Angela without Tyler doesn't make much sense.
Yep tyler is on also or they both aren't on. No way 1 of them will do this without the other.
It feels like they picked this cast out of a hat
I'm sorry but whoever watched Enzo on BB22 and decided we needed to see him on TV again needs to be fired. He did nothing
He's one or those people with fans and it draws in old school BB fans
Literally me
I just caught Enzo.. ew wtf. Those old people gonna flop HARD. And told y'all they only casting from recent seasons. Poor Natalie Anderson dqed herself from this
I mean I'm down for it to see how it goes. I haven't seen Love Isnd USA 3 but I'm sure they're ok
Having like Alyssa, Kyland, Xavier, Derek X, Tiffany and Azah in a cast of 20 people sucks
Y'all the women are GOOD. Just say you didn't watch Love Island and GO. The men suck but that's always the case plus no CT Josh or Fessy so YAY
What's the likelihood of some these people showing up on S38? I like most of the Love Island girls.
Sarah competing against these ig models lol
Hopefully the rest team up against them
i would of prefereed a mtv vs cbs paramount show 15 from both
I bet only 4 from BB23 make it on. Azah and one of Ky/X are probably alternates.
Ok pick who we want to win in Hall Brawl episode 1 Cashay vs Justine. Battle of the Love Island fan favorites.
Episode 2 hand Cuffs Tasha vs Tiffany
Probably not watching unless Dom or Tyson get far
Just realized Dom is on...he's a decent get for Survivor fans. Wasn't a fan of him but I feel like he was relatively popular
They picked enzo over cody? lol
When Liana wins!
Cely, Christmas, Sarah and Ben need to GO
Add: Dom and Enzo
Cody declined..
Oh no honey what is this cast...
money issue with cody wasn't it ?
Definitely go ahead and put KC and Josh on this for good, because I will not be watching..
No Haleigh, no Brett, no Earl and no Alec...
Whatever happened to queen parvati being on this lol
Liana and Tasha coming to run the show
im shook Tyler isn't on i almost cant believe it
Yep tyler is on also or they both aren't on. No way 1 of them will do this without the other.
It feels like they picked this cast out of a hat
He's one or those people with fans and it draws in old school BB fans
Literally me
I just caught Enzo.. ew wtf. Those old people gonna flop HARD. And told y'all they only casting from recent seasons. Poor Natalie Anderson dqed herself from this
I mean I'm down for it to see how it goes. I haven't seen Love Isnd USA 3 but I'm sure they're ok
Having like Alyssa, Kyland, Xavier, Derek X, Tiffany and Azah in a cast of 20 people sucks
Y'all the women are GOOD. Just say you didn't watch Love Island and GO. The men suck but that's always the case plus no CT Josh or Fessy so YAY
What's the likelihood of some these people showing up on S38? I like most of the Love Island girls.
Sarah competing against these ig models lol
Hopefully the rest team up against them
i would of prefereed a mtv vs cbs paramount show 15 from both
I bet only 4 from BB23 make it on. Azah and one of Ky/X are probably alternates.
Ok pick who we want to win in Hall Brawl episode 1 Cashay vs Justine. Battle of the Love Island fan favorites.
Episode 2 hand Cuffs Tasha vs Tiffany
Probably not watching unless Dom or Tyson get far
Just realized Dom is on...he's a decent get for Survivor fans. Wasn't a fan of him but I feel like he was relatively popular
They picked enzo over cody? lol
When Liana wins!
Add: Dom and Enzo
Cody declined..
Oh no honey what is this cast...
money issue with cody wasn't it ?
Definitely go ahead and put KC and Josh on this for good, because I will not be watching..
No Haleigh, no Brett, no Earl and no Alec...
Whatever happened to queen parvati being on this lol
im shook Tyler isn't on i almost cant believe it