The Challenge: Double Agents- CT Tamburello

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he needs to retire

Why?  He's doing great yet again

thats the problem. he finally wants to wake it up when half the cast are people of color, where was this energy during dirty 30-total madness

So you don't want there to be competition?  You realize if that happens people will discredit the win.  See Seasons or Rivals 3

i don't want any competition from the whites yes

Then the win will be discounted but you seem fine with that so that's fine. 

Ideally everyone that shows up is capable of winning. 

ok how is a win discounted if a white isn't doing well

The lack of competition discounts it. Nothing to do with race. You're the one making it about race. 



he needs to retire

Why?  He's doing great yet again

thats the problem. he finally wants to wake it up when half the cast are people of color, where was this energy during dirty 30-total madness

I am of color myself, but I don't understand what in the HELL does that have to do with anything.

Don't be that person.

The running joke is CT has been doing this for 100 years, no matter WHO is on the show. And he has been good and winning no matter who is on the show.










he needs to retire

Why?  He's doing great yet again

thats the problem. he finally wants to wake it up when half the cast are people of color, where was this energy during dirty 30-total madness

So you don't want there to be competition?  You realize if that happens people will discredit the win.  See Seasons or Rivals 3

i don't want any competition from the whites yes

Then the win will be discounted but you seem fine with that so that's fine. 

Ideally everyone that shows up is capable of winning. 

ok how is a win discounted if a white isn't doing well

The lack of competition discounts it. Nothing to do with race. You're the one making it about race. 

a win is a win

Did you all not see him during the last episode when he was changing and you could see him shirtless, it looked like a nice body. He looked yummy!   

LOL CT haters refuse to see anything good about him. They will neglect everything

Thats all it is, is hating. When someone is really good and have been good for a long time, they want them to retire.. What does anybody look like retiring for the sake of ANYONE else? Nobody is being considerate of CT in that way at all, so why should he.

The only reason I think CT should retire is to leave on a highnote, the longer he stays in eventually he may start losing more and we know how it goes from there. Also for people themselves to stop hating. But I disagree that he should retire just because others can't win against him. Its not his fault and he shouldn't have to be that considerate. because NOBODY is going to be that considerate of him. Alot of the cast could have done way more than trying to block his skull, that was the stupidest idea ever, no way was he just going to have to leave if he didn't have the chance to get a skull. They should have been trying put him into elimination (constantly, like they did devin and Darrell), instead of doing the opposite. Thats their fault, and he shouldn't retire on their behalf. They shouldn't have played a scared game, because Cory specifically surely did let CT run past him with that relic and didn't even try to wrestle him for it. Leroy also let him have it. I love leroy but even Kam could tell from watching CT had the relic and they all let him fly past. People should be mad at them for not trying harder to take him down. They aren't trying enough.

For me the relic challenge exposed a lot of things, they scared of him. The others are the problem, not him










he needs to retire

Why?  He's doing great yet again

thats the problem. he finally wants to wake it up when half the cast are people of color, where was this energy during dirty 30-total madness

So you don't want there to be competition?  You realize if that happens people will discredit the win.  See Seasons or Rivals 3

i don't want any competition from the whites yes

Then the win will be discounted but you seem fine with that so that's fine. 

Ideally everyone that shows up is capable of winning. 

ok how is a win discounted if a white isn't doing well

The lack of competition discounts it. Nothing to do with race. You're the one making it about race. 

a win is a win

The money is still theirs but a win is not a win. Many are discredited or minimized. 

I just saw a commercial (on the TLC channel) about Paramount streaming services about all the different shows and networks and CT got his own little shout out in it lol and this commercial was not only about MTV shows being streamed but various networks.

They were just listing random shows that could be found they mentioned the real world, mtv's other shows and then showed CT with his name in huge bold letters. Not the challenge, but just CT lol





Why do you say something you know is blatantly wrong.



Why do you say something you know is blatantly wrong.

Its a Nany Stan. Can't take them serious. Their fav never won and made one of the most stupidest decisions I ever seen made on the show.They probably came here to say that because everybody is in Nany's thread caling her a moron lol

I completely understand the opinion of those who think he should retire but it makes no sense from a practical or financial sense. If he's proven he can hang until the final (and win them) then why would you walk away from an opportunity to win $1M? 

I completely understand the opinion of those who think he should retire but it makes no sense from a practical or financial sense. If he's proven he can hang until the final (and win them) then why would you walk away from an opportunity to win $1M? 

And what kind of job do people realistically think he's going to get if he did retire. He could go home first every time like it seems Ashley does and the money is still worth it. 

CT is the main glue that keeps this being The Challenge as opposed to a random knock off show with no ties to The Real World or Road Rules

CT's appearance fee alone is what most of yall make a year lol.

Yeah Clearly MTV sees him as good for promotion, I already said that I saw Paramount shout him out specifically on their commercials when talking about the streaming service and I saw this yesterday:

While it isn't his fault, he is just clearly an all time favorite. Not just with these networks but even the FANS AND the  castmates, its not his faut that he has so much pull. But he'd be stupid to retire because of that pull, instead of taking advantage of it. IDK what his appearence fee is, but I would imagine it IS nice.

From a fan perspective, I only want him there as long as he can still be a beast and win. Because I saw too many haters make a big deal about him wanting to go against Kyle rather than Fessy than they should have. Those people are just playing stupid and acting like it wasn't smarter for him to choose Kyle, but still. The fact that people made a big deal out of that was so damn hypocritical, Completely ignoring that Fessy himself ALSO didn't choose CT but had the nerve to talk big game to his face. CT's haters are so stupid, its painful sometimes lmao

There's nothing new he can provide, we don't need him back 

There's nothing new he can provide, we don't need him back 

Its not about ya'll lol. How many times does people have to say it?

Whether CT retires is a decision for HIMSELF and he don't care about ya'll or your favs. Just as they don't him. Nobody goes in that game being considerate of him, so why should he be expected to

Also, I am pretty sure the same could be said about OTHER ogs who are also still doing these shows. So it doesn't matter about providing something "new", its about having pull in general. And not many of the others have more pull than him.



There's nothing new he can provide, we don't need him back 

Its not about ya'll lol. How many times does people have to say it?

Whether CT retires is a decision for HIMSELF and he don't care about ya'll or your favs. Just as they don't him.

When did I mention him retiring? Nothing I wrote has the slightest thing to do with that. 



There's nothing new he can provide, we don't need him back 

Its not about ya'll lol. How many times does people have to say it?

Whether CT retires is a decision for HIMSELF and he don't care about ya'll or your favs. Just as they don't him.

When did I mention him retiring? Nothing I wrote has the slightest thing to do with that. 

"We don't need him back"

Not to be back means, not to come back. That sounds like retirement, which has been the subject these past two pages.

So painful...




There's nothing new he can provide, we don't need him back 

Its not about ya'll lol. How many times does people have to say it?

Whether CT retires is a decision for HIMSELF and he don't care about ya'll or your favs. Just as they don't him.

When did I mention him retiring? Nothing I wrote has the slightest thing to do with that. 

"We don't need him back"

Not to be back means, not to come back. That sounds like retirement, which has been the subject these past two pages.

So painful...

We don't need him back doesn't mean we won't get him back dipshit, obviously he's not going anywhere but he doesn't add anything new so he should. 





There's nothing new he can provide, we don't need him back 

Its not about ya'll lol. How many times does people have to say it?

Whether CT retires is a decision for HIMSELF and he don't care about ya'll or your favs. Just as they don't him.

When did I mention him retiring? Nothing I wrote has the slightest thing to do with that. 

"We don't need him back"

Not to be back means, not to come back. That sounds like retirement, which has been the subject these past two pages.

So painful...

We don't need him back doesn't mean we won't get him back dipshit, obviously he's not going anywhere but he doesn't add anything new so he should. 

How can you call anybody a dipshit, when you just tried to deny that you weren't speaking on him possibly retiring only to admit that he "should" leave . Like I said, its people like you who say painfully stupid things. Ya'll stay not making ANY sense.

And please direct me to when I ever said, that your opinion meant that he wouldn't come back. I did not. I KNOW just because people have stupid reasons for him to not come back, doesn't mean he won't. In fact, thats what I have been saying the whole time.

There's nothing new he can provide, we don't need him back 

Change "we" to "I" and you'd be fine but clearly many people believe they need him back.

Also, if we eliminated people we didn't think could add something "new" then pretty much the entire DA cast needs to be gone.  


There's nothing new he can provide, we don't need him back 

Change "we" to "I" and you'd be fine but clearly many people believe they need him back.

Also, if we eliminated people we didn't think could add something "new" then pretty much the entire DA cast needs to be gone.  

Yeah, only big brother cast would be left lol. They are the only ones doing new but also LAME shit.

Everyone is testy AF on this Easter Sunday & I am here for it.

Yikes. Why the CT stans mad at other's opinions.

Yikes. Why the CT stans mad at other's opinions.

The fact that we have ct stans here feels weird they're usually supposed to stay on reddit/facebook

I don't consider myself that crazy I am just someone that got into the challenge a year or 2 ago and CT happens to be my favorite.

He needs to stay tf away from the normal seasons and MOSTLY the All Star ones

I don't consider myself that crazy I am just someone that got into the challenge a year or 2 ago and CT happens to be my favorite.

You're fine. My post is mostly to the crazy CT stans.


I don't consider myself that crazy I am just someone that got into the challenge a year or 2 ago and CT happens to be my favorite.

You're fine. My post is mostly to the crazy CT stans.

Alright cool who is your favorite though?
