The Challenge Invasion - Reunion

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Ok reunion over.

Why is Nicole a special entrance like she wasn't on the season? LMAO

What kind of special guest is that? Eww.

Ugh, how that nasty scuzz nicole a surprise?  

Laurel looks good

 Nicole ...bye

What kind of special guest is that? Eww.

Someone needs to screenshot a pic of Nicole's face when she got 3rd place and send it to Morris as an avatar

God, Laurel must be so incredibly desperate or just has the worst self esteem ever.

nicole dressed like 14 years old boy

Is it me or is Nicole even more obnoxious tonight?

Get this rehearsed garbage out of here Laurel. Using Diem to save face. 

Get this rehearsed garbage out of here Laurel. Using Diem to save face. 

laurel and cara still acting like friends lol

Cara looks like she wants to fight. Do her and Laurel still get along? Was this filmed before or after Champs vs Pros.

laurel and cara still acting like friends lol

Well, no Oscar for them.

Yawn I give no ***** about this Cara/Laurel/Nicole bullshit.

Cara - "and it hurt me".....what's new?


No one believes your bullshit, cara maria.  You're a pathetic witch.

editing is weird


Laurel is coming across as a completely psycho girlfriend

I see Hunter's haircut still tragic asf didn't even know he was there lol

laurel is being kind of weird about this so I'm assuming there's more to the cara/Nicole story we didn't see

Cara vs Laurel is the most complex female rivalry on this show and I love it. 

Whenever Laurel talks, like not just this reunion but ever, she comes across like someone who has reverted to when they were like 10 years old. 

Let's be real here, Laurel's not a peach but she can do a helluva lot better than Nicole, who looks like Andy **** wearing an offensively stereotypical hood outfit.

ludacris is ugly as shit

Nicole is "special" cuz she was late. Lol
