The Challenge: Champs vs Pros - Spoilers

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I spoke it into existence in the spoiler thread. I told you HonestTea ^^ 

My take on this challenge:

Champ guys:

bananas: he was really upset when he got eliminated. I think not only because it was wes who eliminated him butmore the fact he wanted to run the final since he knows a lot of olympians.His ego got a big blown

jordan: a more relaxed jordan, he was just happy that he was there.He really liked this challenge

darrel: typically darell: in the background, never drama, never volunteering for elimination....but always killing the final....camback is now complete

ct: overweight, in the background in the firs episodes....but had a fantastic mission in the back off...great interactions with darrel and wes

Wes: champs mvp, never complained, gave everything and knows his role. Loved his friendship with ct .

Overall great male champs, they had a lot of respect for each other.darrel,ct and wes worked great together...maybe you could switch jordan with zach

Female champs:

ashley k and veronica were a mismatch, buth phyiscally and mentally

ashley m showed a ot of spirit in the first episodes but also showed she has matured yet compared with the other champs.

cara emerged as a a great final

camilla skated as usually to the finale, had a great final but came up short

Overall the female chaps were casted poorly...I wished we had laurel , sarah or emily instead of veronica, ashley m and k


the male pro were a bit lackluster, they all were too nice.

Kam showed he was beast! Gus and louie were very likable!

the female pro cast were the true stars of this challenge!

lolo was a beast, a lot of drame but a good heart

louise had the best commentary

Lindsay was a lowkey leader of the team.How she pushed kam without yelling notch!

Much stronger than expected!

Overall this challenge was fantastic...I don't think the pro's should be on a regular challenge, i got feeling they will quit very quick when they don't have acces to a phone




An eating challenge to determine what 6 players will go the final was a bunch of bullshit. They should have incorporated a physical element in there instead of shooting a basketball right from the rim. They should have made it so that they had to make 3 basketball shots from a certain line. 

LoLo deserved to be in that final. 
