Life after the cameras" show be a way to throw off both the cast and the Vevmo spoiler investigators? Didn't the bad blood think they were doing Road Rules or something?

Doubt it lol What kind of twist would involved Peter, his doormat, Mike the escort, Devyn Simone,  Jemmye....Are some of the names that have been contacted for it and are xurrently in the run for it lol

This might have potential.

Klounsnax2.0 wrote:

Could this "Life after the cameras" show be a way to throw off both the cast and the Vevmo spoiler investigators? Didn't the bad blood think they were doing Road Rules or something?

Doubt it lol What kind of twist would involved Peter, his doormat, Mike the escort, Devyn Simone,  Jemmye....Are some of the names that I heard have been contacted for it and are xurrently in the run for it lol


PinkRose wrote:

Klounsnax2.0 wrote:Could this "Life after the cameras" show be a way to throw off both the cast and the Vevmo spoiler investigators? Didn't the bad blood think they were doing Road Rules or something?

Doubt it lol What kind of twist would involved Peter, his doormat, Mike the escort, Devyn Simone,  Jemmye....Are some of the names that have been contacted for it and are xurrently in the run for it lol

This might have potential.

That's what I'm thinking.

Klounsnax2.0 wrote:

Could this "Life after the cameras" show be a way to throw off both the cast and the Vevmo spoiler investigators? Didn't the bad blood think they were doing Road Rules or something?

Doubt it lol What kind of twist would involved Peter, his doormat, Mike the escort, Devyn Simone,  Jemmye....Are some of the names that I heard have been contacted for it and are xurrently in the run for it lol

wow. That lists sounds absolutely ******* terrible.

i was thinking it would be like the hills and follow Jenna, Nicole Z, Marie, Jessica and Jemmye in New York and their lives and scripted drama. 

Graphik wrote:

PinkRose wrote:

Klounsnax2.0 wrote:Could this "Life after the cameras" show be a way to throw off both the cast and the Vevmo spoiler investigators? Didn't the bad blood think they were doing Road Rules or something?

Doubt it lol What kind of twist would involved Peter, his doormat, Mike the escort, Devyn Simone,  Jemmye....Are some of the names that have been contacted for it and are xurrently in the run for it lol

This might have potential.

That's what I'm thinking.

IMO they really need to include the bevy of AYTO people who stay in that area. Just find a way to leave Creshitzo out of it lmao

Lmaoooo @ Mike. It seems like they will cast him on any show, except for The Challenge.

PinkRose wrote:

Klounsnax2.0 wrote:Could this "Life after the cameras" show be a way to throw off both the cast and the Vevmo spoiler investigators? Didn't the bad blood think they were doing Road Rules or something?

Doubt it lol What kind of twist would involved Peter, his doormat, Mike the escort, Devyn Simone,  Jemmye....Are some of the names that I heard have been contacted for it and are xurrently in the run for it lol

wow. That lists sounds absolutely ******* terrible.i was thinking it would be like the hills and follow Jenna, Nicole Z, Marie, Jessica and Jemmye in New York and their lives and scripted drama. 

Don't countany of those out either, except for Nicole z that is very likely for this season.

Aryan Mike ***** pete the doormat jemmye wow

that show is ******. 

Is Challenge 30 gonna blow horse **** or nah?


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