THE CHAMP IS HERE!!! The one and only Emily Schromm (@EmFitMTV) joined the YouKilledIt pod. We discuss her big win, share our love for Riff Raff, hate of T.O and WTF happened to Camila:
Can someone just tell me what she said so I don’t have to listen
Great interview guys. Emily is amazing.
- she like Wes, especially outside of show Wes
- was called back many times but said no, because of work; this was different because it was short and she can work with clients, they had laptops
- all champ team get along, good vibe, sometimes she was bored
- her favorite on stars team is Riff Raff, he was hilarious; Justine is intense and talented, she like her; Michelle is at first at distance but later they get along great, she is sweetheart; she hated Josh and TO, they didnt show alot of things about him, he was very rude, Josh is fake good guy
- CT vs TO blow up, they showed the best part, she thought there is no way anything physical would happen and it didnt; she talked little more about TO...
- she talked little about CT... never have problem with him, never seen monster CT, only on tv. he is amazing athlete even if he doesnt work out
- she wanted Zach in final, because he is her buddy
- talked little about Camila; she was trying to help her but Camila was wasted that day and Emily left and after that all shit happened; she didnt hear from her after that, Camila still didnt called her
- on Rivals 2 they found laptop conected on wifi and that saved her
- on Champs vs Stars she smoked a lot of weed
- her cat is named Gryffindor Hemingway
- her best friends from the show: Paula, Frank, Zach, Bananas
- she dont watch the challenge; she watched Champs vs Pros, said that season had much better challenges than CvsS
- talked about Bananas, never had any problems with him before that foosball challenge, she said he was so bad in that challenge lol and he was giant baby about MVP thing, he wouldnt even looked at her for 3 days, other than that, he was always there for her and he understand her, best person to have late night talk, she love him
- she doesnt think she will ever do a full Challenge because it was so hard to left her job for that long, also she is in relationship and that is hard too. But never say never
- if she was on, her Vendetta would be Cara Maria, they had some fights in the past but now she thinks they would be just fine
- her biggest regret was black face on Exes, she was so sorry, she really didnt know, cameraman could stoped her but they didnt said a word
- she love her job and is on a mission to build a Empire(podcast, empack, 21 days emchallenge, skin care program and some new projects also)
I think that is all. Sorry for my bad english.
thank you so much for the recap banzai! Wow I ******* love Emily! Everything she said was wonderful! Love how she called Cara her vendetta ***** Cara would get wrecked!!! Queen Emily!
Loved this interview. Well done!
Honestly I didn’t expect her to be a smoker so that’s shocking. Emily will forever be one of my favorites tho, so I’d love to see her back. Although yes, her EMpire is growing. She just started an herbal tea line recently too.
I could see Wes and Emily smoking all the time together lmao and I love Emily..Love that she called out Josh.. The perfect way to describe him is a fake good guy and that is exactly what she said. Team Emily