The Challenge: Battle for a new champion- Nurys Mateo

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I'm stuck on why she would reveal that

For me, all this shit Nurys is doing is just for clout. She seems so fake to me in that aspoect. She would do anything for a minute in the spotlight, even if that's talking about marriage and kids.

It smells like a PR relationship soo bad, and Nurys is doing all this now that Horacio aint here for him to reciprocate cause I don't see him doing all this crap

its actually kinda wild how much engagement her posts with him get. Her last post with him from about a week ago got about 30k more likes then her other posts. On her live the other day she was saying how he's not really into social media but she's gonna make him create content more when he gets back I bet she's pissed that he's away durning the show airing and doesn't have anything new to post lol  



I wonder if those anger management classes she keeps talking about were court  ordered lmao


I just like her cause she's pretty and with the shits...would've loved to see what she would've done if Middlebrooks was cast.

She just got off probation but was allowed to leave the country for filming ride or dies? Hmmm

She just got off probation but was allowed to leave the country for filming ride or dies? Hmmm

it ended right before ROD, the fight was in 2020 she said on live forever ago. the classes were ordered and she said she had to go twice a week.

I'm stuck on why she would reveal that

it's not new info, she also made tik toks about using her mask as an elastic in there lmao


I'm stuck on why she would reveal that

it's not new info, she also made tik toks about using her mask as an elastic in there lmao

Ahhh, gotcha


She just got off probation but was allowed to leave the country for filming ride or dies? Hmmm

it ended right before ROD, the fight was in 2020 she said on live forever ago. the classes were ordered and she said she had to go twice a week.

that makes sense. Any tea on what the fight was about?



She just got off probation but was allowed to leave the country for filming ride or dies? Hmmm

it ended right before ROD, the fight was in 2020 she said on live forever ago. the classes were ordered and she said she had to go twice a week.

that makes sense. Any tea on what the fight was about?

i cant remember the details but i remember her saying they were in a club/drunk and it was in jersey


She needs to spend time in prison.



She needs to spend time in prison.

Where that mugshot 

deleted* didn't realize this was spoiler free lmao

*giggles* Smile

Y'all on her neck so much when she delivers. Why don't y'all have this energy for BORIAH

sis flew 13hrs to see her man on his show, they fly the casts family/partners out if they win challenges. i was skeptical at first but their cute.

Their reunion was cute ngl. He showed more emotion than I expected. Nurys is definitely out of her element though, I know she said she speaks spanish fluently but to me it seems like she understands more than she can converse in it

side note- i wonder what the budget for exaltón is because their challenges are soooo much better

Their reunion was cute ngl. He showed more emotion than I expected. Nurys is definitely out of her element though, I know she said she speaks spanish fluently but to me it seems like she understands more than she can converse in it

side note- i wonder what the budget for exaltón is because their challenges are soooo much better

she speaks spanglish but dominican spanish is WAAAY different than what most of the contestants on there speak. she seemed shy, it's cute she was one of his visits.  if i was a family member i'd finesse me a vacation 


She needs to be released from prison.

She needs to be released from prison.

She needs to spend time in prison.

i'm cackling out loud re-reading this.

Lover ♥️

Love her more than amber bore now Smile

Legend. All Star. Icon.

I'm trolling a lil kinda still love amber but nurys will actually raise her voice an octave at least Smile


I'm trolling a lil kinda still love amber but nurys will actually raise her voice an octave at least

It's okay. The original comment was just fine.


I'm trolling a lil kinda still love amber but nurys will actually raise her voice an octave at least

It's okay. The original comment was just fine.

she's the new school cara no? Smile
