that is NOT my OG representation. Baby that's Coral
The last time Coral was on this show you were probably watching Elmo and Blue's Clues that is NOT your OG Representation. You were raised on Aneesa Ferreira so that's who you will respect and represent ❤️
Aneesa really has been doing this show for years LOL I wonder if she's eligible for retirement benefit checks from MTV considering she's been on the payroll for well over twenty years
Shut up, we know your first season is SLA. That's why you're like America stans but about Amber B.
you shut up gay boy! My mom raised me on Coral and Veronica! But my first season I actually watched was free agents. And don't compare my love for Amber b to those ameretards bc when have I ever harassed anyone over her?
that is NOT my OG representation. Baby that's Coral
Shut up, we know your first season is SLA. That's why you're like America stans but about Amber B.
you shut up gay boy! My mom raised me on Coral and Veronica! But my first season I actually watched was free agents. And don't compare my love for Amber b to those ameretards bc when have I ever harassed anyone over her?
I know you're not calling me gay boy when you literally are obssessed with every man to be on this show and how attractive they are. Boy shut up.
I love me some Coral, but y'all needa stop acting like she's the only black woman worthy enough to be representation for black women. That shit is getting annoying. And I swear some of y'all white folks use Coral like "my one black friend" card.
I love me some Coral, but y'all needa stop acting like she's the only black woman worthy enough to be representation for black women. That shit is getting annoying. And I swear some of y'all white folks use Coral like "my one black friend" card.
I love me some Coral, but y'all needa stop acting like she's the only black woman worthy enough to be representation for black women. That shit is getting annoying. And I swear some of y'all white folks use Coral like "my one black friend" card.
I love me some Coral, but y'all needa stop acting like she's the only black woman worthy enough to be representation for black women. That shit is getting annoying. And I swear some of y'all white folks use Coral like "my one black friend" card.
All this because we don't like Aneesa?
"All of this" when it's three sentences. And boy aint nobody was directing this comment at you.
I love me some Coral, but y'all needa stop acting like she's the only black woman worthy enough to be representation for black women. That shit is getting annoying. And I swear some of y'all white folks use Coral like "my one black friend" card.
I love me some Coral, but y'all needa stop acting like she's the only black woman worthy enough to be representation for black women. That shit is getting annoying. And I swear some of y'all white folks use Coral like "my one black friend" card.
It's Eliminessa ❤️
Put some respect on our OG representation
that is NOT my OG representation. Baby that's Coral
Shut up, we know your first season is SLA. That's why you're like America stans but about Amber B.
Aneesa really has been doing this show for years LOL I wonder if she's eligible for retirement benefit checks from MTV considering she's been on the payroll for well over twenty years
you shut up gay boy! My mom raised me on Coral and Veronica! But my first season I actually watched was free agents. And don't compare my love for Amber b to those ameretards bc when have I ever harassed anyone over her?
I know you're not calling me gay boy when you literally are obssessed with every man to be on this show and how attractive they are. Boy shut up.
Not Aneesa's pi^mps trying to come for me girl bye!
yes gay boy! We all gay! Even OS with his gay crush on Cedric
Now why did I get brought in this?
Ugh I need that granny to be the next out so her pim^ps can DISPERSE
Bringing up traumatic childhood memories for you?
boo I was never picked last <3
I love me some Coral, but y'all needa stop acting like she's the only black woman worthy enough to be representation for black women. That shit is getting annoying. And I swear some of y'all white folks use Coral like "my one black friend" card.
All this because we don't like Aneesa?
you're right. There's Kam, Jonna, Ayanna, Desi, Amber, Michaela, Janelle....
boo I get called colorist for not liking Esther lmaoooo
"All of this" when it's three sentences. And boy aint nobody was directing this comment at you.
Those aren't OG women though (besides Ayanna) so that doesn't fit the argument.
All of this aneesa praise it's giving payola lmaoooo
OS name some black female OGs that are better representation than Aneesa I don't feel like googling
For younger viewers sure, not for me. Back in day it was Coral, Aneesa, Irulan, Arissa.
The aneesa payola is strong ijbol
Wtf is "better"? Why are they better than Aneesa?
Heather B, Tami, Sharon, Cynthia, Coral, Nicole, Irulan, Arissa, Shavonda, Gladys, Ayanna, Christena.
bc they either won or haven't flopped on multiple seasons. Do I have to spell everything out for you babe?
not you forgetting Roni lol