The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Tori Deal

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Euthanasia (not michele)

Wow a witch, a hog, and a hobo. Sick halloween pic!

Wow a witch, a hog, and a hobo. Sick halloween pic!

Who is the witch and who is the hobo? 


Wow a witch, a hog, and a hobo. Sick halloween pic!

Who is the witch and who is the hobo? 

michele is the witch and cara is the hobo (bc look at her she looks dirty lmaooo)

michele is the witch and cara is the hobo (bc look at her she looks dirty lmaooo)

I'm asking Jenna4Eva what he meant. Back off. 

We need Tori to get pregnant. Somebody call ISIS or Osama Bin Laden's descendants.

Back on topic. the hog is a big fat pig and is overweight.. Mean bully girl attacking these other girls with her extra weight. She should be ashamed of herself.

you need to find some happiness in your life - clearly something is off if you enjoy fat shaming people who aren't even fat on the internet. Grow up and do better. It's a nasty look. 


michele is the witch and cara is the hobo (bc look at her she looks dirty lmaooo)

I'm asking Jenna4Eva what he meant. Back off. 

or what? 

you need to find some happiness in your life - clearly something is off if you enjoy fat shaming people who aren't even fat on the internet. Grow up and do better. It's a nasty look. 

Tell him! 


We need Tori to get pregnant. Somebody call ISIS or Osama Bin Laden's descendants.

She looks like she's pregnant.



Wow a witch, a hog, and a hobo. Sick halloween pic!

Who is the witch and who is the hobo? 

michele is the witch and cara is the hobo (bc look at her she looks dirty lmaooo)



Wow a witch, a hog, and a hobo. Sick halloween pic!

Who is the witch and who is the hobo? 

Michelle is Bellatrix and Cara is the hobo Smile


Back on topic. the hog is a big fat pig and is overweight.. Mean bully girl attacking these other girls with her extra weight. She should be ashamed of herself.

you need to find some happiness in your life - clearly something is off if you enjoy fat shaming people who aren't even fat on the internet. Grow up and do better. It's a nasty look. 

Maybe I can find happiness like her and eat fattening foods all day long. Shes a fat disgusting hog. She needs to go on a diet immediately. I can see her fat disgusting botched pig face on a future episode of my 500 pound life in the future. Better? Smile

Tori Deal, you are beautiful just the way you are. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Kiss 2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2

Tory has a million things you can attack her for...why do you insist on going on about her weight? Drag her being cringe, annoying, fake, a terrible competitor, a flop, a cheater, being an escort, giving KVM groupons for her services...etc. She isn't fat in the slightest.

Tori Deal, you are beautiful just the way you are. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Shes uglyyy

Tory has a million things you can attack her for...why do you insist on going on about her weight? Drag her being cringe, annoying, fake, a terrible competitor, a flop, a cheater, being an escort, giving KVM groupons for her services...etc. She isn't fat in the slightest.

Shes a pig.. a very fat pig.

Queen <3

400 pound behemoth

Queen <3

She clearly ate the dog's food too.. every night for the last 5 years.

She clearly ate the dog's food too.. every night for the last 5 years.

stop projecting!


She clearly ate the dog's food too.. every night for the last 5 years.

stop projecting!

I'm not projecting. I'm 450 pounds and have a 57 bmi just like her.

Hi here4realityTV! I hope you're doing well these days! <3 Kiss 2 Smile

She looked beautiful in her dress at the reunion. Kiss 2

My ******** queen 

My forever queen 

Shes so much more likeable without Devin but I still couldnt root for her this season.. Anytime her and Jordan are on a season together you know its gonna be some friendship final bullshit. All in all she was tolerable to me for the first time since D30.

Also, for how much she trains shes just not that great at finals lol. Funny how anytime she has slightly competent competition in a final she flops. I dont see her winning again unless Nany and Aneesa her competition.

Yall seem to forget she won the mini final against all the champs like... she doesn't always flop in every final type challenge she's in
