blue stans are about to be the most annoying mf's on the internet for a good while
as they should be considering they bullied this sweet girl relentlessly for months for no reason
The revisionist history with Blue/America is insane lol all America did all season was try to help that girl but she trashed talked her (and most of the women) to all the mysoginistic men and was their puppet. Legit didn't ride for a single girl and only rode with the men that season. Embarrassing to watch.
it was so funny to me watching all of that go down only for Mecole to whack America for being fake before walking out of the house LOL
blue stans are about to be the most annoying mf's on the internet for a good while
as they should be considering they bullied this sweet girl relentlessly for months for no reason
The revisionist history with Blue/America is insane lol all America did all season was try to help that girl but she trashed talked her (and most of the women) to all the mysoginistic men and was their puppet. Legit didn't ride for a single girl and only rode with the men that season. Embarrassing to watch.
This Blue narrative of not being a girls girl is easily disproven by the amount of girlfriends she has from the season... Meme, Reilly, Felicia, Cirie
blue stans are about to be the most annoying mf's on the internet for a good while
as they should be considering they bullied this sweet girl relentlessly for months for no reason
The revisionist history with Blue/America is insane lol all America did all season was try to help that girl but she trashed talked her (and most of the women) to all the mysoginistic men and was their puppet. Legit didn't ride for a single girl and only rode with the men that season. Embarrassing to watch.
This Blue narrative of not being a girls girl is easily disproven by the amount of girlfriends she has from the season... Meme, Reilly, Felicia, Cirie
Which girl did America like in the house?
And Felicia and Cirie were hating on blue the whole time calling her a hoe so guess what they're all fake
Eliminate in pairs is the worst case scenario. Forcing vets to make it deep of course. Let's be clear, these old as shit vets would all be gone by Episode 7 if not for this rigged format.
america was more fake on a game level but blue was more fake on a personal level tbh. the fanwar was funny cause they both flopped at the same exact time. they're probably friends now so it doesn't matter much
Ok and America is cool with most of them post season too but in the season Blue was against all the women (except maybe Reily who went home 2nd). The only women she kinda had her back was Cirie and it wasn't even for game it was because she knew that was Jared's mom and wanted her to like her even though Jared had a gf he shouted out constantly and legit told Blue "I've never seen females as friends" lmao again the Blue revisionist history is crazzzzzy.
Pinky knows the final men or at least a couple and is holding back just because. That kind power play from her and Gamer annoys me. But she listed me as her favorite user so I'll șțfù.
Have y'all not learned? They don't hold on to these grudges like yall do. They move on with their lives.
This was last month...
BB25 is the most uninteresting group off humans I've ever seen (besides Felicia & Kirsten). I would never keep up with anything they do outside the show. If it's a recent beef it's probably a Josh style fake storyline headed into the season.
Sorry but did y'all care for anyone not named CIRIE FIELDS OR FELICIA CANNON from that lil season...? America is loved because she's a cute petite white girl. Y'all love to stan below mid white women. Anyway.
Sorry but did y'all care for anyone not named CIRIE FIELDS OR FELICIA CANNON from that lil season...? America is loved because she's a cute petite white girl. Y'all love to stan below mid white women. Anyway.
it was so funny to me watching all of that go down only for Mecole to whack America for being fake before walking out of the house LOL
This Blue narrative of not being a girls girl is easily disproven by the amount of girlfriends she has from the season... Meme, Reilly, Felicia, Cirie
Which girl did America like in the house?
The lock thread is open, UKLover don't post in there
And Felicia and Cirie were hating on blue the whole time calling her a hoe so guess what they're all fake
See now did I jump you when you spoiled in a non-spoiler elimination thread? No. Y'all so trifling round here. I needa stop being nice.
I don't want Cosmic to curse me out again anyways.
Eliminate in pairs is the worst case scenario. Forcing vets to make it deep of course. Let's be clear, these old as shit vets would all be gone by Episode 7 if not for this rigged format.
LMAOOOOOO I still remember that!
america was more fake on a game level but blue was more fake on a personal level tbh. the fanwar was funny cause they both flopped at the same exact time. they're probably friends now so it doesn't matter much
Ok and America is cool with most of them post season too but in the season Blue was against all the women (except maybe Reily who went home 2nd). The only women she kinda had her back was Cirie and it wasn't even for game it was because she knew that was Jared's mom and wanted her to like her even though Jared had a gf he shouted out constantly and legit told Blue "I've never seen females as friends" lmao again the Blue revisionist history is crazzzzzy.
America was fine with Blue but then found out Blue called her ugly and was pissed...
Have y'all not learned? They don't hold on to these grudges like yall do. They move on with their lives.
This was last month...
Pinky knows the final men or at least a couple and is holding back just because. That kind power play from her and Gamer annoys me. But she listed me as her favorite user so I'll șțfù.
BB25 is the most uninteresting group off humans I've ever seen (besides Felicia & Kirsten). I would never keep up with anything they do outside the show. If it's a recent beef it's probably a Josh style fake storyline headed into the season.
Blue definitely talked a lot of shit about America. America also was relatively fake, mostly game. Both of them were closer to guys than girls.
Blue and Mecole ended up being cool towards the end and I definitely remember Blue/America shit talking her at the start. And, Meme felt the same.
The women that season were all messy.
I only tease people I like, it's meant as a compliment! I wasn't trying to judge at all
"in jest" as some might say
The women were catty to each other on their season lol. It wasn't one sided
Sorry but did y'all care for anyone not named CIRIE FIELDS OR FELICIA CANNON from that lil season...? America is loved because she's a cute petite white girl. Y'all love to stan below mid white women. Anyway.
Felicia should've been on this IDC.
Get OUT of this thread with bb talk, **** yall
Angela too.
Kirsten and Mecole
Imagine a rivals pairing of Angela Murray & Matt Hardeman? Production has so much gold on their hands and yet they give us Blue Kim.
Mecole was a major letdown who gave nothing. Lets not rewrite history.
And that was what made it fun!
I wouldn't have been friends with Blue if I was America however. She was talking too much shit.