The Challenge: Final Reckoning - Veronica Portillo

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Never a flip flop over here. Go hard for my Queen since day one.......check the record , check the files (Coral voice). 

I like her but shes been really annoying. She need to drop the teen mom that she hang with

V had a good showing on Dirty 30 and I’m not sure why y’all try and take away from that. She wasn’t extra and over the top (thank goodness) but she delivered. I’d rather see the strategy and snark over the extras like Tori and Britni who are so desperate to appear in every scene. Yeah, she was boring on Vendettas but Queen has a track record of being a legend and y’all are so quick to cut her off. Veronica is the same as she always has been but it’s a different show now with way more faking feuds and hook-ups to ensure invite backs. Veronica is more organic and doesn’t overly force it and I respect that. KellyAnne is the same way and y’all did her the same type of dirty. Fans are dumb but the fact that production has ignored her since Rivals 3 even though they brought Dario and other dudes who NEVER delivered. There is a different standard for old school women on these shows from fans and production and it is crap. They have brought back multiple old school dads but the fact they won’t take a chance with Kendal or Tori is ridiculous.

PREACH!   yell it from the rooftops.  I agree with all of this....<3 

Debut Album wrote:

Kajun wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
Kajun wrote:She was interesting enough for you to come in her thread and double post. 

Not really but okay. I'll let you think that.

Why would you waste time reading about someone so forgettable and irrelevant? We welcome closet fans.

I never said she was irrelevant. I just said she hasn't done shit aside from Leroy vote ever since she came back and that's the truth. Sorry you can't handle it. 

But you have a very very selective memory! She did waaay more than just the Leroy vote, Veronica was a huge part of the overall story of the season. Remember the Aneesa shit that dominated two episodes?? Remember when it was revealed to the public that she had dated Rachel? Remember when she took elim Queen Aneesa out after the guys (CT) said she was terrible, Remember when she was responsible for winning the mission that sent CT to redemption? Remember her showing up and atleast earning safety in almost every mission (pirate booty, solving the puzzle,  and kicking Britini's *** and then out-sprinting her being glowing standouts). If you don't like V thats cool, just give credit where its due already.



I think the haters are pressed because Veronica is a mature, composed adult who doesn't create inauthentic drama by acting like an obsessive psychopath on Twitter like some of her fellow castmates. Queen V doesn't need to pick fights or even promote the show to get asked back, *****! Her legendary status takes care of that for her, while her thirsty colleagues are embarrassingly desperate.  

Veronica has ALWAYS been a class act(I.E. why she never spoke out about her & Rachel, defending the relationship or otherwise, but didnt like Aneesa putting it on blast, cause it could be disrespectful)....even when she TRIED to cuss out******* and argue (Katie, Beth/Tonya) she always had a old school vibe of could tell she was in the era of the Coral and other classic characters.....

Looking back on Inferno 2, Tonya was overlysensitive because she was insecure, and became extra dramatic for the storyline of the victim, which she's been since RW Chicago give or take a challenge season. Then on the Ruins Tonya going off on the ***** Veronica "DO YOU LIKE A **** OR ******* ****** ! YOU ******* FIGURE IT TOGETHER!" "I LIKE THEM BOTH! YAY!" 

And NEVER again will a queen take a 7season break and return as flawless as Verantula did on The Ruins....and she's still keeping up despite being an aging (presumably) single mother. I will say she seems like she overdramatizes shit like saying Aneesa basically molested her and implying that Katie didn't apologize after the Gauntlet, then claimed it just wasn't a public apology to like let people know that you're...sorry. No.

And not to double post....but Im intentionally posting again....

the way she left Battle of the Seasons 1 and Battle of the Sexes 1 were CLASS ACT EXITS...these other******* shoulda been taking notes in their composition notebooks.

^ So much yes. I would like to add that I would have treated Tonya EXACTLY the same way during Inferno II. They were friends and even roomed together with Rachel & Coral on Sexes II but it was found out that Tonya was calling all the rookies that she met on there to try to set up an alliance to get rid of Coral & Veronica early on Inferno 2 so she could get more camera time. This was the reason Coral & Melissa dropped out of Inferno 2 last minute because of the headache. So when Tonya rolled in to the season and figured out that she would have no control over how the game ran she tried to get back in with V, Rachel & Tina who rightfully denied her from the start.

Veronica has ALWAYS been a class act(I.E. why she never spoke out about her & Rachel, defending the relationship or otherwise, but didnt like Aneesa putting it on blast, cause it could be disrespectful)....even when she TRIED to cuss out******* and argue (Katie, Beth/Tonya) she always had a old school vibe of could tell she was in the era of the Coral and other classic characters.....Looking back on Inferno 2, Tonya was overlysensitive because she was insecure, and became extra dramatic for the storyline of the victim, which she's been since RW Chicago give or take a challenge season. Then on the Ruins Tonya going off on the ***** Veronica "DO YOU LIKE A **** OR ******* ****** ! YOU ******* FIGURE IT TOGETHER!" "I LIKE THEM BOTH! YAY!" And NEVER again will a queen take a 7season break and return as flawless as Verantula did on The Ruins....and she's still keeping up despite being an aging (presumably) single mother. I will say she seems like she overdramatizes shit like saying Aneesa basically molested her and implying that Katie didn't apologize after the Gauntlet, then claimed it just wasn't a public apology to like let people know that you're...sorry. No.

She's not a single mom. She miscarried.

Unless she has another kid?

Veronica has ALWAYS been a class act(I.E. why she never spoke out about her & Rachel, defending the relationship or otherwise, but didnt like Aneesa putting it on blast, cause it could be disrespectful)....even when she TRIED to cuss out******* and argue (Katie, Beth/Tonya) she always had a old school vibe of could tell she was in the era of the Coral and other classic characters.....Looking back on Inferno 2, Tonya was overlysensitive because she was insecure, and became extra dramatic for the storyline of the victim, which she's been since RW Chicago give or take a challenge season. Then on the Ruins Tonya going off on the ***** Veronica "DO YOU LIKE A **** OR ******* ****** ! YOU ******* FIGURE IT TOGETHER!" "I LIKE THEM BOTH! YAY!" And NEVER again will a queen take a 7season break and return as flawless as Verantula did on The Ruins....and she's still keeping up despite being an aging (presumably) single mother. I will say she seems like she overdramatizes shit like saying Aneesa basically molested her and implying that Katie didn't apologize after the Gauntlet, then claimed it just wasn't a public apology to like let people know that you're...sorry. No.


Even watching her video with CT...(and I'm not a CT fan) it was a cute video...they clearly were picking on each other, but it was done with an old school vibe of - yes there is drama, but they are having fun.  I miss seeing them have 'fun' on this show.  So many people being over the top in hopes to get camera time and it makes it seem so fake.  I loved how real Veronica was when CT called her out for just wanting to drink wine and not care about winning and she said it's because she had no shot, but with him as a partner she does. lol



Poor V. She’s gone through SO much but still maintains herself. I hope her mom gets better

GivingTree wrote:

Poor V. She’s gone through SO much but still maintains herself. I hope her mom gets better


entrepreneur wrote:

Veronica has ALWAYS been a class act(I.E. why she never spoke out about her & Rachel, defending the relationship or otherwise, but didnt like Aneesa putting it on blast, cause it could be disrespectful)....even when she TRIED to cuss out******* and argue (Katie, Beth/Tonya) she always had a old school vibe of could tell she was in the era of the Coral and other classic characters.....Looking back on Inferno 2, Tonya was overlysensitive because she was insecure, and became extra dramatic for the storyline of the victim, which she's been since RW Chicago give or take a challenge season. Then on the Ruins Tonya going off on the ***** Veronica "DO YOU LIKE A **** OR ******* ****** ! YOU ******* FIGURE IT TOGETHER!" "I LIKE THEM BOTH! YAY!" And NEVER again will a queen take a 7season break and return as flawless as Verantula did on The Ruins....and she's still keeping up despite being an aging (presumably) single mother. I will say she seems like she overdramatizes shit like saying Aneesa basically molested her and implying that Katie didn't apologize after the Gauntlet, then claimed it just wasn't a public apology to like let people know that you're...sorry. No.

<3Even watching her video with CT...(and I'm not a CT fan) it was a cute video...they clearly were picking on each other, but it was done with an old school vibe of - yes there is drama, but they are having fun.  I miss seeing them have 'fun' on this show.  So many people being over the top in hopes to get camera time and it makes it seem so fake.  I loved how real Veronica was when CT called her out for just wanting to drink wine and not care about winning and she said it's because she had no shot, but with him as a partner she does. lol 

Yeah, it was just a different vibe and Veronica's personality is so humorous without trying to be extra or overtly over the top like Bananas....but I can also see how it's a generational difference. The newer kids  are from a different generation/era and I think it's clear, how even the game changed over the years, there stopped being genuine team camaraderie and more about everybody being competition, which turned into everybody being a nervous frantic wreck lmao....

Veronica comes back, plays the game, but she really dont give a ****. lol She's there for a exotic getaway and wine....Kinda reminds me of Cameran(BOTS2, G2) who ain't GIVE A DAMN about the

Psy4potato wrote:

entrepreneur wrote:Veronica has ALWAYS been a class act(I.E. why she never spoke out about her & Rachel, defending the relationship or otherwise, but didnt like Aneesa putting it on blast, cause it could be disrespectful)....even when she TRIED to cuss out******* and argue (Katie, Beth/Tonya) she always had a old school vibe of could tell she was in the era of the Coral and other classic characters.....Looking back on Inferno 2, Tonya was overlysensitive because she was insecure, and became extra dramatic for the storyline of the victim, which she's been since RW Chicago give or take a challenge season. Then on the Ruins Tonya going off on the ***** Veronica "DO YOU LIKE A **** OR ******* ****** ! YOU ******* FIGURE IT TOGETHER!" "I LIKE THEM BOTH! YAY!" And NEVER again will a queen take a 7season break and return as flawless as Verantula did on The Ruins....and she's still keeping up despite being an aging (presumably) single mother. I will say she seems like she overdramatizes shit like saying Aneesa basically molested her and implying that Katie didn't apologize after the Gauntlet, then claimed it just wasn't a public apology to like let people know that you're...sorry. No.

<3Even watching her video with CT...(and I'm not a CT fan) it was a cute video...they clearly were picking on each other, but it was done with an old school vibe of - yes there is drama, but they are having fun.  I miss seeing them have 'fun' on this show.  So many people being over the top in hopes to get camera time and it makes it seem so fake.  I loved how real Veronica was when CT called her out for just wanting to drink wine and not care about winning and she said it's because she had no shot, but with him as a partner she does. lol 

Yeah, it was just a different vibe and Veronica's personality is so humorous without trying to be extra or overtly over the top like Bananas....but I can also see how it's a generational difference. The newer kids  are from a different generation/era and I think it's clear, how even the game changed over the years, there stopped being genuine team camaraderie and more about everybody being competition, which turned into everybody being a nervous frantic wreck lmao....Veronica comes back, plays the game, but she really dont give a ****. lol She's there for a exotic getaway and wine....Kinda reminds me of Cameran(BOTS2, G2) who ain't GIVE A DAMN about the

i def miss that was so much fun.  I half blame production for turning it into a prison for the cast members which made the fun old schoolers not want to return and then the new people didn't know any better.  For the hot second that whats his face was gone and the other producer took over people weres saying it got better.  Laurel told Susie the conditions improved a lot and she actually had fun,  people like Shane and Veronica got cast again, etc.    Still will always hope for the carefree days to appear.  

I don't like CT but I'm rotting for CT and Queen V to win <3   otherwise I hope Marie gets her first W this season.  

Queen V was way to absent in this second episode for my Production.  

Queen V was way to absent in this second episode for my Production.  

She doesn’t do anything lol, she seems to not enjoy being there.

Queen V was way to absent in this second episode for my Production.  

She has been missing since last season lol

Idk why she was ask to be on this one, she is pretty much over it or bring much to the table.

Forever a queen!

"He should've never called me he has to deal with me :)"

"He should've never called me he has to deal with me :)"

CT’s gonna sing Aneesa praises now so the same thing doesn’t happen again

CT’s gonna sing Aneesa praises now so the same thing doesn’t happen again

Probably Marie too.....He might try to start shit with Cara Maria at the wedding in preparation for season 33.

CT’s gonna sing Aneesa praises now so the same thing doesn’t happen again


But I'll DIE if Anastasia(Bird) comes back for Final Reckoning 2.

nevidcm wrote:

CT’s gonna sing Aneesa praises now so the same thing doesn’t happen again

 But I'll DIE if Anastasia(Bird) comes back for Final Reckoning 2.

I still can't believe he then went ahead and married her rivals partner Chef Jess


entrepreneur wrote:

nevidcm wrote:CT’s gonna sing Aneesa praises now so the same thing doesn’t happen again

 But I'll DIE if Anastasia(Bird) comes back for Final Reckoning 2.

I still can't believe he then went ahead and married her rivals partner Chef Jess 

Cause Bird's slaps knocked the shit AND THE SENSE outta him, and he's still mad about it. The Chain Cigarette Smoking Queen will FOREVER REIGN SUPREME!
