Wack season, wack elimination matchups. Giving the likes of Darrell, Cara and Laurel non-physical with the aspiring winners is just stupid. Point proven is that the champs are 0-3 in back to back episodes. zzzz
I get that but at the same time no girl has a chance in anything physical against Cara or Laurel. Like look at the lineup mayyybe Moriah? I'm sure production thought this too and the point of the season is to let these new people shine.
Wack season, wack elimination matchups. Giving the likes of Darrell, Cara and Laurel non-physical with the aspiring winners is just stupid. Point proven is that the champs are 0-3 in back to back episodes. zzzz
I get that but at the same time no girl has a chance in anything physical against Cara or Laurel. Like look at the lineup mayyybe Moriah? I'm sure production thought this too and the point of the season is to let these new people shine.
Isn't that the point tho? If they want to be champs they gotta beat champs. If they can't they go home. The new people are boring and ratings tanked because production tried to let them shine only for them to not break any status quo and being able to be worse or equal to the vacation alliance from spy themed seasons.
Didn't y'all used to complain about too many physical eliminations and wanting more backyard style games? They gave it to y'all this season and USA 2 and y'all still mad!
Didn't y'all used to complain about too many physical eliminations and wanting more backyard style games? They gave it to y'all this season and USA 2 and y'all still mad!
We want whatever outcome is going to entertain us the most at the time. If it's oldies vs brolics, we want carnival games. If it's freaks we hate vs brolics we love, we want physical.
As great as it would've been to see CM dominate in a physical elimination against Michelle, Michelle is one of the few that actually bring something this season, so I''m glad she's there
I'm shocked Balls In wasn't given to Darrell, Cara, or Laurel. I think they must've thought they'd kill a newbie.
I get that but at the same time no girl has a chance in anything physical against Cara or Laurel. Like look at the lineup mayyybe Moriah? I'm sure production thought this too and the point of the season is to let these new people shine.
The eliminations were rigged and setup for the outcome they wanted.
Isn't that the point tho? If they want to be champs they gotta beat champs. If they can't they go home. The new people are boring and ratings tanked because production tried to let them shine only for them to not break any status quo and being able to be worse or equal to the vacation alliance from spy themed seasons.
The producers clearly do not want to lose Michele. She has like 120 confessionals. She's their new face.
Cara was an idiot for picking Michele when you could clearly tell it was going to be a puzzle.
Why waste Laurel and CM with these eliminations???
True Survivor people tend to be GREAT at puzzles
Didn't y'all used to complain about too many physical eliminations and wanting more backyard style games? They gave it to y'all this season and USA 2 and y'all still mad!
We want whatever outcome is going to entertain us the most at the time. If it's oldies vs brolics, we want carnival games. If it's freaks we hate vs brolics we love, we want physical.
As great as it would've been to see CM dominate in a physical elimination against Michelle, Michelle is one of the few that actually bring something this season, so I''m glad she's there
Both Emanuel and Kyland have said Michele did the puzzle on her own.
Having ChatGPT downloaded to her brain is not doing it alone.
The Challenge having its first AI winner was bound to happen.
She's so good it's comparable to Artirificial intelligence what an icon
Artirificial? Damn you really exposed ha as bootlegged AI.