The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion- Countdown To Chaos

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Production doing something to help Jordan?? What a surprise! 

I wish a big time celebrity that watches this show would call out production for rigging so they could fix their ways. But they will forever get away with it since the cast is too scared to say anything minus the 2 USA cast members that dragged production knowing they have zero desire to return. 

I decided to watch a few minutes of this after hearing yall hype my dude Asaf...who should have been a regular YEARS ago. And do they just have 1 confessional look this season like RW: Skeletons & Exes? Cause they all have the same confessional outfits from the preseason special I watched lol.

So Ciarran absolutely got rigged out. So it was 5 rounds but the impression was that it was originally going to be (not sure if it was said out loud or not) 2 out of 3. So Ciarran burns absolutely all of his energy and wins the first two rounds while Jordan barely tries. Then, production comes out to "adjust" something and round 3 begins and then Jordan wins 3 straight. Rigged? Damn right.

They have been rigging since forever and it happens all the time. Nothing knew. Ask Beth. Ask Sylvia and Joss. Ask many others.

From Ciarran's interview, to me, it sounds like they went from a light system on an algorithm to one where a producer was controlling the lights. He even said Jordan was allowed to wait near a light and hit it and when Ciarran tried to do the same thing to make up a point, his shut off and turned on the other side. So shady. This show is a joke.

Even though nothing will come of it as usual, I still like when production's lack of integrity is called out. Skye, Elmer, Justin, Danny, & Julie lack common ethic and morals and I'm glad their failure at their job is finally being reflected in the ratings.

i'm laughing TJs hands were trembling when he said Ciarran won round one.. he was SCARED

i'm laughing TJs hands were trembling when he said Ciarran won round one.. he was SCARED

I saw that too but that could be neurological issues lingering from his TBI. TJ has been wobbly in the past.

Even though nothing will come of it as usual, I still like when production's lack of integrity is called out. Skye, Elmer, Justin, Danny, & Julie lack common ethic and morals and I'm glad their failure at their job is finally being reflected in the ratings.

Yup, hope they all get canned when this gets cancelled on MTV and the CBS execs hire some competent producers.

Also LOL @ the insinuation that the boring WC will get a Season 2.

so how much is wes getting paid to promote this season? 

Producers need to get a JOB they are so bad

Amazing episode 

So they said it went to 3 and then after Ciaran won 2 Jordan threw a tantrum and they had the producers "Decide" where the buttons went and Jordan won the last 3? 


If johnny or CT had done this..

I believe Ciarran that it was rigged.  They changed it to be no physical contact

They have been rigging since forever and it happens all the time. Nothing knew. Ask Beth. Ask Sylvia and Joss. Ask many others.

Ask coral, irulan, and Sophia too. 

I've watched just random clips of this and almost every single time it's Jay saying how close him and Asaf are. It's getting weird, Asaf is going to need a restraining order soon.

Imagine if production did their job properly and had cast Asaf starting with Dirty 30 when he was single, messy, and less grungy looking. The fact that him and Nurys were ignored for years but have the best presence on this show show how incompetent production is.

i just realized they made no money from the daily (unless i missed something), that prize pot prob so small 

I'm sad we lost Ciarran, he was being one of my favorite males. I hope he comes back another season.

The boot order keeps being tragic, as usual in the latest seasons

I'm sad we lost Ciarran, he was being one of my favorite males. I hope he comes back another season.

The boot order keeps being tragic, as usual in the latest seasons

The boot order minus Juyjuy is the only good thing about this season so far lol. All the freaks and flops are leaving early. 

ciarran robbed. i hate the way jordan won that elimination, i really need fessy to **** him up again. i really dislike how much love and props cast members and tj give jordan, i may sound like a hater but it is what it is. 

Also black man to black man Corey is so goofy


I'm sad we lost Ciarran, he was being one of my favorite males. I hope he comes back another season.

The boot order keeps being tragic, as usual in the latest seasons

The boot order minus Juyjuy is the only good thing about this season so far lol. All the freaks and flops are leaving early. 

how is juyjuy not a good boot order? She is just boring tv.

Cause I enjoyed her.

So Jordan was losing 2-0 and complained to production and then all of a sudden someone from production started magically deciding where the lights went?

It's just too funny atp .  What if someone  heard Bananas or Wes was doing this? 

So did the champs bring in the ratings like production assumed they would or nah lmaooo

I am so over this franchise never finished episode 4 and hardly paid attention to episode 5 was to busy watching bb Chile. Did anything good happenned? Why ar ppl mad about Jordan?

Btw we need this short king on season 40 throwing more hands than anyone since we at of the worlds 2

Lmaooo not the midget!

If anyone other than Jordan spent a round just standing there people would be calling them a sore loser.

And, I'm not sure (I am sure why, actually) why people are acting like Jordan purposely threw two rounds when Ciarran outright beat Jordan in the first.

Even if nothing shady happened, Jordan was babysitting one side and Ciarran was still moving around. Maybe Ciarran is just dumb but that's what felt odd to me.

Jordan outsmarted him period. He's done many times in the past against Darrell, Josh, Theo. Zach and others
