The Challenge: Battle for a new champion- Struggling To Hold It Together

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Ew K-Flop is here? Keep it. Same confessional looks?

This season is quickly entering "bad" territory.

Strategy sucks, one big "alliance", mercenaries one after another instead of switching it up. It's becoming a slog.

They did everything they could to make this season stale when it should have been the freshest season without the same old vets. 

It should've had the Theresa's and Amanda's who are vets and never won one before and we get a way better product. 

Strategy sucks, one big "alliance", mercenaries one after another instead of switching it up. It's becoming a slog.

BigT already beat a winner theres NO reason to why she can be thrown around again.

Thats bullshit. If you beat a champ you should have won a ticket to the next phase

I know production hates us but it's time they put their ego aside and listen to us. They've proven for 4 years now that they can't deliver a good product. It's embarrassing that our ideas outshine the losers paid to do this.

It should've had the Theresa's and Amanda's who are vets and never won one before and we get a way better product. 

Neither of them was going to do this season

Until they shorten the length of filming, we are always going to get clowns.

5k is chump change to Kaycee cheap ***

lost ALL my respect to melissa this season. i literally used to love her a lot but all that yelling and fighting then crying is annoying, not to mention she IS the one who started every single drama she's involved in too

Classy for Kaycee to give her $5k, props to her.

But I agree, Big T beat a champ, she should've been immune until "level 3" or whatever. That would've shook up the alliances a bit.

Kaycee shoulda just thrown it to her bc If she was going to donate plus and won 450k not that long ago it's not like she is hurting for money 

I will say this, I'm shocked they are only giving the girls physical eliminations. Normally my biggest complaint about the separate days for guys and girls is they give guys physical and girls random crap but they flipped it this season. 

unpopular opinion melissa is a karen, the girls coddling her after and not ravyn was WACK

unpopular opinion melissa is a karen, the girls coddling her after and not ravyn was WACK

unpopular opinion melissa is a karen, the girls coddling her after and not ravyn was WACK

I wish Big T knew how to use her body lmao, she was so damn stiff in that pole wrestle. I was patiently waiting for her knees to bend but they never did.

some of Yall complaining but the season actually picking up the last 3 episodes, lets be real the drama is there!

I wanted to like this season but I just can't get into it. No one has main character energy. Jay, Michele, and Tula can't carry a show. The format makes it predictable and boring. The one chance we had for excitement, Devon punked out like the little bíțçh he is. I can't even get into the drama. I was so tuned out during the Ravyn and Melissa fight, I don't even know what happened. I looked up, a drink was thrown, and then the camera cut. It's too long and dry. There's no fun or humor. The cast sucks and I was rooting for a season with no vacation freaks.

I saw some of the next few episode descriptions and i think it will pick up with the alliances finally turning on each other, how it's edited can def ruin the episodes but it's picking up, that's why i wanted big t and her sidekick gone

I'm excited for the episodes after the champs. That's where it seems to get good!

I'm excited for the episodes after the champs. That's where it seems to get good!

ill probably watch this since after bruce went out on survivor i've been checked out 
