The Challenge: Ruined By Production’s Incompetency 5

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Oh yes give me Kina & Jillain!

I am a firm believer this show shouldve been kept OG but clearly thats not gonna happen. Id say Dustin and Marlon for the more "modern"'people. 



Who are some first time debuters you'd like to see this season?

lori t, Dan r, Susie, Irulan, Ty, los, piggy, Johnnie from fresh meat, Kina, Ibis, Brianna, Kimberly, Nick Brown and Marlon.

Great list!

Oh yes give me Kina & Jillain!

I am a firm believer this show shouldve been kept OG but clearly thats not gonna happen. Id say Dustin and Marlon for the more "modern"'people. 

Hopefully that's as modern as they'll get.... 

Lets hope!!! The exes rumor got me scared though 


We are going to have new people and I'm ok with that if it keeps it going. Ashley would be a great newer pick to draw that audience in.

I'm bracing myself for the Kailahs/Sylvias/Kams that they'll put on. On the bright side, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see the Ronis/Floras/Keflas that they'll put on! 

I'm shocked Kina even answered their phone call for 40. Her accepting would be AMAZING. Unlikely but we can dream for a bit.

We are going to have new people and I'm ok with that if it keeps it going. Ashley would be a great newer pick to draw that audience in.

You're always willing to complain, why lower your standards? Follow up question: why lower your standards to request for that trashbag to be on when she would ruin this in 2 seconds? 

I'm bracing myself for the Kailahs/Sylvias/Kams that they'll put on. On the bright side, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see the Ronis/Floras/Keflas that they'll put on! 

I think those are necessary choices to keep it going. I just hope we get the Kailahs, Kam, and Ashleys NOT the Vicky, Devun, and Joshelles.

I want Melissa Howard


We are going to have new people and I'm ok with that if it keeps it going. Ashley would be a great newer pick to draw that audience in.

You're always willing to complain, why lower your standards? Follow up question: why lower your standards to request for that trashbag to be on when she would ruin this in 2 seconds? 

She wouldn't ruin it for me? I love Ashley. In my ideal world this would ONLY be OGs. Fresh Meat 2 at the latest and even that would be a stretch for me. But I have to be realistic and accept newer names will be here or I'll just be letdown lol, and she's one I'd be ok with.

I want Melissa Howard

Same but I think she'd only do Traitors.


I want Melissa Howard

Same but I think she'd only do Traitors.

Melissa LOVES this show. If they could get her to convince Coral to do it and add the Miz, that would be so iconic and amazing.

I think those are necessary choices to keep it going. I just hope we get the Kailahs, Kam, and Ashleys NOT the Vicky, Devun, and Joshelles.

All of those 6 are absolutely travesties, especially the latter 3 and Kam. 



I want Melissa Howard

Same but I think she'd only do Traitors.

Melissa LOVES this show. If they could get her to convince Coral to do it and add the Miz, that would be so iconic and amazing.

OMG DREAM TEAM. Somebody make it happen!

If it's only five weeks of filming, no way it's more than 24 cast members. And if we're trying to build that out real quick all new people (DELUSIONAL I KNOW), I think a decent looking prelim cast is:

Old School (Pre Duel 1):

Blair, Chadwick, Colin, Dan Renzi, Dan Setzler, Timmy

Cara Z, Elka, Ellen, Emily Bailey, Lori, Susie

New School (Post Duel 1):

Bruno, Cohutta (he got screwed - redemption!!!), CJ, Dustin, Frank, Preston

Ashley M, Brittni Sherrod, Devyn, Latoya, Marie, Sarah Rice

Tvandcoffee, someone really needs to hire us to cast these shows. Our casts would be so iconic.

Tvandcoffee, someone really needs to hire us to cast these shows. Our casts would be so iconic.

I'd have faith in Tvandcoffee, but you? Helllll no. You'd have potential, but I wouldn't trust you. 

Who are some first time debuters you'd like to see this season?

coral will always be on the top of my list - but I also really want Elka and Anne Wharton! ELKA AND ANNE WHARTON!

also Tara and Genesis need some love after being viscously being sent to the land of alternates over people who didn't deserve a spot over them!

Also how Julie hasn't appeared on this yet is wild to me. Lori and Susie would be musts too. As a giant Susie fan I'm shocked they have passed over her twice now!!!! Sacrilege!I know we will get stuck with them, but  I hope we have less cast members like Kam and Cara Maria and more castings like Cynthia, Roni, etc.  keep it a shorter filming with more faces from the past.

Emily B, the Holly's, Irulan, ugh so many great choices!!!

Tvandcoffee, someone really needs to hire us to cast these shows. Our casts would be so iconic.

Lets just take this over OS! Lmaoo. this entire franchise really would be so much better off if they hired longtime fans. I know people think we criticize production too much, but its because we see so much potential. They put in half the work in the OG days and created such a better product. But now production mistreats anyone who isnt their golden favorites. We could cast for STORYLINES, not spots! Make the Challenge great again!

i think me and oldschooler could put together an amazing cast Kiss 2 BMP hire us!

Not BB pushing me out OMG stay off my man

Not BB pushing me out OMG stay off my man

omg and you too! the all stars 5 trio Smile

I can work with that! Smile

who do we get to uncensor ÃS5 here? Bacchus?

Ummm I would def be a consultant or something - old school can vouch for my love and knowledge of the OG's lol

also side note: did Kina actually answer a call for 40? Someone wrote that earlier - was it a direct no? Or was she actually possibly interested but just couldn't shoot that long cause of her job? A Kina return would be inconic! Loved her back in the day - was sad the Duel was her final season. 

Okay all of us OG lovers can be included. However, anyone who has ever made an ageist joke against the OGs need not apply, we don't want you.

Okay all of us OG lovers can be included. However, anyone who has ever made an ageist joke against the OGs need not apply, we don't want you.

No, not all the OG lovers are wanted or needed.

In a cast of 24, I think there's about a 90% chance there's 8 or less OG's. So y'all better push your favs wisely. Don't spread the campaigns too thin.


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