Seminole wrote:Cara Maria w***LAYING Aneesa so damn hard in that preview. "SHUT UP ANESSA!". That is the mark of a true queen right there, the way she said it in such awesome fashion. Anessa probably be like "Nuh uh, I aint messing with that bad *** chick". Anessa is the fake one, Cara shows her realness.
When someone like Cara Maria is considered a "Queen" then you know this show isn't what it used to be.
She is a queen though. She was the best girl in her FM group, is one of the faces of the challenge, can slay in confrontation
Man i'm the type of person where Anessa would've pissed me off so bad I would've pulled a Brianna & said I wanted to go home. I'd make sure she'd never win a final lol.
Man i'm the type of person where Anessa would've pissed me off so bad I would've pulled a Brianna & said I wanted to go home. I'd make sure she'd never win a final lol.
Man i'm the type of person where Anessa would've pissed me off so bad I would've pulled a Brianna & said I wanted to go home. I'd make sure she'd never win a final lol.
once again Jenna proves she's a ******* idiot.
Anessa is being a *****.
Aneesa's such a ****.
Aneesa looks so bangin'
"Period is not a verb" tell her Aneesa! Lmao
Ho *** Theresa and Laurel? really now?
No Aneesa that's you.
Lmaooo everyody's all happy & then Aneesa "Rianna is getting on my nerves".
here's the bus scene. *waits for the fools from 3 weeks ago who said it wouldn't be in this episode*
Man i'm the type of person where Anessa would've pissed me off so bad I would've pulled a Brianna & said I wanted to go home. I'd make sure she'd never win a final lol.
here's a bus scene. *waits for the fools from 3 weeks ago who said it wouldn't be in this episode
Poor sport
Aw Cara is so pretty.
That house actually look nice.
I love seeing them explore! Gives me old-school challenge vibes
"I love almost all of you"
LOL. She needs to be shown more.
I really don't like Aneesa. Thunder **** status.
Rianna on challenge 29/30 please
This is the most screen time Rianna's gotten and I like her. Wish they would show her more often.
i'm petty i wouldn't even care.
Why Cory being Maury with Aneesa and Riana???
Where was this Rianna the whole season?
I feel bad for Rianna.
"I only care about The Results, right here"