If there's a season two(really skeptical right now), they need to change the format to ensure more fit guys make it to the end and weed out the ones who get carried, then can't do shit in a final. That's why the MTV version has a lot of physical contact competitions. If they have to, make it so people can choose who they want to face in elimination.
They easily could have solved this by having an extra female elimination before the final to even numbers out. It just doesn't make sense to have a different girls competing against pairs in different sections.
They easily could have solved this by having an extra female elimination before the final to even numbers out. It just doesn't make sense to have a different girls competing against pairs in different sections.
That would require Justin Booth having someone on staff with half a brain to give some forethought on a situation. This show has been on for 37 seasons and has two spinoffs. HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE SO INCOMPETENT?
Or just made the first portion of the final individual and purged 1 of the girls. It would've been kinda fair, all the girls would've been in the same situation. Instead, they made them do different sections individually, and a lot depended on how hard was the section each of them got. They couldn't be easy anyway, being made for pairs... What a mess.
They easily could have solved this by having an extra female elimination before the final to even numbers out. It just doesn't make sense to have a different girls competing against pairs in different sections.
If Sarah did her individual portion last, it would explain why she had such a huge lead that none of the girls could make up for in the end, especially if their individual parts involved carrying stuff or anything that favors men. They would've been too tired. If not last, then the best would've been to do it 1st when you're still fresh and pray you don't get to carry stuff or eat tons of food... What a mess. However you turn it, it just wasn't an equal playing field. They had to do 1 more female elimination or a female purge at the start.
If Sarah did her individual portion last, it would explain why she had such a huge lead that none of the girls could make up for in the end, especially if their individual parts involved carrying stuff or anything that favors men. They would've been too tired. If not last, then the best would've been to do it 1st when you're still fresh and pray you don't get to carry stuff or eat tons of food... What a mess. However you turn it, it just wasn't an equal playing field. They had to do 1 more female elimination or a female purge at the start.
no one was beating sarah on this as i said all season
If Sarah did her individual portion last, it would explain why she had such a huge lead that none of the girls could make up for in the end, especially if their individual parts involved carrying stuff or anything that favors men. They would've been too tired. If not last, then the best would've been to do it 1st when you're still fresh and pray you don't get to carry stuff or eat tons of food... What a mess. However you turn it, it just wasn't an equal playing field. They had to do 1 more female elimination or a female purge at the start.
You're creating more than their likely is. Yes do one more female elimination but Sarah wins regardless
Well, now it's hard to tell with the final like this. Her 2 biggest competitions got out at the start. What would've happened if Sarah got Enzo as a partner first or if she was the one doing the overnight portion alone? Or at least that someone else got Enzo or overnight portion instead of Desi and Angela, and those 2 were Sarah's opponents in day 2. She could've won it regardless, she's obviously a beast, but It's just a mess with how unlucky Desi and especially Angela were, and we know these 2 had the best chance of beating Sarah.
If Sarah did her individual portion last, it would explain why she had such a huge lead that none of the girls could make up for in the end, especially if their individual parts involved carrying stuff or anything that favors men. They would've been too tired. If not last, then the best would've been to do it 1st when you're still fresh and pray you don't get to carry stuff or eat tons of food... What a mess. However you turn it, it just wasn't an equal playing field. They had to do 1 more female elimination or a female purge at the start.
no one was beating sarah on this as i said all season
o at the start was in danger to get purged right away.
If the pairs were that crucial, why didn't they just bring back David? Maybe COVID protocols...but they could've purged or eliminated another girl in at least.
Well, having her 2 biggest opponents purged on day 1 helped. You have to admit she got lucky with Desi being paired with Enzo first and Angela getting the overnight portion. But it's hard to judge until we see how it went.
If Sarah did her individual portion last, it would explain why she had such a huge lead that none of the girls could make up for in the end, especially if their individual parts involved carrying stuff or anything that favors men. They would've been too tired. If not last, then the best would've been to do it 1st when you're still fresh and pray you don't get to carry stuff or eat tons of food... What a mess. However you turn it, it just wasn't an equal playing field. They had to do 1 more female elimination or a female purge at the start.
You're creating more than their likely is. Yes do one more female elimination but Sarah wins regardless
Justine would've won if this was individuals against Cayla and Sarah btw. I have trouble imagine Sarah doing anything endurance wise.
im no Sarah fan but she ran 7 marathons in 7 days. I think she has the most endurance out of any of the girls individually
Sarah's teletubbie build sack of potatoes is not going to outrun any of these girls. Everyone can train for a marathon it's just a time thing and even old ppl do them versus competitive marathons that matter.
So far the placements are:
1st place: Danny|Sarah
4th place: Enzo|Angela
5th place: Ben|Desi
Wouldnt placing be determined by the amount of points they had?
If there's a season two(really skeptical right now), they need to change the format to ensure more fit guys make it to the end and weed out the ones who get carried, then can't do shit in a final. That's why the MTV version has a lot of physical contact competitions. If they have to, make it so people can choose who they want to face in elimination.
If Enzo/Desi were purged or quit in the first part of the final, I'd imagine that would mean they placed the worst of the finalists correct?
They easily could have solved this by having an extra female elimination before the final to even numbers out. It just doesn't make sense to have a different girls competing against pairs in different sections.
It's sounding like none of the finalists outside of the winners will ever want to work for this franchise ever again. Which is a damn shame.
That would require Justin Booth having someone on staff with half a brain to give some forethought on a situation. This show has been on for 37 seasons and has two spinoffs. HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE SO INCOMPETENT?
The final was probably insanely tough. They need a beast like Sarah to finish.
Or just made the first portion of the final individual and purged 1 of the girls. It would've been kinda fair, all the girls would've been in the same situation. Instead, they made them do different sections individually, and a lot depended on how hard was the section each of them got. They couldn't be easy anyway, being made for pairs... What a mess.
This is gonna be such a mess when it airs holy
Cayla top 3? Queen slayed!
Correct they needed to get rid of another woman
If Sarah did her individual portion last, it would explain why she had such a huge lead that none of the girls could make up for in the end, especially if their individual parts involved carrying stuff or anything that favors men. They would've been too tired. If not last, then the best would've been to do it 1st when you're still fresh and pray you don't get to carry stuff or eat tons of food... What a mess. However you turn it, it just wasn't an equal playing field. They had to do 1 more female elimination or a female purge at the start.
no one was beating sarah on this as i said all season
You're creating more than their likely is. Yes do one more female elimination but Sarah wins regardless
Idk how production can reach such levels of incompetence. Sarah's win will not count cause of all the ******* going around it. #NotMyWinner
I am very happy for Danny. It's extremely embarrassing to have a Trump loving cop animal killer representing the USA in the War of the Worlds.
What if the winners are not available for the tournament?
If the pairs were that crucial, why didn't they just bring back David? Maybe COVID protocols...but they could've purged or eliminated another girl in at least.
Justine would've won if this was individuals against Cayla and Sarah btw. I have trouble imagine Sarah doing anything endurance wise.
im no Sarah fan but she ran 7 marathons in 7 days. I think she has the most endurance out of any of the girls individually
I'm guessing they had to say ahead of time they'd be available
animal killer? And, no, it's absolutely not bad to have a cop represent the US
anything can come up so I wonder what would happen in that case
Sarah's teletubbie build sack of potatoes is not going to outrun any of these girls. Everyone can train for a marathon it's just a time thing and even old ppl do them versus competitive marathons that matter.
nm wont engage with the troll