If I was already winning 135k I wouldn't even think of taking money away from someone to fill my own soulless desires. At the end of the day bananas proved why he was, is, and forever will be a *** guzzling man ***** with an ego bigger than that ****** up head his girl calls a face. He can swerve out and away from my television forever and blow all the money he's somehow made on these shows at those gyms of his that'll go out of business soon enough
Easy to make the right decision when the money isn't in front of you. But now imagine that you get to get revenge on your rival plus keep all the money to yourself. Tell me you don't take that deal.
Who hosted the reunion? I hope it's not that Nessa chick. She doesn't know shit about the challenge and asks repetitive, boring, one-sided questions. And it was so hard to watch her on the bloodlines reunion. She is ANNOYING! I hope it's a challenge vet or something. She sounds so fake and scripted. And the producers are getting even more shady. Shadier than Bad GIrls Club producers (i think they are the same, yeah they are). Tbh, I am a big fan of Sarah and Bananas but theat's a dirty moven Namamas end. But this is thechallenge, I still can't believe people think Jenna is the champion hahahahah lmao can't wait for true elite players to return and show her what the challenge is really about. From what I heard, Vince drags Jenna during the final. Yalll throw this ordquen and elite player around too muh and to freely. Start calling people queens when they actuallly play the game and no scard. WHE they actually when multiple seasns and people are actually scared of them, PHYSICALL and MEnTALLY. This is a disgrace to true queens like Evelyn, Laurel, Emily S., Rachel, Veronica, etc.
If I was already winning 135k I wouldn't even think of taking money away from someone to fill my own soulless desires. At the end of the day bananas proved why he was, is, and forever will be a *** guzzling man ***** with an ego bigger than that ****** up head his girl calls a face. He can swerve out and away from my television forever and blow all the money he's somehow made on these shows at those gyms of his that'll go out of business soon enough
Easy to make the right decision when the money isn't in front of you. But now imagine that you get to get revenge on your rival plus keep all the money to yourself. Tell me you don't take that deal.
well considering that Bananas and Sarah weren't rivals having already made up I wouldn't take all the money in the case. Call me stupid but it's just not my personality to take things away especially life changing amounts of money.
The ONLY reason I would take the money is to find which way would give us the most money after taxes were taken out. Then I would share after the challenge and I get the money.
Unless he gave her the money in small amounts over a period of time I don't think that would work. You would get taxed initially on the winnings and then if you gave a chunk later to your partner I'm pretty sure you'd have to pay another separate gift tax on it if it was over 10K. You'd be better off splitting it.
I don't think it would be that hard to give money in small chunks
LurkerNoMore wrote:I'm not Sarah's biggest fan by any means, but Bananas is a vile ******* pig for doing that. That's not "getting even," it's being downright cruel. Could you imagine the absolute shitstorm that would've happened had someone done that to him? His wrongful entitlement to this show is disgusting, and he needs to go.
Hes the cancer of the challenge. He's like that stereotypical white male that makes people hate the US . Get off television.
**** that, Bananas is making American tv great again if anything. Fuuuu cccking legend. You bet every american dollar you have that my foreign *** will in tears laughing when this glorious challenge moment occurs.
Dumbest comment ever. Congrats on getting my response though. #weirdo #bothyouandjohn
Yeah I like Nessa unlike that dusty Zuri chick y'all was praising. Only alumni I would like to see host is Tami Roman because she'd be unbiased since she don't even know any of them.
ugh this Jenna hype is rediculous, I bet all of you hyping her up are 12 year olds, that hated Vince last season, hates his cousin, and probably never watched older seasons of the challenge. If u did, how can u even cal her a queen onyon her 3rd challenge. She was a layup and quit the final on her 1st season, had all crapshoot eliminations on her 2nd,and had big strong partner on her third. The eliiminaton she wins this season is a reaching one with long arms, again, another crapshoot elimination.
JL81790 wrote:The more I think about it the more I think it's a production thing and probably wasn't actually real. Were I Sarah and, after the show was over and I knew what happened, I got a call to do some kind of aftershow that would be airing mid season and I'd be talking about how Johnny and I had become best friends and love each other again I would've laughed in that person's face and told them to **** off...the guy took 125K out of her pocket that she helped him win and then she's supposed to talk about how great he is? I don't buy it. She wants him on her podcast...she still tweets to him. I think they had this twist in the bag and then saw that the teams that made the final were all teams that were getting along and something needed to happen. I'd be shocked if Sarah didn't actually get her share.
Somehow I doubt it. I for one am glad Sarah got what she deserved & that Bananas got all of the money for himself.
What did she deserve though? I've been one of the staunches Bananas supporters on this site for a LONG time and I don't see what Sarah really did wrong at any point besides downplay their relationship. On Exes 2 she made a reasonable game move and on this show she's done nothing but help him try to win. Do I think she's gone overboard with some of the personal attacks AFTER the show? Yes, even with now knowing that this happened. But at the point when it happened I don't think it was even slightly justified especially given that their relationship had been repaired.
In the overall picture of the game she didn't do anything wrong. She made the right game move in order to win Exes 2. My problem is she had to stab a close friend in the back & downplay their relationship. If she would have owned up to the power move & said it was all in the name of the game I would have been fine with it.
LurkerNoMore wrote:I'm not Sarah's biggest fan by any means, but Bananas is a vile ******* pig for doing that. That's not "getting even," it's being downright cruel. Could you imagine the absolute shitstorm that would've happened had someone done that to him? His wrongful entitlement to this show is disgusting, and he needs to go.
Hes the cancer of the challenge. He's like that stereotypical white male that makes people hate the US . Get off television.
**** that, Bananas is making American tv great again if anything. Fuuuu cccking legend. You bet every american dollar you have that my foreign *** will in tears laughing when this glorious challenge moment occurs.
Dumbest comment ever. Congrats on getting my response though. #weirdo #bothyouandjohn
This is not twitter, hashtags are redundant. Im glad i replied to someone with the discussion skills of a four year old. Proving my point for me.
The thing with bananas robbing Sarah of it, is the fact that they clearly were making amends. Not only did him and Sarah work perfect together, but each time they got closer and he made it to the final because of her helping and being the perfect partner. It's a damn pair/half and half, you ain't gonna dominate alone in that sense. She helped him get to the final and was thinking she'll finally repay him that win only to get all her money robbed out of her hands which basically means she did all this damage control for nothing. I don't like her but I do feel for her and I would've clocked the life out of bananas at the reunion since I'm basically not ever doing a challenge again so a damn ban is meaningless. She really should've stayed retired cause now this moment will taint her challenge rep. Like how much better would she look if exes 2 was how she ended it.
Yeah I like Nessa unlike that dusty Zuri chick y'all was praising. Only alumni I would like to see host is Tami Roman because she'd be unbiased since she don't even know any of them.
Didn't ask what website this was. Didn't ask you anything in the first place. Praising a stranger for being a disgusting disrespectful entitled person is silly. I don't like Sarah either but let's not be stupid here...#likeiwassaying
She was just bland to me. I need someone with personality. You can tell Nessa actually cares as times what she's discussing while I didn't feel that with Zuri.
What was it he did that was disgusting? Make more money for himself by not sharing it with someone who has already shown that they will turn their back on him to greater their own chances of making some more money? I guess you and me have different definitions of what disgusting is. Also please stop trying to insinuate that i am stupid. It really hurts my feelings
I dislike Sarah too but what he did was lameeeeeeeee and BMP/MTV were even lamer for what they did. No wonder she telling cast members to call her, she is probably bitter and not wanting them to go LMAO
I feel like to make it that far and walk away with nothing is awful. That's the whole point of the show. To me it would have been better had this been known or hinted at the beginning so we could have seen teams think about this and consider. Way the options out. I would have beat Bananas ***. Literally.
Feel bad for Sarah. Shes the reason he made that final he could have been partnered with someone way worse. It's not like she was terrible she was by far the best girl there.
What was it he did that was disgusting? Make more money for himself by not sharing it with someone who has already shown that they will turn their back on him to greater their own chances of making some more money? I guess you and me have different definitions of what disgusting is. Also please stop trying to insinuate that i am stupid. It really hurts my feelings
There's way too many disgusting things that he's done to list here. I'm not just talking about this challenge. Honestly I'm just extremely nauseous from morning sickness and tired from chasing a toddler all day. Basically I'm just talking shit. No problem s from me.
ugh this Jenna hype is rediculous, I bet all of you hyping her up are 12 year olds, that hated Vince last season, hates his cousin, and probably never watched older seasons of the challenge. If u did, how can u even cal her a queen onyon her 3rd challenge. She was a layup and quit the final on her 1st season, had all crapshoot eliminations on her 2nd,and had big strong partner on her third. The eliiminaton she wins this season is a reaching one with long arms, again, another crapshoot elimination.
Easy to make the right decision when the money isn't in front of you. But now imagine that you get to get revenge on your rival plus keep all the money to yourself. Tell me you don't take that deal.
Who hosted the reunion? I hope it's not that Nessa chick. She doesn't know shit about the challenge and asks repetitive, boring, one-sided questions. And it was so hard to watch her on the bloodlines reunion. She is ANNOYING! I hope it's a challenge vet or something. She sounds so fake and scripted. And the producers are getting even more shady. Shadier than Bad GIrls Club producers (i think they are the same, yeah they are). Tbh, I am a big fan of Sarah and Bananas but theat's a dirty moven Namamas end. But this is thechallenge, I still can't believe people think Jenna is the champion hahahahah lmao can't wait for true elite players to return and show her what the challenge is really about. From what I heard, Vince drags Jenna during the final. Yalll throw this ordquen and elite player around too muh and to freely. Start calling people queens when they actuallly play the game and no scard. WHE they actually when multiple seasns and people are actually scared of them, PHYSICALL and MEnTALLY. This is a disgrace to true queens like Evelyn, Laurel, Emily S., Rachel, Veronica, etc.
Nessa is a decent host.
And if you don't want biased why tf would you invite a challenge vet? Tf
Literally one person here calls her queen, and im 80% sure he suffers from mental problems
well considering that Bananas and Sarah weren't rivals having already made up I wouldn't take all the money in the case. Call me stupid but it's just not my personality to take things away especially life changing amounts of money.
I don't think it would be that hard to give money in small chunks
Dumbest comment ever. Congrats on getting my response though. #weirdo #bothyouandjohn
Yeah I like Nessa unlike that dusty Zuri chick y'all was praising. Only alumni I would like to see host is Tami Roman because she'd be unbiased since she don't even know any of them.
ugh this Jenna hype is rediculous, I bet all of you hyping her up are 12 year olds, that hated Vince last season, hates his cousin, and probably never watched older seasons of the challenge. If u did, how can u even cal her a queen onyon her 3rd challenge. She was a layup and quit the final on her 1st season, had all crapshoot eliminations on her 2nd,and had big strong partner on her third. The eliiminaton she wins this season is a reaching one with long arms, again, another crapshoot elimination.
lmao i know who u r talking about lol but on other threads its alot more. im90 percent sure he has mental problems also
In the overall picture of the game she didn't do anything wrong. She made the right game move in order to win Exes 2. My problem is she had to stab a close friend in the back & downplay their relationship. If she would have owned up to the power move & said it was all in the name of the game I would have been fine with it.
This is not twitter, hashtags are redundant. Im glad i replied to someone with the discussion skills of a four year old. Proving my point for me.
The thing with bananas robbing Sarah of it, is the fact that they clearly were making amends. Not only did him and Sarah work perfect together, but each time they got closer and he made it to the final because of her helping and being the perfect partner. It's a damn pair/half and half, you ain't gonna dominate alone in that sense. She helped him get to the final and was thinking she'll finally repay him that win only to get all her money robbed out of her hands which basically means she did all this damage control for nothing. I don't like her but I do feel for her and I would've clocked the life out of bananas at the reunion since I'm basically not ever doing a challenge again so a damn ban is meaningless. She really should've stayed retired cause now this moment will taint her challenge rep. Like how much better would she look if exes 2 was how she ended it.
You didn't like Zuri? How Come? Just curious.
Didn't ask what website this was. Didn't ask you anything in the first place. Praising a stranger for being a disgusting disrespectful entitled person is silly. I don't like Sarah either but let's not be stupid here...#likeiwassaying
She was just bland to me. I need someone with personality. You can tell Nessa actually cares as times what she's discussing while I didn't feel that with Zuri.
What was it he did that was disgusting? Make more money for himself by not sharing it with someone who has already shown that they will turn their back on him to greater their own chances of making some more money? I guess you and me have different definitions of what disgusting is. Also please stop trying to insinuate that i am stupid. It really hurts my feelings
They should just let Coral host the after shows
Nessa is just all around terrible and Zuri is boring af
I dislike Sarah too but what he did was lameeeeeeeee and BMP/MTV were even lamer for what they did. No wonder she telling cast members to call her, she is probably bitter and not wanting them to go LMAO
I feel like to make it that far and walk away with nothing is awful. That's the whole point of the show. To me it would have been better had this been known or hinted at the beginning so we could have seen teams think about this and consider. Way the options out. I would have beat Bananas ***. Literally.
Feel bad for Sarah. Shes the reason he made that final he could have been partnered with someone way worse. It's not like she was terrible she was by far the best girl there.
Coral was bad too which is why she's at home as we speak.
If being a bad ***** is a mental problem than sign me up
There's way too many disgusting things that he's done to list here. I'm not just talking about this challenge. Honestly I'm just extremely nauseous from morning sickness and tired from chasing a toddler all day. Basically I'm just talking shit. No problem s from me.
True they should just get Kenny to host then
so he can sit there and talk about how great his friend is, and not try and dish his dirty laundry like nessa tried. no thanks
SO rediculous
Hell no. He'd be worse than all of them.
Jenna is a queen.
All Nessa wants to do is make every guy who comes on the after show seem like more of a piece of shit than he actually is