The Challenge: Battle For A New Champion- A Banana Split

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The Challenge: Battle For A New Champion- A Banana Split

Epsiode: 9

Cracks in the alliances begin to show themselves as one Contender works to flip the house vote. Multiple romantic scandals come to a head as one of the Contenders is confronted about being unfaithful.

Moriah being outed as a cheater when no one ever has this energy for Bananas himself, who is a serial cheater, is giving when they gave an award to Cory for most hook ups.

Doesn't Tory try and call her out on cheating? The same girl who cheated on Derrick to try and create a bootleg version of CT and Diem?  But no one is surprised this anti-women roided freak is giving the male a pass while ignoring the dozens of times John has cheated. Hopefully Saint Amanda uses her Twitter for thr greater good to call her out.

Moriah did what bananas has done to every girlfriend he had at home when filming this show . So it's justified. 

Honestly who gives a shit, Everyone cheats on this show its not this big scandal anymore to me. 

You can always count on the challenge fandom to drag a woman for "cheating" (they werent exclusive or "dating") and turn a blind eye to the mans entire dating history being filled with cheating.  

i also dont know why theyre acting like bananas isnt bothered. Months later and he still throwing shade towards her about it

Please, let's not act like the fandom isn't judging Emanuel for cheating, but giving Melissa a fair pass.  

Either way, it's not that serious. 

i need production to run back a clip of him saying he has a girlfriend from the special they aired before episode 1 tonight, if moriah gonna get used as a storyline, so should emmanuel

Please, let's not act like the fandom isn't judging Emanuel for cheating, but giving Melissa a fair pass.  

Either way, it's not that serious. 

its a forum to discuss, nobody ever said it was "serious". Its one of the few storylines this season has, so yes Im entertaining it.


also is emanuel getting dragged? I would think that would happen after the episode, if at all. And i doubt it would be as many people that are coming at moriah because she didnt want to stay monogamous to community ****.

Callum is the only guy I've seen get hate for cheating this season.

But, if I speak further...

Well they made Callum's storyline cheating. He made is seem real slimey. Others they keep more quiet.

Callum is the only guy I've seen get hate for cheating this season.

But, if I speak further...

Well they made Callum's storyline cheating. He made is seem real slimey. Others they keep more quiet.

Emanuel is blatantly cheating in this episode based on the previews, so I'll reserve judgment until tonight.

And tbh idc what these people do when it comes to cheating, but it is always funny to see who gets more heat for doing the same things as others.

I didnt realize Emanuel had a girlfriend or was getting a storyline. Hopefully he gets bullied off reality tv shows I watch for good.

oh Emmanuel was trying to get with EVERYBODY Lol

did they really need that line about "this champ is one of the GOATs" you can tell it was a re-recorded voiceover too

I thought Emanuel cheating happened later but he was wildin bts lol

why did one team have three people ??? they couldnt just have one person sit out???

Asaf baby NOBODY is scared of you.

Kyland is unstable 

Kyland funny af for that.

I'm need him to be on that the rest of the season lmao.

What other reason for there to be back to back girls day?

One thing about Kyland he gonna bring up somebody's family member

Why is twitter siding with kyland over asaf. Are yall mental like your fave?

Why is twitter siding with kyland over asaf. Are yall mental like your fave?

Because he's Melissa ally and stan twitter are in love with her

ASAF did nothing wrong. I did miss the first 15 minutes so maybe that's when he made a deal with Melissa but who cares she throws drinks in peoples face for no reason. ASAF is king. Kyland is a try hard



Why is twitter siding with kyland over asaf. Are yall mental like your fave?

Because he's Melissa ally and stan twitter are in love with her

I liked Melissa until last episode. She can go now. 

Well Asaf and Melissa did promised to have each other's back at the start of the season

why did one team have three people ??? they couldnt just have one person sit out???

They have been too dumb to understand the art of sitting people for decades now. We will never understand the stupidity of production on this show. They prove over and over they are dumb af.
