I will forever stand by Jenna being entertaining during her stint on the show. I will never understand the " boring " accusations when she was involved in drama every season she was on except FR & that was only because she was booted first.
She had more personality on her live yesterday than both season she's been on combined. But, she did talk in "inside jokes" which is so annoying. Like girl just say it
Production turned Jenna into comedic relief, they aren't doing that with Moriah.
And, throw stones at me if you want but Jenna was confrontational except when it came to Zach.
Mariah is the biggest doormat this show has seen. She'd be amazing as a Price Is Right model but get her off The Challenge though.
I will forever stand by Jenna being entertaining during her stint on the show. I will never understand the " boring " accusations when she was involved in drama every season she was on except FR & that was only because she was booted first.
Compared to the mess we get now Jenna is definitely gold
One thing about Jenna is, she always had a storyline (except Rivals 3).
Moriah is the female Chauncey, they both have popcorn muscles and are in the gym 24/7 but I have yet to see what they are good at.
this comparison makes more sense to me
I need to see Moriah actually get down with someone.
Seems like a good partner to have if someone needs someone who can keep pace. But left to her own devices?
She and Colleen might be the best female eaters on this based off that last challenge.
LMAO how am I just finding out she wrote a song about Bananas?!
She had more personality on her live yesterday than both season she's been on combined. But, she did talk in "inside jokes" which is so annoying. Like girl just say it
Probably the least interesting of Bananas rookie groupies.
Just realized her initials are MJ same as Michael Jackson
Looks like a man in drag.
Shut up brolic little girl.
The sad reality is that most of these girls are picking their men first to be saved over eachother.
Is that sad? If you were giving me good **** I'd definitely prioritize you over everybody
what ever happened to sisterhood?
I hope James cheat on her so bad, idc
They aren't together I don't think either was taking it more seriously than what it was... a fling.
She's so annoying like shut up. Said more in 7 angry tweets then she has in 40 episodes. NO ONE IS IMPRESSED WITH INTERNET ONLY ENERGY.
that makes her actions on the show so much worse.
I like her but tbh if this was her last appearance, I wouldn't complain.
Who's gonna debate her?
you can't argue with stupid lol moriah doesn't have enough going on upstairs to argue with