you're the one who starts shit first with everyone out of random. Caramarialover obliterated that loose blowhole of yours today, i ended you's last night and even uklover said that you love to bait people for a reaction and that it's ******* annoying. Why don't you just comment on the challengers only and leave us alone and you won't look like the pathetic baguette you're surely becoming day by day :)
He said he likes Cara now.
CT going out before the format change while there's like four twinks still running around would be fantastic.
Invasion was the last time CT brought anything of substance...
so we stanning nahtzi's now OS? I thought you were better than that!
Huh? I stan Cara Z but not that Party City budget pirate.
If CT is eliminated we're almost guaranteed a new male winner. There's no way Derrick is winning.
What was vevmo's reaction when spoilers revealed Emmanuel won 39?
Turbo is still there
Pink: CT is still in the game
Oh shit, I forgot. Yeah, they're still in trouble.
Turbo winning 2 puzzle elims and he won a cardio based final oooo I wouldn't mind my Turkish baba to win maybe he can use the money to pay his bail
OS this is the least we've ever argued during spoiler season i'm so impressed
#AshleysAngels #CedricsCoalition #SydneysSeagulls #MichaelasMilitary
YES! CAMS has us united? Are you not a Dee & Theo fan though?
Sydney Seagulls gonna shit on the competition!!!
We all hated it. No one likes that dork.
what about #WillsWarriors!
No one gives a damn about Will, lol..
People were either pissed or underwhelmed. It felt sorta predictable though, once Horacio was gone he seemed like a shoo-in
It's honestly time for one of michaela, dee or sydney to go as it's rough to choose one to root for!
lemme guess you want Michaela to go? That's suspicious af
Raise up if you ar part of The MAD CYST Abscess!
did i say which one r^etard? Don't you have an anonymous pump and dump to set up for the night *****?
no bc that sounds unsafe and unsanitary
We need to be kinder to each other on here.
congrats on taking the title of vevmo's punching bag from oldschooler killa!
you're the one who starts shit first with everyone out of random. Caramarialover obliterated that loose blowhole of yours today, i ended you's last night and even uklover said that you love to bait people for a reaction and that it's ******* annoying. Why don't you just comment on the challengers only and leave us alone and you won't look like the pathetic baguette you're surely becoming day by day :)
Why y'all really made at Killa because he gets action, lol.