Old timers help me out here. In Shanes early days, was he this much of a drama fiend? I don't remember him being turned to dial 11 all the time like he is now. Dude loves to troll. I just dont remeber him doing that back in the day.
Old timers help me out here. In Shanes early days, was he this much of a drama fiend? I don't remember him being turned to dial 11 all the time like he is now. Dude loves to troll. I just dont remeber him doing that back in the day.
he was so ******* chill back then, super likeable and was always one of the better competitors
Old timers help me out here. In Shanes early days, was he this much of a drama fiend? I don't remember him being turned to dial 11 all the time like he is now. Dude loves to troll. I just dont remeber him doing that back in the day.
nelson ily but u cant say much abour shane, he never got kicked out for physical violence
Queen Da'Vonne Godgers already planning Rivals 4 with either Zach or Amanda! <3
King Nelson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
We stan a strategic Queen!
Old timers help me out here. In Shanes early days, was he this much of a drama fiend? I don't remember him being turned to dial 11 all the time like he is now. Dude loves to troll. I just dont remeber him doing that back in the day.
I will when she shows me something worthwile.
I disagree. I wish this was still Real World/Road Rules. **** all these extra shows getting added every week.
Y'all see Angela on the verge of tears? ******** Sad Girls Club
Of course bananas was exempt from it... lame...
Sad my girl Jenna went home : (
he was so ******* chill back then, super likeable and was always one of the better competitors
Angela is so EXTRA
And she will.
Yes, Da'Vonne, it's a ***** move to send a team packing who you have zero ties to and know nothing about. Idiot.
Yea my memory of him is that he was super chill but that was like 12 years ago so I dont know if I am trippin. He always seemed chill.
That argument ended with Battle of the Exes 2.
That was a fun first challenge though. Angela trying to come in fighting like Amand did but she will never be a queen.
not at all the same person he is now
Natalie y'all did not hook up but okay. #YouWasTryingToTasteVeronica
Amanda and Joss >>>>
King Joss <3
Faith >>>> Horrible choice but she went for it and I’m proud of her
This the best Challenge house since Free Agents in my opinion.
Oh I'm sure, but I'm still holding middle fingers up to the world as the Challenge devolves into trash.
Angela and Faith hyping this flop pairing like they CT and Adam.
All these people are trash humans -- doesn't make a difference what show they're from lol
Those bed look small and uncomfortable *** ****