I'm excited for this challenge! Cohutta's face in the trailer when he was looking at the snake was hilarious. And it was funny seeing KellyAnne screaming with the bugs lol I would be freaking out.
You hear Johnny's crack about the ladies looks in the morning being creepy? lol. He's made that joke before. Why is he always dogging the girls like that? Please, most of them probably look better than his own girlfriend.
You hear Johnny's crack about the ladies looks in the morning being creepy? lol. He's made that joke before. Why is he always dogging the girls like that? Please, most of them probably look better than his own girlfriend.
You hear Johnny's crack about the ladies looks in the morning being creepy? lol. He's made that joke before. Why is he always dogging the girls like that? Please, most of them probably look better than his own girlfriend.
Those comments about Hannah's looks are totally uncalled fot. She's not part of this cast
I think she is quite pretty and if any of you clicked the link to a bunch of the Sports Illustrated photos when she has her hair done, makeup on and is posed for photos instead of hanging on the beach you would see more of the "done" look you're used to - Hannah Teter looks like a normal, healthy, female... doesn't apply makeup with a trowel and airbrush gun meant for auto customizing...sigh....Kartrashian mentality
Is this tonight or tomorrow ?!
Tomorrow.. Premature thread lol.
I always loved Fear Factor-esque stuff. Should be fun challenge.
I bet it's with animals.
I wonder if they have to chew the bugs to get the juice squirted to the tube..
waiting for this episode like my love is like woah
I'm excited for this challenge! Cohutta's face in the trailer when he was looking at the snake was hilarious. And it was funny seeing KellyAnne screaming with the bugs lol I would be freaking out.
Next week came around pretty fast.
I think that's just water fo wash it down
Jenna doing this will be entertaining
Spoiler alert- She still won't be entertaining. Ever.
I mean't if they have to chew down the bugs thru the tube
Your commentary is getting better. I like it, lmao.
Ready to rep the queens tomorrow! #TeamJennaandBrianna
You hear Johnny's crack about the ladies looks in the morning being creepy? lol. He's made that joke before. Why is he always dogging the girls like that? Please, most of them probably look better than his own girlfriend.
She is very natural looking but pretty and an olympic snowboarder - Sports Illustrated loves her https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=15...
hannah teter.jpg
he just enjoys being a shit
exactlty. Bananas girlfriend is straight up to a T *****.
Yeah, she's plain & homely. I'm not fond of blonde girls though. They're boring to me.
I see tonight's episode getting 300k-400k in ratings.
I see it doing better than last week but not by much.
I see it doing better than last week but not by much.
That's his girlfriend? I...seriously thought it was Jenna. They're both so...basic looking.
Isn't there an after show tonight? Who's on it?
Jenna, Brianna... I think Cohutta too?
Those comments about Hannah's looks are totally uncalled fot. She's not part of this cast
So what? She's a public figure. Everyone is entitled to their oponion about anything.
I think she is quite pretty and if any of you clicked the link to a bunch of the Sports Illustrated photos when she has her hair done, makeup on and is posed for photos instead of hanging on the beach you would see more of the "done" look you're used to - Hannah Teter looks like a normal, healthy, female... doesn't apply makeup with a trowel and airbrush gun meant for auto customizing...sigh....Kartrashian mentality
Bananas has no room to talk about the girls on this challenge.
His girlfriends a dog.
Bananas your girlfriend....Woof.