The Challenge: Invasion - Caged

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She could've just let Cara win t b h.

She could've just let Cara win t b h.

Why lol? Laurel had no idea what the final elimination was. And by assumption I bet some thought it'd be another physical one since the others were.

I actually liked the episode! The challenge was amazing! It'd probably be my favorite this season tbh.

I don't really care for the underdogs but I liked seeing them win. It was a good group of them taking on the likes of CT, Darrell, and Laurel.

Knot-so-fast is one of my favorite eliminations! Laurel losing was just an event watching. I've always thought of her being unbeatable and it was little camila that pulled through.

Good episode imo Smile

Queen Sarah Rice would of thrashed laurel and camilla in this elimination

Who would have thought Camila was the chosen one.

I hate camila on the show after her first few seasons so i hated seeing her win but props to her i guess. awesome mission though.

Thinking about it, Camila winning against Laurel isn't that surprising because Camila was really close to beating her on Cutthroat and Rivals. I still feel like Laurel could've beat her though, it was really weird to see her just give up. 

Thinking about it, Camila winning against Laurel isn't that surprising because Camila was really close to beating her on Cutthroat and Rivals. I still feel like Laurel could've beat her though, it was really weird to see her just give up. 

Did johnny get invited tot he reunion? 

Free Agents Laurel wouldn’t have checked out like that and should’ve sent Camila packing. She just didn’t have that “winning over anything” mentality this season.

It's pretty clear that Laurel's over it. Also that elimination was the least entertaining of everything they've done so far. They should have done it Ruins style instead of Season 2. 

Did johnny get invited tot he reunion? 

Does bears shit in the woods?

Laurel definitely didnt give it her all. She shouldve beaten her easily based on size and strength alone in an elimination like that. Literally cannot stand Camila and her crying after winning made me vom in my mouth a lil.

I liked that Darrell coment in the elimination : " She's just disturbing her, until we ask; leave us the **** alone "

love the Kang <3

JuneBug29 wrote:

Did johnny get invited tot he reunion? 

Does bears shit in the woods?


seems like he wouldn't be needed this time around 

Emotional wrote:

JuneBug29 wrote:Did johnny get invited tot he reunion? 

Does bears shit in the woods?

 seems like he wouldn't be needed this time around 

he Bunim Murray's golden boy. even if he had remained eliminated on Exes 2 he would still be invited back. 

I watche dhalf of this episode a couple of days ago and i'm watching the remainder today. 

Screw production for their sloppy clean-up and disgusting food. a centipede in the food. jeez louise. 

Holy shit could the editing make it more ******* obvious that Camila wins, talkin bout Laurel's "9 and 0 RECORD", "I NEVER UNDERESTIMATE MY OPPONENT",  blah blah blah 

eye roll @ peopel saying laurel didnt give it her all or acting like it was a fluke. rehash your history and check out cutthroat die hard where camila almost beat her there. i guess laurel giving it her all wouldve only been able to barely squeak by with a win since thats exactly what happened on cutthroat

Free Agents Laurel wouldn’t have checked out like that and should’ve sent Camila packing. She just didn’t have that “winning over anything” mentality this season.

free agents laurel was like one step away from getting taken out by aneesa so where you getting ur history from?

eye roll @ peopel saying laurel didnt give it her all or acting like it was a fluke. rehash your history and check out cutthroat die hard where camila almost beat her there. i guess laurel giving it her all wouldve only been able to barely squeak by with a win since thats exactly what happened on cutthroat

She literally didnt give it her all lol. She admitted she gave up and also just sat there on the structure while Camila advanced.

she sat there on the structure because she was TIRED and probably burned herself out. you dont know what her all is so you have no way of knowing she didnt give it

she sat there on the structure because she was TIRED and probably burned herself out. you dont know what her all is so you have no way of knowing she didnt give it

True similar to how Brandon Nelson was eliminated on Rivals 1. 

AlwaysAMess wrote:

Free Agents Laurel wouldn't have checked out like that and should've sent Camila packing. She just didn't have that "winning over anything" mentality this season.

free agents laurel was like one step away from getting taken out by aneesa so where you getting ur history from?

I'd like think it was editing magic. Aneesa's fat *** cant run like that.
