***** I don't appreciate this attitude! Show me some respect. The breakdown is:
23 seasons of the main show
2 seasons of Champs vs. Stars
1 season of World Championship
1 season of USA
the breakdown ain't a ************* thing! I SAID it's his 23rd season, so that's what it is! And if you don't like it then you don't damn like it. And ain't nobody gave you no attitude, but if you want some, I can give you plenty, CML.
As someone who has seen 47/47 seasons of Survivor and has seen 45/47 seasons of Survivor multiple times, you really know your stuff with these Survivor people! Do you watch Big Brother? If you did, I'd be curious to know if your taste was as good with the people on that show as well. You'd love Tucker. Speaking of Tucker, it's such a disappointment that him and Reilly aren't on this.
if you gonna quote me, you quote the whole post. But anyway, Welcome Back! How you doing?
I'm great! That's nice of you to ask me. I've been occupied by my studies more than I had anticipated, but I figured that it would be wrong if I wasn't here to cheer on my Queen while she was competing.
if you gonna quote me, you quote the whole post. But anyway, Welcome Back! How you doing?
I'm great! That's nice of you to ask me. I've been occupied by my studies more than I had anticipated, but I figured that it would be wrong if I wasn't here to cheer on my Queen while she was competing.
Good to know. She's got herself into some controversy and I don't appreciate that, but it is admirable how you stick by your woman. Uh huh.
As someone who has seen 47/47 seasons of Survivor and has seen 45/47 seasons of Survivor multiple times, you really know your stuff with these Survivor people! Do you watch Big Brother? If you did, I'd be curious to know if your taste was as good with the people on that show as well. You'd love Tucker. Speaking of Tucker, it's such a disappointment that him and Reilly aren't on this.
Thanks CML, I was hoping for at least four Survivors, but I'll take my Top 2 girl prospects plus Michaela.
I know of the Big Brother players. I expect Tucker will get his chance, probably on 42. This was prob Reilly's best chance...
That gets us down to 20 for the individual portion and I expect Leroy to check out right about here and hopefully MAGA Maria gets sniped.
omg a mid season twist is gonna kill this season. I want pairs the whole way through, going to individual is just gonna drag, I'd prefer a redemption house if they MUST stretch the season out.
to be fair to Jake, his first season he quit because him and his couple split up right before the final, so nobody new was coming in. his second ssn tho he quit on day 3 bc he was partnered w his ex and couldn't take the heat
I understand people thinking that this vet cast is stale with almost all of them being on 40/All Stars 5, but I find it refreshing because of the vets that we DIDN'T get. No Tori (who I like), no Devin, NO JOSH!!!!!!, no Michele (who I like), no Jordan, no Kaycee, no Rachel, no Laurel. Additionally, even some of the vets that we just saw (Cara Maria, Aviv, Theo, Derek, Turbo, Ashley) had long breaks before they recently just popped back up. And we get Rogan and Michaela, which are nice surprises!
I understand people thinking that this vet cast is stale with almost all of them being on 40/All Stars 5, but I find it refreshing because of the vets that we DIDN'T get. No Tori (who I like), no Devin, NO JOSH!!!!!!, no Michele (who I like), no Jordan, no Kaycee, no Rachel, no Laurel. Additionally, even some of the vets that we just saw (Cara Maria, Aviv, Theo, Derek, Turbo, Ashley) had long breaks before they recently just popped back up. And we get Rogan and Michaela, which are nice surprises!
only two I would really cut would be Derek cause I hate him and a female I won't name out of respect
Can yall two******* argue again to make up for lost time!
***** I don't appreciate this attitude! Show me some respect. The breakdown is:
Hiiiiii my valentine. <3
Hopefully the random internationals are strong.
Sydney Segal is such an inspired choice for this! What a pleasant surprise from Skye.
Let it be known the SLA girls were all over Emmanuel before he got the veneers so i think standards drop when they enter that house.
Rogan has a gf so what's the percentage he cheats on her?
The male rookies so far
On a serious note I am getting Hunter vibes from these two…We are missing cocky delusional white guy that hookups and it is always in their feelings
the breakdown ain't a ************* thing! I SAID it's his 23rd season, so that's what it is! And if you don't like it then you don't damn like it. And ain't nobody gave you no attitude, but if you want some, I can give you plenty, CML.
I'd say 85% Chance. He's gonna do whatever he can to try and make sure his comeback isn't only one season
Whatever you wanna do.
He was first out on vendetas and still cheated on his ex in Spain lol So I would say very high
What is Love Island like that people would quit?
She threw me and OS a bone.
I want Rogan and Izzy to hookup #InterracialLove
if you gonna quote me, you quote the whole post. But anyway, Welcome Back! How you doing?
As someone who has seen 47/47 seasons of Survivor and has seen 45/47 seasons of Survivor multiple times, you really know your stuff with these Survivor people! Do you watch Big Brother? If you did, I'd be curious to know if your taste was as good with the people on that show as well. You'd love Tucker. Speaking of Tucker, it's such a disappointment that him and Reilly aren't on this.
oh it's unbearable! People trying to love each other and even have sex! It's debaucherous!
I'm great! That's nice of you to ask me. I've been occupied by my studies more than I had anticipated, but I figured that it would be wrong if I wasn't here to cheer on my Queen while she was competing.
IMO ideal boot order is:
1. Aneesa/Most Useless Male Rook
2. Aviv/Second Most Useless Male Rook
3. Derek/Adrienne
4. Derrick/Blue
5. Olivia/Third Most Useless Male Rook
6. CT/America
That gets us down to 20 for the individual portion and I expect Leroy to check out right about here and hopefully MAGA Maria gets sniped.
Good to know. She's got herself into some controversy and I don't appreciate that, but it is admirable how you stick by your woman. Uh huh.
Thanks CML, I was hoping for at least four Survivors, but I'll take my Top 2 girl prospects plus Michaela.
I know of the Big Brother players. I expect Tucker will get his chance, probably on 42. This was prob Reilly's best chance...
omg a mid season twist is gonna kill this season. I want pairs the whole way through, going to individual is just gonna drag, I'd prefer a redemption house if they MUST stretch the season out.
The ONLY reason I want it to go into individual is if Michaela gets a weak partner and somehow manages to make it to the format change.
37 & 38 went from pairs to teams so they could do that as well.
to be fair to Jake, his first season he quit because him and his couple split up right before the final, so nobody new was coming in. his second ssn tho he quit on day 3 bc he was partnered w his ex and couldn't take the heat
I understand people thinking that this vet cast is stale with almost all of them being on 40/All Stars 5, but I find it refreshing because of the vets that we DIDN'T get. No Tori (who I like), no Devin, NO JOSH!!!!!!, no Michele (who I like), no Jordan, no Kaycee, no Rachel, no Laurel. Additionally, even some of the vets that we just saw (Cara Maria, Aviv, Theo, Derek, Turbo, Ashley) had long breaks before they recently just popped back up. And we get Rogan and Michaela, which are nice surprises!
only two I would really cut would be Derek cause I hate him and a female I won't name out of respect
None of the 38,39, or 40 champs are on