Yup. Chelsie was showing his stained underwear to the camera, calling him dirty and nasty and he just sit there letting her eat him alive. It was really humilliating.
Yup. Chelsie was showing his stained underwear to the camera, calling him dirty and nasty and he just sit there letting her eat him alive. It was really humilliating.
Aww, that's kind of mean. I feel bad for Cam. But yet she still wanted him funky drawers and all.
Big Easy has been medically disqualified in a final before. Aneesa has not. It all depends on who is in better shape that particular season. Fluctuations occur like the mf Pacific Ocean.
IF they do pairs (still hoping that's not the case) I have a feeling rookies will pick their partner based on their rankings in a daily challenge. My prediction is that one of the really good rookies is going to to make a mistake in the daily and be stuck picking last and end up with Aneesa. They're making the final!
Aneesa shouldve did more golden era seasons, she wouldve won back then.
Maybe...she could have been an anchor even then though. Like if she makes the final on I3 do the the Good Guys win even though they hated each other?
I3 Isnt Golden Era. Golden Era is everything before Fresh Meat 1. And if Aneesa didnt have knee problems, Bad ***** wouldve won. She wasnt that bad back then, anyone could win the finals. Hell even Big Easy couldve won G3 if the Vets didnt attempt drag him past his limit.
But she did have knee problems...she could have won I3 but their chances would have been worse with her. Aneesa's peak was Duel 2-Bloodlines IMO
Y'all are gonna all eat your words on 41 when Aneesa comes back in shape and wins three eliminations!
Elimineesa will always be Elimineesa. <3
yeah I don't get the extreme hate - I find it weird that she is the one that got cast throughout all four eras compared to other OG's but there are others I can't stand on this show - she gets more hate on here than she deserves
"all 2 dollars???" -Ashley, Final Reckoning
Not too much on pookie
I will give Aneesa 8.5s if she takes out botchlivia and Maga maria
Yup. Chelsie was showing his stained underwear to the camera, calling him dirty and nasty and he just sit there letting her eat him alive. It was really humilliating.
Iktr, miss you pookie.
Aww, that's kind of mean. I feel bad for Cam. But yet she still wanted him funky drawers and all.
The dirty underwear and wearing shoes with no socks kinda turned me off of Cam no shade
Big easy kept telling her to run faster on all stars one lol
Queen Aneesa and Queen Shauvon <3
My favorite rivals team that never was.
Just a reminder that Nany ELIMINATED Aneesa (and her knee)
So has Big T, it's not that impressive
Yeah, Big Easy would've smoked her if they were head to head lol.
Aneesa should've been cut forever after Exes 1 but it started getting sad around Double Agents. Now it's downright humiliating.
She don't care though, she'll sit on a couch until she eliminated season after season. She give couches more screentime than Kaycee did.
idk if this is shade to aneesa big t nany or all 3 lmaooo
Big Easy has been medically disqualified in a final before. Aneesa has not. It all depends on who is in better shape that particular season. Fluctuations occur like the mf Pacific Ocean.
All three boo.
Big Easy would've smoked Aneesa head to head in the AS1 final, full stop. That's it.
Y'all are gonna all eat your words on 41 when Aneesa comes back in shape and wins three eliminations!
Yes, he would have. Specifically during AS1 in 2021. Who knows about now in 2025, or back in 2008/2009.
To think if Big Easy would have just had a team that WALKED they would have won makes me laugh. Still got the Big easy pfp. Should i change?
Elimineesa will always be Elimineesa. <3
You been waiting for someone to bring Big Easy up huh
and will somehow get eliminated right before the final or flop in the final
I'm all for Aneesa winning eliminations but she better not TOUCH Michaela dee ashley leka or blue
Blue will be the elimination queen this season. Sorry flopneesa
IF they do pairs (still hoping that's not the case) I have a feeling rookies will pick their partner based on their rankings in a daily challenge. My prediction is that one of the really good rookies is going to to make a mistake in the daily and be stuck picking last and end up with Aneesa. They're making the final!
I do want aneesa to make the final! (So Michaela and Ashley have easy competition)
But she did have knee problems...she could have won I3 but their chances would have been worse with her. Aneesa's peak was Duel 2-Bloodlines IMO
yeah I don't get the extreme hate - I find it weird that she is the one that got cast throughout all four eras compared to other OG's but there are others I can't stand on this show - she gets more hate on here than she deserves
Honestly i hope its teams so Aneesa can slow the vets down all season.