Why do I think Brianna Julig would be more interesting than her ? She's a great competitor but this season, she's kinda meh. As of now, Kailah made more impact this season in one episode alone than her in the first 3 ones.
Why do I think Brianna Julig would be more interesting than her ? She's a great competitor but this season, she's kinda meh. As of now, Kailah made more impact this season in one episode alone than her in the first 3 ones.
Camille wrote:After tonight, I'm convinced that Jenna has to be the calmest competitor on the challenges (after Laurel)! lol. I think that's why she does so well on these missions because so much of it is mental and she's able to completely relax and focus on the task at hand with no nerves or distractions.
Queen Rachel says hi.
That's actually not true. Rachel is athletic and strong as hell but she can get flustered. It's why she lost to Kelly Anne on the Island. Kelly Anne was calm as hell, but Rachel wasn't.
During the challenge Rachel didn't get flustered. Robin dropped in 40 minutes, and Rachel and KellyAnne went over 2 hours. Rachel's leg started to give and she fell. KellyAnne is some sort of Yoga specialist and contortionist. None of the island cast knew that before this challenge, besides Cohutta.
Why do I think Brianna Julig would be more interesting than her ? She's a great competitor but this season, she's kinda meh. As of now, Kailah made more impact this season in one episode alone than her in the first 3 ones.
Brianna is more interesting than her. This was proven on Bloodlines.
Why do I think Brianna Julig would be more interesting than her ? She's a great competitor but this season, she's kinda meh. As of now, Kailah made more impact this season in one episode alone than her in the first 3 ones.
She would be. She's the main reason Jenna had any sort of "moment" on Bloodlines.
yeah im down to see Brianna on again. Jenna hasn't done anything interesting by herself. everything noteworthy about her invovles assistant from another cast member. i.e. Jay, Brianna, Zach.
I just want to see Jenna take someone out closer to her own size. Like Laurel said on FM2 that she could take out most girls from her size alone. That's Jenna. Put her against a Laurel, Emily, Nia, or even Evelyn and then I'll be impressed. She beat Kelly Anne because she was a foot taller and could fix her blocks faster.
Graphik wrote:
HonestTea101 wrote:Jenna has elimination wins tho oop
When she takes out a tough girl like Theresa or a scrapper like Averey or Camila she'll get my respect. Taking out featherweights don't count.
I just want to see Jenna take someone out closer to her own size. Like Laurel said on FM2 that she could take out most girls from her size alone. That's Jenna. Put her against a Laurel, Emily, Nia, or even Evelyn and then I'll be impressed. She beat Kelly Anne because she was a foot taller and could fix her blocks faster.
HonestTea101 wrote:
Graphik wrote:
HonestTea101 wrote:Jenna has elimination wins tho oop
When she takes out a tough girl like Theresa or a scrapper like Averey or Camila she'll get my respect. Taking out featherweights don't count.
Zzzzzzzz. Her only storyline in all of her appearances has to do with Zach. She's half the reason we keep seeing that ******* return.Ashley, Jenny, and Jamie are the real Ex-plosion Queens.
She may be boring but she'll eliminate anyone standing in her way #PrincessJenna
Zzzzzzzz. Her only storyline in all of her appearances has to do with Zach. She's half the reason we keep seeing that ******* return.Ashley, Jenny, and Jamie are the real Ex-plosion Queens.
Zzzzzzzz. Her only storyline in all of her appearances has to do with Zach. She's half the reason we keep seeing that ******* return.Ashley, Jenny, and Jamie are the real Ex-plosion Queens.
She may be boring but she'll eliminate anyone standing in her way #PrincessJenna
Ok I do actually like Jenna, but we can stop praising her abilities until she wins a ************ elimination. She's 4/4 in eliminations yes, but all of them were either completely swayed in her favor because of size (Christina, Larissa) or a complete crapshoot that Jasmine could beat Laurel in (KellyAnne, Anika).
Enjoying her this season, mostly because of her aligning with an outcast, and being more outspoken as opposed to playing up the dumb blonde "persona" she puts on.
I tolerate her like a bad *** child that lacks discipline. She has her moments when she wants to be this bad girl and flops miserably. But then there's times I appreciate her athletic ability and fierceness to go in an elimination and kill it.
The only thing I hate about Jenna is that she allows Zach to.walk all over her till this day
She would've earned some points from me if she told him to **** off or at least ignored him. She just looks stupid. Ashley K. was smarter for leaving him right away.
Why do I think Brianna Julig would be more interesting than her ? She's a great competitor but this season, she's kinda meh. As of now, Kailah made more impact this season in one episode alone than her in the first 3 ones.
She probably would be tbh.
Brianna is more interesting than her. This was proven on Bloodlines.
Brianna is an underrated cast member
She would be. She's the main reason Jenna had any sort of "moment" on Bloodlines.
yeah im down to see Brianna on again. Jenna hasn't done anything interesting by herself. everything noteworthy about her invovles assistant from another cast member. i.e. Jay, Brianna, Zach.
I wouldnt mind Brianna again lol I think Jenna is a way better competitor though
I actually like Jenna now.
I just want to see Jenna take someone out closer to her own size. Like Laurel said on FM2 that she could take out most girls from her size alone. That's Jenna. Put her against a Laurel, Emily, Nia, or even Evelyn and then I'll be impressed. She beat Kelly Anne because she was a foot taller and could fix her blocks faster.
i agree, her cousin needs to make a return.. she was lowkey the best bloodline (or at least top 3)
Tru tru.
I love this legend but I don't like the side she's on
This queen picked the right side ❤
im actually perplexed that her side was the minority/outcast side of things or at least that's how it was presented initially.
Jenna is a beast.
Zzzzzzzz. Her only storyline in all of her appearances has to do with Zach. She's half the reason we keep seeing that ******* return.
Ashley, Jenny, and Jamie are the real Ex-plosion Queens.
She may be boring but she'll eliminate anyone standing in her way #PrincessJenna
Ok I do actually like Jenna, but we can stop praising her abilities until she wins a ************ elimination. She's 4/4 in eliminations yes, but all of them were either completely swayed in her favor because of size (Christina, Larissa) or a complete crapshoot that Jasmine could beat Laurel in (KellyAnne, Anika).
Enjoying her this season, mostly because of her aligning with an outcast, and being more outspoken as opposed to playing up the dumb blonde "persona" she puts on.
The only thing I hate about Jenna is that she allows Zach to.walk all over her till this day
She okay. Im fine with her being a regular but i doubt she will ever be one of my favorites
I tolerate her like a bad *** child that lacks discipline. She has her moments when she wants to be this bad girl and flops miserably. But then there's times I appreciate her athletic ability and fierceness to go in an elimination and kill it.
She would've earned some points from me if she told him to **** off or at least ignored him. She just looks stupid. Ashley K. was smarter for leaving him right away.
#BarbieBeast #LuckyNumber4