The Challenge: World Championship (Season 1)- Spoilers Discussion Thread

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The pairs I want











Johnny/Sarah and Kaycee/Danny are huge favorites in that scenario

I'm guessing Jodi is with Benjamin as I don't think Tori or Kaycee would be thrown into a ton of eliminations or targeted. Maybe Amber is with him.

I put Johnny/Sarah together because they kinda pregamed on his podcast and possibly working together if they we're even on a show together. I put Danny and Kaycee together because I want Danny to win

Is the prize money for this 1 million?


PR can you tell us every single elim matchup and the format by sunset?

and all the pairs too

and while your at it might as well tell us every mission winner

First really bad update ugh. Grant is hot and gives drama and I was hoping jonna's social game would save her. Definitely a team I would've rooted for to win

Jodi >>>>> now it's time to put her on the main show 

Why are so many of yall excited for jodi... shes literally kaycee and jenny.

Why are so many of yall excited for jodi... shes literally kaycee and jenny.

Because she is not Kaycee, Tori, or Sarah.


Why are so many of yall excited for jodi... shes literally kaycee and jenny.

Because she is not Kaycee, Tori, or Sarah.

jodi's just as boring. Sarah shouldnt even be in that group she is cracked and one of the saving graces of the challenge usa

Why are so many of yall excited for jodi... shes literally kaycee and jenny.

Because she's a real cast member 

Jodi was in way more drama than Kaycee or Jenny

Jodi was in way more drama than Kaycee or Jenny

Over 15 years ago? lmaoo and even then i dont remember anything she did back then.

kellyanne is even more entertaining than jodi and that says it all. Hell even amber YIKES!

kellyanne is even more entertaining than jodi and that says it all. Hell even amber YIKES!

if Jodi got a drink thrown on her she would do way more than whatever amba did 


kellyanne is even more entertaining than jodi and that says it all. Hell even amber YIKES!

if Jodi got a drink thrown on her she would do way more than whatever amba did 

The whole cast wasnt obsessed with her season after season like amber so no. Smile

Queen Jodi winning another daily today!! 



PR can you tell us every single elim matchup and the format by sunset?

and all the pairs too

and while your at it might as well tell us every mission winner




kellyanne is even more entertaining than jodi and that says it all. Hell even amber YIKES!

if Jodi got a drink thrown on her she would do way more than whatever amba did 

The whole cast wasnt obsessed with her season after season like amber so no.

That's not true...lots of people obsessed over Jodi.  She was just protected by Kina and then wouldn't lose on the Duel


Queen Tori winning another daily today!! 

Hopefully tori breaks a leg

there's a section of y'all that would go up for a plank of wood if it was on tv before high definition...

Justine PLEASE hold it down for us ur our last hope

there's a section of y'all that would go up for a plank of wood if it was on tv before high definition...

Justine PLEASE hold it down for us ur our last hope

there's a section of y'all that would go up for a plank of wood if it was on tv before high definition...


Can't forget mother number three ❤️ 


there's a section of y'all that would go up for a plank of wood if it was on tv before high definition...


avi matches *giggles*


Justine PLEASE hold it down for us ur our last hope

Waiting to see the rest of her Ride or Dies performance TBH..

I'm expecting Benjamin and Amber to be out next.

was jenny cut due to getting covid or something? i keep seeing her stories and she's talking about how she feels sick still and can't taste/smell
