The Challenge: World Championship (Season 1)- Spoilers Discussion Thread

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I cant really speak on the internationals other than theo, but can you imagine how BORING the confessionals are with those left in the game? We basically only have kellyannes kookiness left

KellyAnne and Theo, he's always had good confessionals to me

agreed, he's definitely more entertaining to me than the american males left 

Kellyanne winning as a **** you for casting non champions would be iconic


My predictions for remaining pairs (hoping, but probably wrong lol):









Kellyanne kinda gagged Vevmo the way everyone was praying on her downfall. She's mothering her way through the game 

Kellyanne said she was gonna gag Pinky

My predictions for remaining pairs (hoping, but probably wrong lol):









Baby Grant has been out

Oops you right Pinky I mean Tristan.


Tristan such a non factor they forgot he was even in the game 

Hell I did too

My predictions for remaining pairs (hoping, but probably wrong lol):









Grant's long gone and Yes must be with Emily/Sarah IMO

Kellyanne winning as a **** you for casting non champions would be iconic

I dont want to jinx her...but same.

If Jordan is with Emily we might as well kiss this season goodbye.

I just know one of KC or Tori is with that Aussie ginger Troy. Im sick.

Woah, 8/18 US representation already gone 

Really need Kiki to beat these brolic chicks again!!!

Woah, 8/18 US representation already gone 

When you start hopping in the spoiler threads baby lmaooo 

Omg them **** must've saw who we're rooting for and got rid of our pre-made alliance back to back

The boot list is so terrible that I'm not the least bit excited for this show

Tori stans RISE!!! Mother is here to collect, we're not resting until we see a Tori, Kaycee, Sarah final 3


Omg them **** must've saw who we're rooting for and got rid of our pre-made alliance back to back

What a coincidence all our black girls got the boot one by one I won't let that alliance breathe 

They need to put me in that house.......i promise I'll get the job done and get Kaycee/Tori/Sarah outta there. I wouldn't rest until the mission is completed 

I'll give Kaycee boring *** a storyline because my foot would be all in that ***** ***. She would hate me 

The boot list is so terrible that I'm not the least bit excited for this show

fr, the best part of this show is spoiler season. And y'all have me cracking tf up like we're suffering together but making the most of it

Imagine walking into the house day 1 and seeing Kaycee, Sarah Lacina and an Olympian and thinking.... "Amber's gotta go"

They need to put me in that house.......i promise I'll get the job done and get Kaycee/Tori/Sarah outta there. I wouldn't rest until the mission is completed 

the way I'm about to apply for survivor so in 1-2 year's time I can orchestrate Aneesa v Tori, Tori v Kaycee, and Kaycee v Nany back to back to back elims. Olivia or a random brolic rookie can handle the remaining hag with ease


The boot list is so terrible that I'm not the least bit excited for this show

fr, the best part of this show is spoiler season. And y'all have me cracking tf up like we're suffering together but making the most of it

Same. I'm dying at these comments. Spoiler reveals where everyone is lit are so fun. 


They need to put me in that house.......i promise I'll get the job done and get Kaycee/Tori/Sarah outta there. I wouldn't rest until the mission is completed 

the way I'm about to apply for survivor so in 1-2 year's time I can orchestrate Aneesa v Tori, Tori v Kaycee, and Kaycee v Nany back to back to back elims. Olivia or a random brolic rookie can handle the remaining hag with ease

See I was almost on the show........I TOLD AMBER TO PICK ME FOR SEASON 38 she wanted to bring Chauncey boring ***. A mistake because not only is he boring he can't even compete 

I would've lit the house in flames with her and gave all those vets something to really be mad about. Maybe she'll recommend me for bloodlines and we pretend to be blood related. 

The bootlist has John Wes and Ben and people are still complaining.  Did anyone think Jonna or Amber would really win this?  I'm proud of both for lasting as long as they did with the women on this show.  

Love the boot list so far
