You're untitled to your opinion. But I don't think you know her whole story.
Didnt she just like get an injury or something and then struggled because she had a rly bad resting ***** face.. that's all I remember from BB20
Like I said you don't know her story. What she's done and been through has nothing to do with BB. I'll give you a few highlights. I feel comfortable sharing because it's in her book. She started as 5year old in competitive gymnastics. Most of her child good spent traveling to practice, competitions. She had abusive coaches but I won't go into specifics. She stopped as a level 10 and started pole vaulting. After one year and breaking high school records, she was courted by colleges. Went to USC. Under those coaches and requirements she developed an eating disorder. She overcame that and that's where she learned about veganism. She was recruited to go to professional pole vaulting and accepted at the Olympic trials. In the meantime she had to support her self so she took $300 and turned it into a 6figure graphic arts company, while also modeling and doing Olympic trials. Just prior to BB she was sexually assaulted. And was still dealing emotionally with that during BB. Since BB ended she has started another company and wrote three books. Not to mention still modeling, acting, and doing stunt double work. I find that impressive.
I never imagined enzo or david to last 8 episodes wow...
Enzo's a lot of things but I have little doubt he tied himself to the best people to keep him safe. Enzo's undeniably loyal
and good for him! One of the oldest guys there who knows he'll lose in the final regardless, at least have the potential for 2nd,3rd or 4th place and get some money. He knows he's not winning so he plays to win some money.
my assumption is this is like all stars and only 1st place gets money. If the money they were getting wasn't that much for this, why would they also give extra to finalists?
To be fair, this will get far higher viewership than all-stars since it will be on primetime CBS so the revenue from ads should justify giving 2nd/3rd/4th? some additional prize money.
PR can give us the facts but I highly doubt 3rd 4th will get anything and doubt 2nd
there's no reason to given the names are kinda 2nd tier. Also doubt it's happening for other countries either
I never imagined enzo or david to last 8 episodes wow...
Enzo's a lot of things but I have little doubt he tied himself to the best people to keep him safe. Enzo's undeniably loyal
and good for him! One of the oldest guys there who knows he'll lose in the final regardless, at least have the potential for 2nd,3rd or 4th place and get some money. He knows he's not winning so he plays to win some money.
my assumption is this is like all stars and only 1st place gets money. If the money they were getting wasn't that much for this, why would they also give extra to finalists?
To be fair, this will get far higher viewership than all-stars since it will be on primetime CBS so the revenue from ads should justify giving 2nd/3rd/4th? some additional prize money.
I'm surprised most of y'all are ignoring PR basically saying David won an elimination lmao
Tea can mean anything but PR also said that the eliminations aren't necessarily physical contact so it could have been anything. Hell, maybe someone DQ'd against him lol.
I never imagined enzo or david to last 8 episodes wow...
Enzo's a lot of things but I have little doubt he tied himself to the best people to keep him safe. Enzo's undeniably loyal
and good for him! One of the oldest guys there who knows he'll lose in the final regardless, at least have the potential for 2nd,3rd or 4th place and get some money. He knows he's not winning so he plays to win some money.
my assumption is this is like all stars and only 1st place gets money. If the money they were getting wasn't that much for this, why would they also give extra to finalists?
To be fair, this will get far higher viewership than all-stars since it will be on primetime CBS so the revenue from ads should justify giving 2nd/3rd/4th? some additional prize money.
Why they should get money?
Could help encourage better prospects to want to come on the show if they do another season. A lot of big hitters declined from what we've heard.
Survivor doing well for once is so good for the health of this franchise, I'm actually excited. There are easily 25-30 Survivor alums that I can't wait to steal Kaycee/Josh/Fessy's franchise seats at the table. It's the perfect feeder show for The Challenge now that the vet cast is aging out.
What's the deal with Tiff and Kyland? Does she genuinely likes him or she is being shaddy on IG?
Because I have heard stories of him hooking up with other reality stars before this show
I know they were in Hawaii together back in late January. Probably a friends with benefits type situation. She's not being shady. She clearly cares about him. Even after Kyland booted her on BB23, she still wanted him to win it. I think she wants a relationship, but I don't think he does....he's too 'spontaneous' for a relationship, but maybe they're angling for an Ex on the Beach spot like you hinted at prior to filming.
Damn I was right kyland and kyra was eliminated. If you told me alyssa would be the last person standing of bb23 before the game began I woulda smacked you but here she is lol
This season is giving Jenny/Kaycee in total madness where we know Sarah and Angela will be the top 2
Survivor dominating BB with less numbers and Enzo Alyssa being last ones standing is better than i ever imagined
If the format was last place goes in, house votes in someone else how did BB fumble this so badly??
PR can give us the facts but I highly doubt 3rd 4th will get anything and doubt 2nd
there's no reason to given the names are kinda 2nd tier. Also doubt it's happening for other countries either
Why they should get money?
What's with everyone assuming they know anything that hasn't come from the spoiler team
I'm surprised most of y'all are ignoring PR basically saying David won an elimination lmao
Tea can mean anything but PR also said that the eliminations aren't necessarily physical contact so it could have been anything. Hell, maybe someone DQ'd against him lol.
My list right now:
#1. Tyson / Desi
#2. Danny / Angela
#3. Ben / Sarah
#4. Dom / Justine
#5. Leo / Cayla
#6. Enzo / Alyssa
#7. David / Cashay
I hope there will be a only one winner twist, otherwise Sarah's path to victory is already set in stone for me.
For the future of this, Tyson would be the ideal winner. Sarah as good as she is, is just another Kaycee type for me.
Could help encourage better prospects to want to come on the show if they do another season. A lot of big hitters declined from what we've heard.
Survivor doing well for once is so good for the health of this franchise, I'm actually excited. There are easily 25-30 Survivor alums that I can't wait to steal Kaycee/Josh/Fessy's franchise seats at the table. It's the perfect feeder show for The Challenge now that the vet cast is aging out.
Glad David is skating through... Danny too
hoping it's a male and female winner, not a single winner like all stars 1
ummm it's been made pretty clear there are 2 winners
What's the deal with Tiff and Kyland? Does she genuinely likes him or she is being shaddy on IG?
Because I have heard stories of him hooking up with other reality stars before this show
she got fingered by him on the show, was on the live feeds. idk if they did anything in todricks home after bb23
I know they were in Hawaii together back in late January. Probably a friends with benefits type situation. She's not being shady. She clearly cares about him. Even after Kyland booted her on BB23, she still wanted him to win it. I think she wants a relationship, but I don't think he does....he's too 'spontaneous' for a relationship, but maybe they're angling for an Ex on the Beach spot like you hinted at prior to filming.
tiffany def likes him a lot, but kyland couldnt care any less long term
if it helps him get on more shows he'll play it up
any scoop on if they want to bring any of these people on the main show? kyland and fessy on a main show would be the absolute worst together
lol is this 6th grade?
Sarah "Trumpster" Lacina is winning this horrid season
Lmaoooo this cracks me up
Alyssa eating
lol it's honestly hysterical anyone cares what her politics are when deciding who to vote for
Damnnnn not Kyland Don't care for anyone else left really. Anyone but Ben or Sarah I guessss lol
Damn I was right kyland and kyra was eliminated. If you told me alyssa would be the last person standing of bb23 before the game began I woulda smacked you but here she is lol
Like how do you have 6 people from the same damn season all flop this bad lol