The Challenge: Ride or Dies- Devin Walker and Tori Deal

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Tory's life outside the challenge consists of gobbling a dozen dirty c0-cks a day.

Queen always has them pressed!

Queen always has them pressed!

For some reason im loving her today Smile


Queen always has them pressed!

For some reason im loving her today

Lmao you crazy girl


Tory's life outside the challenge consists of eating a dozen donuts a day.

Who doesn't want a dozen doughnuts a day?   Way worse things you can do every day...

Good for her it must be so nice. Must be the life. It shows in her figure.

For some reason im loving her today

Thank you!! Lol

I hope Tori has a great day!

She is built like a bag of mashed potatoes

She is built like a million dollars


She is built like a million dollars

Good luck in the final queen!! You've been killing it!!

Can't wait for the reunion!

Good luck in the final queen!! You've been killing it!!

Can't wait for the reunion!

I'll just say that tori is very lucky that kam hasn't been on these...

and lucky that someone like devin is her partner. No eating heffa


I'll just say that tori is very lucky that kam hasn't been on these...

and lucky that someone like devin is her partner. No eating heffa

Now y'all say she's LUCKY to have Devin as her partner? BFFR

She says her biggest strength is her fearlessness & then sits there & watches while her partner drinks every one of those glasses.  Weak *****.

She says her biggest strength is her fearlessness & then sits there & watches while her partner drinks every one of those glasses.  Weak *****.



I'll just say that tori is very lucky that kam hasn't been on these...

and lucky that someone like devin is her partner. No eating heffa

Now y'all say she's LUCKY to have Devin as her partner? BFFR

I never shitted on devin. I am forreal. Its clear his smarts and willingliness is getting them through. He is the one good at the sling shot shit. He ate that shit for her. He told her not to worry about the endurance of the tent thing, although she didn't agree. Yeah she lucky. If she had Johnny's unserious ***, she wouldn't be where she is and she would have been drinking that shit, remember what he told nany when they first started, nany was gonna help him carry their shit and did. Yeah tori lucky and getting over. CT didn't even consume meat for the love of his life who was vegetrian (battle of the exes final).

Imagine if fessy was her partner. Theyd be stuck at the shooting station and the food station. 

"Let's go!"

Devin is doing so much better in the final. He's really carrying the whole team. He thought of the good strategy to go slower on the bikes to save energy, he drank all the drinks, he did the work at the slingshot

This thing would be in last if it wasn't for Devin. Unathletic junk food eater.

She says her biggest strength is her fearlessness & then sits there & watches while her partner drinks every one of those gl***es.  Weak *****.

YOU are the weak *** hoe! She ASKED him and said she will if need be.

This thing would be in last if it wasn't for Devin. Unathletic junk food eater.

Neither in the SLA final, nor in this final, does any of the girls beat her. She beat all the girls in the SLA at all the checkpoints. Do you even watch this show?)


She says her biggest strength is her fearlessness & then sits there & watches while her partner drinks every one of those gl***es.  Weak *****.

YOU are the weak *** hoe! She ASKED him and said she will if need be.

You're stupid if you think that hog was being serious.  Those shakes are the only thing she's ever refused to stuff down her gullet. 


She says her biggest strength is her fearlessness & then sits there & watches while her partner drinks every one of those gl***es.  Weak *****.

YOU are the weak *** hoe! She ASKED him and said she will if need be.

tell her!!


This thing would be in last if it wasn't for Devin. Unathletic junk food eater.

Neither in the SLA final, nor in this final, does any of the girls beat her. She beat all the girls in the SLA at all the checkpoints. Do you even watch this show?)

She still lost.
