The Challenge: Battle of the eras - Rachel Robinson

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I'm all these horrible things and you're so experienced in life, and have such an amazing life! And you never say anything bad or wrong about people, yet here you are saying those things about me LOL. The jokes write themselves atp.

Anyway. The hate Rachel gets is weird, just unfollow her on Twitter...cause she is annoying there. But honestly I wouldn't be sad if she didn't return. OG spots are limited...even on "All-Stars" lol so I'd rather those go to more messy OGs.

You good @WannabeBlackSchooler? You seem to be spiraling today my dude.

I'm all these horrible things and you're so experienced in life, and have such an amazing life! And you never say anything bad or wrong about people, yet here you are saying those things about me LOL. The jokes write themselves atp.

Have I been banned for ignorance 3 times? Nope...not even once. Do I say things and the joke doesn't land as anticipated? Yes. Have I gone too far with some jokes or corny photo edits? Yes. And I try to do better going forward. I said something today and I was DM'd and told that it was too far...I reflected and realized it was and it was something I didn't have a place to speak on so I edited it. I don't double down and keep calling lesbian women men. I don't keep using the r word when people say it's offensive. I admit when I'm wrong and aim to do better. I don't double down. Just like when you pretended to be offended about a comment on Brad's beards...I tried to understand if it was offensive and apologized...but you didn't want to have an open convo. You just wanted to pick a fight cause you are weirdly obsessed with picking fights with me.


I'm all these horrible things and you're so experienced in life, and have such an amazing life! And you never say anything bad or wrong about people, yet here you are saying those things about me LOL. The jokes write themselves atp.

Have I been banned for ignorance 3 times? Nope...not even once. Do I say things and the joke doesn't land as anticipated? Yes. Have I gone too far with some jokes or corny photo edits? Yes. And I try to do better going forward. I said something today and I was DM'd and told that it was too far...I reflected and realized it was and it was something I didn't have a place to speak on so I edited it. I don't double down and keep calling lesbian women men. I don't keep using the r word when people say it's offensive. I admit when I'm wrong and aim to do better. I don't double down. Just like when you pretended to be offended about a comment on Brad's beards...I tried to understand if it was offensive and apologized...but you didn't want to have an open convo. You just wanted to pick a fight cause you are weirdly obsessed with picking fights with me.

Waiting for the last time I said the r word or said lesbian women are men. Good luck searching far back. I ain't do none of them things in a minute.

What is your point? Do you think you exposed me? I tried multiple times to make cool with you and you continued obsessing and picking fights with me. You pick fights on every post I have in public but ignore my DMs cause you don't attention for it there. You don't get applause from the anti-Kajun peanut gallery there. Which you clearly need.

Waiting for the last time I said the r word or said lesbian women are men. Good luck searching far back. I ain't do none of them things in a minute.

I wasn't referring to just you...but congrats I guess for going a few months without saying anti-trans or using a slur for people with special needs. Probably isn't from growth but more from you are scared of getting banned for a final time.

If you think I'm scared of being banned....LMAO well anyway. Once again I'll ask because I'm nice like that, are you good? You seem to be spiraling today everytime I state facts about you BlackSchooler.

If you think I'm scared of being banned....LMAO well anyway. Once again I'll ask because I'm nice like that, are you good? You seem to be spiraling today everytime I state facts about you BlackSchooler.

Oh, you are afraid. That's the only reason your bigotry  stopped. Are you good? You have been obsessively fighting with me and trying to pick a fight no matter how mundane my opinion is for nearly a year if not longer. That's not normal behavior. I can have a Vevmo feud and be fine 3 seconds later. Hell, UKLover is my favorite poster as of recent. You don't call any facts out. You try to deflect your own bigotry on to me and act like you a woke god when you rival Trump as the most angry bigot on the internet.


If you think I'm scared of being banned....LMAO well anyway. Once again I'll ask because I'm nice like that, are you good? You seem to be spiraling today everytime I state facts about you BlackSchooler.

Oh, you are afraid. That's the only reason your bigotry  stopped. Are you good? You have been obsessively fighting with me and trying to pick a fight no matter how mundane my opinion is for nearly a year if not longer. That's not normal behavior. I can have a Vevmo feud and be fine 3 seconds later. Hell, UKLover is my favorite poster as of recent. You don't call any facts out. You try to deflect your own bigotry on to me and act like you a woke god when you rival Trump as the most angry bigot on the internet.

You were literally just calling her a man like 2-3 days ago. You really cannot be this unhinged and insane. You went in on her for little to no reason...*****?

You were literally just calling her a man like 2-3 days ago. You really cannot be this unhinged and insane. You went in on her for little to no reason...*****?

Again, I don't take Vevmo feuds serious. She píśșed me off (in the realms of Vevmo) and so I retaliated and said something I knew would píșș her off. She's a cis woman so I figured misgendering her wasn't offensive, but it was explained to me how it could be. That was ignorance on my part and it won't happen again. Again...I've tried to make amends with you several times and apologize for whatever caused the drastic switch in your vevmo-relationship. You don't get attention for it there, just here so you have continued to start countless fights. That is unhinged behavior. Me responding to your non-stop harrassment isn't unhinged.


You were literally just calling her a man like 2-3 days ago. You really cannot be this unhinged and insane. You went in on her for little to no reason...*****?

Again, I don't take Vevmo feuds serious. She píśșed me off (in the realms of Vevmo) and so I retaliated and said something I knew would píșș her off. She's a cis woman so I figured misgendering her wasn't offensive, but it was explained to me how it could be. That was ignorance on my part and it won't happen again. Again...I've tried to make amends with you several times and apologize for whatever caused the drastic switch in your vevmo-relationship. You don't get attention for it there, just here so you have continued to start countless fights. That is unhinged behavior. Me responding to your non-stop harrassment isn't unhinged.

That's how a forum works, you can choose to reply or ignore. Have you calmed down yet? Or do you want to continue making low blows and then apologizing for them? Very trailer park white trash of you, I hope you have a horrible night BlackSchooler.

Good thing I'm drinking my CBD/THC drink tonight. I'm much calmer than I'd normally be.

That's how a forum works, you can choose to reply or ignore. Have you calmed down yet? Or do you want to continue making low blows and then apologizing for them? Very trailer park white trash of you, I hope you have a horrible night BlackSchooler.

I understand how a forum works. So you can try and pick a fight with EVERYTHING I do but if I respond, I'm all the sudden the unhinged one? Your delusions are frightening and you have zero responsibility or awarness. Sometimes I get caught up in the arguement and forget to realize everyone here and on the show is a real person and I say something I should't. Of course I apologize when I'm wrong as any natural person does. You've been baiting me and picking fights for a year and today I get annoyed enough and say something I shouldn't. That's not all the time. I hope you have a great night. I would never wish ill on someone over a messageboard feud. That's unhinged behavior HauserIveBeenBanned3TimesForBigotry.

Good thing I'm drinking my CBD/THC drink tonight. I'm much calmer than I'd normally be.

Do crack next time.


Good thing I'm drinking my CBD/THC drink tonight. I'm much calmer than I'd normally be.

Do crack next time.

This took me out. I was not expecting that.

Good thing I'm drinking my CBD/THC drink tonight. I'm much calmer than I'd normally be.

Do crack next time.

B^itch what are you saying!

Anyways back to Queen Rachel <3

not a fun day for our brave little freedom fighter

There would be less controversy with this if she did better in the final. We saw her come in third almost every part of it so that's why a Rachel win is so unsatisfying.  It would be one thing if she won the last leg of the final but she didn't. 

Haters gonna hate, she's a queen <3 love you Rachel!

With all due respect to you, miss Potato, "haters gonna hate" doesn't apply when it's people giving her valid criticisms instead of just hating on her for the sake of hating on her. 

Also, I've been so excited for you to find out about your girl Rachel's (rigged) win! I hope it wasn't spoiled for you! 

There would be less controversy with this if she did better in the final. We saw her come in third almost every part of it so that's why a Rachel win is so unsatisfying.  It would be one thing if she won the last leg of the final but she didn't. 

She also defends production's stupidity, which comes across as her knowing that the "karma" vote sucked but just doesn't want to admit it because of her ego, which is a bad look. 

If she would just be like "the rules are the rules and I didn't make them, I just played the cards I was dealt," she'd look a lot better. 

After all the shitty winners we've had lately, I am reveling in Rachel's win, rigged or not.  Get that bag, mama.

screaming how they will deadass rig a win for anyone except a black male. lmao Sad
