The Challenge: CBS - Season 1 (Cast Spoilers Discussion)

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I know this group is not letting the runner up to the most boring winner's zero personality girlfriend win. 

Is this the final cast?

Pink wrote 5 yesterday and she already wrote the 5 names today 

Thank you!

You guys are delusional about Xavier. He's very smart and strategic but the definition of popcorn muscles! So overrated 

The format is very fundamental to know how this is going to play out but I don't see Sarah, Angela or Desi getting last over the other girls

Sarah lacina is the best survivor player ever imo besides Tony and Sandra. I'm not sure how her endurance is but wouldn't surprise me to see her get to the end. 

If Tyson goes early I'm rooting for her 

I think Danny is not going to do well in a final imo. Cameron in champs pros gassed out, football guys have too much weight on them 

Desi is flinging this bland vegan back home right away. She'll be back to taking staged photographs with her whineyass boyfriend by the middle of next week.

Nothing would be worse than Angela winning and going to the main show with BFF kaycee 

she's at the bottom of the BB alliance so I'm not that concerned. I also do not remember her winning comps even tho I guess she did 

We def need a purge to start this season off 

We def need a purge to start this season off 

No we don't unless you can guarantee me that purge is Sarah, Ben, Enzo, and Angela.

idk Xavier played College Basketball, we've seen him keep a calm head, we already know he's very smart. 

it's harmless for like 3 of us to have him as a favorite. how that turned into him being overrated and having pop corn muscles is beyond me lmaoo 

Sarah lacina is the best survivor player ever imo besides Tony and Sandra. I'm not sure how her endurance is but wouldn't surprise me to see her get to the end. 

If Tyson goes early I'm rooting for her 

I think Danny is not going to do well in a final imo. Cameron in champs pros gassed out to king Darrell, football guys have too much weight on them 

Kamerion is 1.93m 260 pound linebacker, Danny is 1,85m 220 pound safety, and than was when he was playing, right know he's lighter, Danny's body is much more made to running and endurance than Kamerion


Sarah lacina is the best survivor player ever imo besides Tony and Sandra. I'm not sure how her endurance is but wouldn't surprise me to see her get to the end. 

If Tyson goes early I'm rooting for her 

I think Danny is not going to do well in a final imo. Cameron in champs pros gassed out to king Darrell, football guys have too much weight on them 

Kamerion is 1.93m 260 pound linebacker, Danny is 1,85m 220 pound safety, and than was when he was playing, right know he's lighter, Danny's body is much more made to running and endurance than Kamerion

I agree

Desi is flinging this bland vegan back home right away. She'll be back to taking staged photographs with her whineyass boyfriend by the middle of next week.

Lets be honest Desi doesn't look like that right now, and Angela from what i remember looks substancially bigger than her, not saying surprises don't happen but Angela still is the favourite

People that do pole vaulter and gymnastics are some of the most athletic people I have ever met

Angela Rummans 4.38

Angie Rummans College Gymnastics Recruiting Video March 2009

"Angela won USATF Region 3 Junior Olympic Track & Field Championships with a mark of 3.80m (12[apos]5 ½) ... Placed ninth at the New Balance Nationals."

Hopefully she is protien deprived from her plant based diet and totally flops.

That angela girl looks bigger than laurel yikes. Plus she apparently did all these different kind of sports. 

Wait I read someone say here that angela won 3 hoh's and 2 vetoes? Then how many hoh's and veto's did tyler and kaycee win lol


Wait I read someone say here that angela won 3 hoh's and 2 vetoes? Then how many hoh's and veto's did tyler and kaycee win lol

Kaycee won 2 HoH and 5 vetos and Tyler won 3 HoH and 3 vetos

That angela girl looks bigger than laurel yikes. Plus she apparently did all these different kind of sports. 

She's also a runner. Angela runs 5-10 miles a day. 

Angela won't win lol. I can easily see her flopping, now Justine... she's the moment. 

That angela girl looks bigger than laurel yikes. Plus she apparently did all these different kind of sports. 

Now y'all just gassing the girl is only like 5'7-5'8


That angela girl looks bigger than laurel yikes. Plus she apparently did all these different kind of sports. 

Now y'all just gassing the girl is only like 5'7-5'8

She's 5'10 with a pretty good athletic background, she has the best resume out of anyone on this show athletically other than maybe Sarah, she might have a bland personality, and there might be other contenders but realistically she is the favourite to win, she's smart, big, strong and strategic and has proven herself in competions than almost all the other girls whether we like it or not

Just give her Sarah or Tasha in something with physical contact and she's gone. Y'all overhyping her sooo much 

I wish this season was somehow a Survivor vs BB team challenge bc Survivor would dominate. These BB people arent shit 

Just give her Sarah or Tasha in something with physical contact and she's gone. Y'all overhyping her sooo much 

I wish this season was somehow a Survivor vs BB team challenge bc Survivor would dominate. These BB people arent shit 




That angela girl looks bigger than laurel yikes. Plus she apparently did all these different kind of sports. 

Now y'all just gassing the girl is only like 5'7-5'8

She's 5'10 with a pretty good athletic background, she has the best resume out of anyone on this show athletically other than maybe Sarah, she might have a bland personality, and there might be other contenders but realistically she is the favourite to win, she's smart, big, strong and strategic and has proven herself in competions than almost all the other girls whether we like it or not

Oh I never knew she was that tall, I still see her flopping though but time will tell. 




That angela girl looks bigger than laurel yikes. Plus she apparently did all these different kind of sports. 

Now y'all just gassing the girl is only like 5'7-5'8

She's 5'10 with a pretty good athletic background, she has the best resume out of anyone on this show athletically other than maybe Sarah, she might have a bland personality, and there might be other contenders but realistically she is the favourite to win, she's smart, big, strong and strategic and has proven herself in competions than almost all the other girls whether we like it or not

Oh I never knew she was that tall, I still see her flopping though but time will tell. 


Okay, this is a little off topic for this thread so I apologise but I didn't wanna be one of those annoying people who spams PR. If you see this PR will you be spoiling any of the other seasons? I'm mainly interested in UK but Australia too. If you don't I totally understand.

Also does anyone know if these will be celeb editions or regular? I remember PR stating way back that the UK show was actually looking for cast so part of me thinks that the other three may be regular apply to be on TV kinda editions. Hoping we get a few Z listers but I'm not sure & guess I'd be happy either way.

for the BB23 girls I see Alyssa making it the furthest,  I think either Angela or Desi will win, possibly Sarah

Kinda am rooting for cayla and have a soft spot for her as she's the only girl from the amazing race. Hope she makes it far!
