I really don't know where to place Ashley. Her standing in the game interests me the most. Her and Nany always have a rocky road doing seasons together and Ashley was cussing Aneesa out right before departure on social media so I'm very curious what she's doing and whose she's aligned with
My hope is that Ashley is working with the rookies & Michaela! That would be a DREAM!
Ashley working with the female rookies sound realistic
Tina isn't a kind person. I've heard countless stories about how lame she is. I don't care that she's lame though if she made good tv. Literally all she is is a follower and clown on social media. Tina couldn't win in the team era. She can't win in pairs. She can't win when it's handed to her. She can't win solo games. She couldn't win in her prime. She couldn't win skinny, chunky, or anywhere in between. She is just gonna cry, cry, and cry and then píșś someone off by trying to pretend she's anything and everything and she'll get loud for a few seconds and then cry about it. Tina is a terrible OG representation. She's only there because she's desperate for attention and would drop anything to relive her glory days of being the third, lamest wheel of the mean girls group. She gives nothing. Tina SUCKS!
Tina is amazing (when she's not running her mouth on socials). She does this show for fun. When aneesa competes I imagine sad violins playing. OMG. Same shit different season. Aneesa it's getting old.
Tina is amazing (when she's not running her mouth on socials). She does this show for fun. When aneesa competes I imagine sad violins playing. OMG. Same shit different season. Aneesa it's getting old.
I would like to formely announce my retirement from spoilers. I didn't get enough attention for CT. So y'all will have to go back days waiting to hear from Slowrose.
I would like to formely announce my retirement from spoilers. I didn't get enough attention for CT. So y'all will have to go back days waiting to hear from Slowrose.
and this is why PR is superior. She does it from the kindness of her heart while you only do it for the attention and praise. Byeeee
thank you so much. when I saw you post CT was out I felt it in my heart to be true and of course it was because you always deliver. you're too good for this forum and we are so lucky to have you
for real though it's been nice having another person with some info. And ct being out makes things more unpredictable and im very excited for what's to come next. It's anyones game.
And you are...?
I'll never forget when OldSchooler said he's a good person because his parents spanked him when he was a kid. LOL.
Aneesa is stuck up and snobby. For someone who lost so many seasons you'd think she'd be humble, no?
Ashley working with the female rookies sound realistic
Michaela hmmmmm don't know about that
Tina is amazing (when she's not running her mouth on socials). She does this show for fun. When aneesa competes I imagine sad violins playing. OMG. Same shit different season. Aneesa it's getting old.
and are you mad that Laurel sent Cara home twice and won all stars over her? Are you mad that after 20 seasons aneesa is still a loser?
maybe with all the crazy shit going down in Turkey rn they'll forget to arrest him
MAD CYST please continue to thrive and survive this first double elimination! I need you. The world needs you.
racist twink
I would like to formely announce my retirement from spoilers. I didn't get enough attention for CT. So y'all will have to go back days waiting to hear from Slowrose.
Honestly aneesa winning would be hilarious I'm kinda here for it lol
and this is why PR is superior. She does it from the kindness of her heart while you only do it for the attention and praise. Byeeee
(in jest <3)
The rookie men doing what Cory, Hunter, and Nelson couldn't do by sending the male champs packing oh fathers get up...
Gamer said Leo is gonna be fun and called Gabe "drama".
Look at how I win
Dee downgraded omg
I knew she was gonna **** John lmao.
The girls are so predictable
Lol her hooking up with Johnny was so predictable
Two thumbs down for that FLOP
Dee got with Will then was like "nope lemme fhuk Platano" ummm sis the downgrade???